Is life on earth one big extraterrestrial science experiment?

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  1. Hokey profile image59
    Hokeyposted 13 years ago

    A group of researchers working at the Human Genome Project indicate that they made an astonishing scientific discovery: They believe so-called 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA is no less than genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms. … 01288.html

    What do you think?  big_smile

    1. wilderness profile image95
      wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      I would point out that a belief is not a scientific discovery.

      I would also be quite amazed if they can show that those sequences is the genetic code of ET life that has never been seen, much less put through a sequencer.

      1. Hokey profile image59
        Hokeyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Maybe man has seen these life forms. Could it be true that ufos have crashed on this planet and the life forms aboard were taken by the government as such as these. 1897 Alleged UFO Crashes April 17, 1897 – Aurora, Texas A mysterious ... http://uts. Download! UFO Hazards ...
        1947 The most famous UFO crash and cover-up on record is undoubtedly the Roswell UFO crash, which occurred in July 1947 in the New Mexico desert. But ...

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          Inquiring minds indeed! Hokey, you have got to find better sources of information!

          1. Hokey profile image59
            Hokeyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            Its all in fun. I actually first heard this theory in school.

            1. wilderness profile image95
              wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              I tell  you, there are some strange ideas out there.  While it might even be true (nearly anything is in this vast universe) to present it as a "scientific discover" is over the top!

              1. christiansister profile image61
                christiansisterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

                smile smile smile smile

      2. christiansister profile image61
        christiansisterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Oh my goodness you made me laugh out loud until I had tears. Really.

        1. wilderness profile image95
          wildernessposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          That's a good thing.  Really.  Tears are natures way of expelling ET genes.

    2. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
      Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Reckon, its the way we think and understand ...

      Recently a Genetics Research Institute, in California, also Claimed having "created" Artificial Life, in a Test Tube !

      Their Claim, caused the "usual Promotional uproar in Secular circles"... after being reported by the BBC and CNN etc. and being Flashed across  the world by the Western Media and Press.

      These, Reports shook the 'casual' Believer's Faith, to some Extent ... and generated the usual confusion for lay men, who had no means of verifying the validity, of Secular Media's Reported/Promoted "Breaking News."

      So I had to write a Hub, explaining ... "What the Lab. had created was not Artificial Life, but a new Virus ! "

      Anyway, in my Concept ... God, Is ... Meaning, He, in a Sense, Is, also  Extraterrestrial, and Terrestrial ... Simultaneously !
      Thus, I, in my Correct Belief, sleep tight, do not waste my time figuring out How I came into being ... or Why, I am ... for I know, The Purpose, of my Being in Belief.

      There are many things, we can only Know, via Belief.

      Thus, I reject all these Media Promoted Theories, and Claims ... about the Big Bang, Big Crunch, Earth's Magnetic Poles Flipping, Self-Evolution of Life, Area 51, Flying Saucers, Aliens, AI, Artificial life etc..

      And reject ... all, what the half baked Physicists, and Science Fiction writers, are still trying to figure out variously ...  as to How, do the Existent Formal Perfections, such, as the Humans, animals, trees, mountains, birds and Fishes etc., can Self-Exist, on an Earth... located in the Infinites of a Physical Universe.

      For I doubtlessly Believe, I have been Created by God  ... So, I sleep tight, I am happy, and contented ... For in Believing, I know, I am Being taken Good care of, by my Creator, Who Loves me ... like he Loves all his Creations.

      27th Feb. 2011

      1. Hokey profile image59
        Hokeyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Seems to me that scientific explanation is way more credible than a religous doctrine which has taken its stories from prior religions and then claimed them for themselves as the only truth.

        1. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
          Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years agoin reply to this

          The words, used in your comment, define your stance in Belief; namely,

          1. [Scientific] Explanation.
          2. [more] Credible
          3. Religious Doctrine.
          4. Prior [Religions]
          5. Claim [for themselves].
          6. [The only] Truth.

          While neither proselyting, nor in initiating a debate ... I will Explain the meanings of the words used.

          A Scientific Explanation is essentially a logics based Empirical Understanding ... in Defining the "Known" Extents, of the Cause, and the Being, of something. Thus, Science does not have anything more than a Mathematical, or an Observational and Experiments based Defining of  Existential Reality ... not The Truth of Reality.

          Credibility of any Concept, viz. the Question, of the Reality, of Matter ... In Science rests in Theoretical Conjectures about the Self-Existence of Matter; borrowed from prior Buddhism and Greek Rationality ... not The Truth, Governing Creation.

          Islam is not a Doctrine ... we Muslims, Follow, The Word, of God ... Stated in the Eternal Koran.

          Whereas a Doctrine, is a set of Religious, or Scientific beliefs, based on distinct personal Experience of a scholar; in an attempted Defining of the Truth of Existential Reality ... as a Scholar may See it, has heard it, or Understands it.

          Such Doctrines are taught at modern religious Seminaries, or Secularized School labs ... where Science and Modern religion are Still trying to figure out, such hows, as to what makes an hour old Turtle hatch-ling, eyes barely open, rushing out of its two feet below the sand burrow ... and heading straight out for the open sea...

          Science can only define up to the Theoretically plausible extent, and calls the action of an hour old turtle, a matter of "Animal Instinct." 

          All Religions, are Ordained ... but most of these get corrupted en route people ... but without exception, Religions are for the Good of Human kind, Promoting Peace, Harmony, Human Equality, Rights and Obligations ...

          While not getting into the Inter-Faith Dialogue nonsense, towards Common Grounds of the existing Religious Beliefs ... Modernism ... I say, Islam is the incorruptible Word of God, Ordained to remain Present, till the Judgment day  ... It Fights for the weak, and curbs the Powerful among Humans, and gathers all on the Plane of Human Equality ...

          Credible Science, on the other hand, has Given Humankind, the Fission and Fusion bombs, Viruses, that Might is Right etc..

          Muslims do not Claim, any Superiority over their Human brethren, on any flimsy Religious, Racial, Economic, Political, Material or a Military basis ... All Humans are Equal, in Islam, and have the Divine Rights of Life, Happiness, Equality, and Freedom.

          The Proof of Truth, Is, in Being ... I mean, I don't have to follow a Religion to Believe that the Sun is out there in the Sky ...  All Religions, are Primarily the Statings of Truth ... which Man cannot, beyond Science.


          1. Hokey profile image59
            Hokeyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

            You claim to not want to get into interfaith non-sense and then you say that Islam is the  Islam is the incorruptible Word of God, Ordained to remain Present, till the Judgment day  ...

            Its just the same thing. You CLAIM that your way is THE way. Only science has given us destruction? OH BoY..... yikes

            1. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
              Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years agoin reply to this

              What is generally called "Faith" these days ... is, what you have aptly described as "Religious Stories" ...

              Truth and Stories, are Never compatible ... One addresses Reality, Definitively ... while the other, deals in Theoretical Possibilities ... although Stories, can, and do have, "some" element of Truth, which generally is the basis of all Stories.

              It is for this "reason'' ... I call an Interfaith Dialogue, a sheer waste of time ... And, Nonsense ... lets see if you can tell me ... what would you call, a thing, which does not make any Proper Sense, meaning, something which intrinsically is a Story ... and is being "proffered" as the Truth ... ?

              Incompatibles never Reconcile. Thus, it never makes any sense, to compare Truth, with Stories ... The best course for the Believer in Truth ... is to State Truth, and leave it at that.

              In these modern day popular, Interfaith Dialogues, mostly Story Tellers are trying to gain time, politically ... they know The Truth ... that in order to become acceptable, they need time, to Scientifically establish the validity of their  False stance in Stories.

              Good bye my friend.

    3. pisean282311 profile image62
      pisean282311posted 13 years agoin reply to this future we would try to create life on other planets...if we can think of it why can't other species on some other planet...very much possible..and infact that is more possible than religious defined god theme...

      1. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
        Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Life ... in your definition is a Physical Form, it may have the name, Smith or  George !

        My friend, the Element, which Constitutes, the Human, or other Forms, is ... "Matter" ... and Matter hath been Created by God, then He gave Matter, many Forms, and Blessed the Material Form, with a Soul, hence, unto the Living Form.

        All Species, Elements and Compounds ... Organic and Inorganic Structures ... are Composed of Matter ... so is the Form ... So is the Soul ... Ordained by God alone ... not the Created Human.

  2. christiansister profile image61
    christiansisterposted 13 years ago

    Oh my goodness. Thank you!!! Very good.

    1. Hokey profile image59
      Hokeyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      It does make for interesting conversation.

      1. christiansister profile image61
        christiansisterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Yes it truly does and very interesting imaginations also. smile

  3. profile image60
    logic,commonsenseposted 13 years ago

    I read a short story in Vertex several years ago and the premise was that we were just a speck in a petri dish.

    1. christiansister profile image61
      christiansisterposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      That reminds me of nursing school in Microbiology. It starts your mind on a journey of life planes.

    2. Shahid Bukhari profile image60
      Shahid Bukhariposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      We are the Epitome of Creation ... let Vortex and Microbiology say, as much as then can See and Understand !

  4. paradigmsearch profile image60
    paradigmsearchposted 13 years ago

    My favorite theory for a long time has been that we are indeed lab rats in a science experiment.

    As to who the experimenters are…, I have not a clue. smile

  5. immolated profile image58
    immolatedposted 13 years ago

    The most baffling thing of all-the human spirit. All creatures and biomaterial is generally the same building blocks, but the human spirit is a magnificent thing! We are the only thing with it, despite all the other creatures we share the same building materials with, ie nuerons, dna, rna, chromosomes,etc. If we did encounter an Alien, and I do not discount or disbeleive that, but would it have a spirit or be animalistic? I beleive personally that is what seperates us from evrything else in the universe and that was Gods true gift. He could have given it to Aliens or dogs instead.

    1. paradigmsearch profile image60
      paradigmsearchposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      Lab rats (us) are not magnificent.


      Lab rats (us) are just another part of the universe, not separate from it.


      Lab rats (us) are most certainly not the most special thing in a universe consisting of an almost infinite number of galaxies, planets, etc.


      To think otherwise is the height of hubris.


      I am departing from this now-religious thread.

      1. Hokey profile image59
        Hokeyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Why does that always happen.

  6. Bronson_Hub profile image61
    Bronson_Hubposted 13 years ago

    There's a south park episode about this.  Our planet is a reality show experiment.  The success made for amazing ratings in the universe's reality series.  The show scoring the highest ratings:  Earth! … -cancelled

  7. immolated profile image58
    immolatedposted 13 years ago

    How can anyone possibly keep the idea of a Creator from conversation on extraterrastrial life? It just blows when anyone says "You cannot take the conversation there. Only where I want it too." The awesome thing about conversation is the sharing of ideas. But when one faces grandiloquent and condescending feedback, it is time to say adios. Before we see into the stars, we will have to see past ourselves.example-my opinion is right and I will speak it and if you do not accept it, you suck. If you talk about this or that, this topic is no longer worthy of my presence. LOL If there is an Alien society out there, I really do not blame them for staying away from us.

  8. superwags profile image67
    superwagsposted 13 years ago

    Prof Nick Bostrom hypothesised in a recent book that we live within a simulation. He makes quite a convincing argument for it.

    1. Hokey profile image59
      Hokeyposted 13 years agoin reply to this

      So would that be like the matrix?


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