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The Boston Bombing and CNN's Unrelenting News Coverage

Updated on April 24, 2013

It has been over a week or so since the event, the Boston terrorist bombing occurred. The event was horrendous but not as bad as many actually are in terms of death and destruction. The news coverage by all the news media devoted most, if not all, their coverage to the event as they unfolded, often making errors caused by fast moving events. Once the capture of the remaining terrorist was completed, the news organizations should have reduced the coverage time of this event.

CNN's coverage was fine at first but slowly became redundant with continual rehash of events and "specials" that simply relieved the events over and over. The continuous coverage remains and is very redundant. They bring in experts who really say the same things over and over because there is no real new news.

I am sure CNN is doing it for prestige and ratings but for the viewer, this one is totally sick of it. How many times do I need to relive it or hear about how great Boston is and how the attack only made America stronger. Every news show sounds like a repeat of facts using different words and images. When they run out of topics, they focus on the "heroes", which sometimes is totally inaccurate - the person just happened to be there and helped another person. That is not a hero to me, that is what anyone would normally do.

Meanwhile, while CNN devotes everything on this event, other world events occur that are not mentioned or just noted, as if to say, oh, yes, other things are happening. For instance, there is no mention that both Assad and Iran have crossed the so called "red lines" threatened by President Obama and Israel. The time for action against Iran’s capacity to build a bomb, which he termed an existential threat to Israel must be counted in months or this summer. Otherwise, it will too late. Last September, Israel made public its own red line. Since that time, Iran has been doubling efforts to create more nuclear material. President Obama stated to Assad that using chemical weapons is a red line for NATO. Well, tests have returned from the UK about suspicious conditions and reactions of fighters in and around Aleppo a week ago. The tests show small amounts of Sarin were used. The US response is almost nothing.

CNN and others, make no mention of this. At least, Fox and MSNBC cover other topics and news occurring in the world. CNN's approach is overkill on the Boston event. They smother it from all angles until the viewers are simply sick of it, they turn it off or switch the channel.


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