Real or Bogus? The News Headline Game
The daily News is often riddled with stories almost too outrageous to believe. Now you can test your knowledge of genuine current news events by playing the Real or Bogus? Game.
To play along: get out a piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Number your paper 1-15. Next, scroll down and read the following headlines – and remember some of these are REAL and some are completely BOGUS. Mark on your paper your choice of REAL or BOGUS for each individual headline. Answers can be found below the “Headlines” section. Each correct answer is worth 10 points, for a possible total score of 150.
Have fun and good luck!
1. 6-Year Old Suspended for Kissing Girl On Hand
2. Obama Poses for Selfie During Nelson Mandela’s Memorial Service
3. Switzerland to Consider Atheism Official National Religion
4. Selena Gomez Curses and Storms Off-stage At Jingle Bell Ball
5. Kanye West Boots Fan Out of Concert For Heckling Him
6. Twins Born Eight Days Apart
7. Man Draws Sword, Demands Six Tacos Free of Charge
8. ‘Cannibal Sandwiches’ Sicken Wisconsin Residents
9. Missing Nevada Family Found Alive and Well at Nearby Denny’s
10. State Media declares China’s Smog Has Benefits
11. Fake Sign Language Interpreter Used at Mandela’s Memorial
12. Canadian-born Justin Bieber Selected for Knighthood
13. Alabama KKK Grand Wizard attends Mandela’s Memorial
14. Caffeine Withdrawal Linked to “Knockout Game”
15. South Florida Nudist Says Naked Pictures of His Daughters Are Family Portraits
Scroll past photo to find out which of these headlines are Real or Bogus!
1. Real
2. Real
3. Bogus
4. Real
5. Real
6. Real
7. Real
8. Real
9. Bogus
10. Real
11. Real
12. Bogus
13. Bogus
14. Bogus
15. Real
This Hub ©December 11, 2013 by Beth Perry