Chris Hemsworth
News & Notes
Chris is Australia's Travel spokesman here's his Austrailia trip Diary
past news
Mjolnr (Thor's Hammer) for Best Prop Oscar nom. (sorry but for some reason the Gatsyby trailer is 'attached' to it)
Chris Won a People's Choice Awards for Favorite Action movie Star (2014)
*Lundgren says Chris Hemsworth for He-man
*Hemswood TripleThreat! Not only is Chris & Liam burning up the film in hollywood, but the Eldest Hemsworth brother Luke has said he's moving out to Hollywood as well to join his brothers. They do hope someday maybe they can do a movie together! (I think at least Chris & Liam should bein an Expendables 3 or 4 together! lol)
Alan Taylor the Game of Thrones is directing the project. The villains might be Enchantress and skurge with Loki playing a minor role but will play a big part in it.
Video of Chris
from SDCC 2016 Hall H
2012 GQ Man of the Year
The Thunder from Down under
Chris was Born in 1983 on August 11th, in Melbourne Victoria Australia, the middle son of Leonie and Craig Hemsworth. Raised in Melbourne the family Later moved to Phillip Island. The Hemsworth's would travel through different parts of Australia. Chris has worked in an Indigenous region in the Northern Territory on his Aunt & Uncle's farm.
Both of Chris' brothers are actors as well; The eldest son Luke & Liam the youngest & best known for co-starring along {& dating} Miley Cyrus in The Last song, and the upcoming Hunger Games.
Chris went to school at Hethmont Secondary College in Melbourne, Chris excelled at sports, particularly hurdles. He also enjoyed Water Polo and Football (soccer). Chris Grew up on Philip Island on the East coast & says he misses the surf of his homeland, compared to that of California. While Chris was 5 years of age, the family lived in an aboriginal Territory for a year and returned 5 years later.
In 2004 after being cast in Home & Away playing the son of a principle, Chris moved to Sydney & He was well rewarded for the role. As Best New Talent taking the Silver Logie, UK magazine Inside Soap Nominated him as Best actor in 2004. U.S. children's network Nickelodeon 'Crowned' him "BEST Hottie'. Meanwhile He became Prince of TV and later KING of Teen by teen magazine Dolly.
Captain, Prince & Oh MY GOD!!! (literally)
After Home & Away Chris played George Kirk, father of Captain James T. Kirk in J.J. Abrams 2009 Star Trek movie. He played Kale a small role (about 3-4 scenes) in
A Perfect Getaway (look closely at the 'scary' hitch hiker) recently out on DVD is Ca$h, starring as Sam Phelan alongside Sean Bean. In Cabin In the Woods he plays Curt Vaughan. The Movie was set to come out in 2010 but due to money woes of MGM studios, the outlook may be bleak. Its at least 'completed' so I hope that's a good sign it will come to theaters, or at least a direct to video. You will see him as Chad in the comedy Ollie Klublershturf vs the Nazis and Playing the lead in the Remake of Red Dawn. (which is another movie troubled by studio problems) Then 'Ye all bow'
In The U.S. on May 6th 2011 Chris will come crashing into theaters as Thor the Norse God of Thunder (Heathen Hurler of Mjollnir) in Marvel's silver screen adaptation of their comic series. Chris is also voicing the video game adaptation which as far as I have found will be available in the U.S. three days before (May 3rd) the Hammer falls in theaters. Here's a link to check out the 'THOR red Carpet Premiere (note I think its about 2 hrs long) Chris as well will be in the 2012 Avengers movie alongside Chris Evans as Captain America, as well as The Hulk, Iron Man, Nick Fury, & The Black Widow to name a few) Chris, having more of a surfer's body; had to majorly bulk up for the movies. Here's the article on How he did it , & a behind the scenes featurette during the filming of the movie
So far 2011 has been the year of accolades for Chris, from Cosmos Fun & Fearless male of the year to Cinema Cons Male star of tomorrow for Chris the sky's the limit.
I'm sure it is partially in part due to having been cast in a Marvel movie let alone as the lead in Thor (the Norse God of Thunder) Besides those blue eyes & Hot 6 pack. Surfer Boy Bulked up for the role. (so bring a little fan you might get a hot flash!) Chris also has 2 other movies shot earlier That has been on the backburner due to MGM's money Woes. However now Red Dawn will be released November 2nd 2012 & Cab in in the Woods April 13th 2012
In March 2011 Chris Received 2 Accolades Cosmopolitan's Fun Fearless Males of 2011 The honorees were lauded for being Playful & bold..while MTV asked the questions are you more fun or fearless?
"Probably more foolish, It's a fine line, isn't it? Depends on whose observing and making that assessment. I think it's a gray area. I'd like to think a bit of both. For me, it's about having the courage to live in the moment."
So, was the Aussie actor's brother, fellow hottie Liam Hemsworth, upset at all that he didn't get honored, as well?
"No, he's the fun, fearless one at home so he takes that title and holds it quite high," Chris teased.
Mr. Hemsworth was also Cinema Con's Male Star of Tomorrow The Aussie Native has been named CinemaCon's Male Star of Tomorrow. Chris received the distinction March 31st at at the National association of Theater owners Convention during the closing gala in Las Vegas. The Cinema Con's managing director Mitch Neuhauser was quoted as saying "With a successful small screen career in Australia, Hemsworth is sure to impress audiences with his upcoming role in Thor. We are excited for what the future holds for Hemsworth on the big screen."
Thor 3 banner (no official poster yet)
Thank Goodness for the Screen Junkies!
Likely Legit Footage
Thor: Ragnarok
Releases November 3 2017
Action, Adventure, Fantasy Comic adaptation
Ragnarok is the Norse apocalypse, so I am guessing this will either have something to do with that or is just the title for what will be the last in the Thor series. (Please no? Even though they aren't he standard Marvel Greatness I would rather see 9 Movies and why? because there are 9 worlds in Norse Mythology!)
I have also heard something about Thor is stranded on some planet (Planet Hulk?) without Mjolnr (his hammer) and has fight against Hulk
starring (besides the usuals)
Benedict Cumberbatch ... Dr. Stephen Strange
Cate Blanchett ... Hela
Anthony Hopkins ... Odin
Tessa Thompson ... Valkyrie
Idris Elba ... Heimdall
Karl Urban ... Skurge
Mark Ruffalo ... Bruce Banner / Hulk
Jeff Goldblum ... Grandmaster
Peter Dinklage...?
As far as a trail I saw from DailyMotion Thor- Ragnarok - Official Trailer (2017)by justdramas
I'm taking it as a fan made Trailer and if it is, it is quite convincing! Fenrir though not Harry Potter's Lupin pathetic looking but coulnd't they have used a Game of Thrones Direwolf? The Fire Giant just reminds me of a smaller version of the Titan from Clash of theTitans.
The side clip is DEFINITELY NOT a trailer and though the cinematography (lighting) looks awful! Looks like Legit Footage from the 'dailys'
C Hemsworth People sexiest man 2015
Sexiest man interview pt 2
Q & A Tweet
Recently Chris did a Q & A on his Twitter account and I thought I'd include what I could here for you
His favorite Ninja Turtle is Donatello
When asked Team peeta or team Gale (which brother Liam plays) (on the Hunger Games love interests he says "isn't it obvious? Peeta
His favorite holiday food is Christmas Ham
When asked if he could say anything in french he said Je t'aime
did your older brother (Luke) influence you and Liam wanting to be actors? Yes he started working before them and definately helped them get involved
Favorite Dance move.... The worm
Describes his fans in 3 words best. Fans. Ever.
Believer was an answer but the question was deleted
1 word to describe Robert Downey Jr. Legend
if you could travel in time, when would you go? forward in time
Favorite Dinosaur =Pterodactyl.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be.... Time travel
CheeseBurgers or Pizza Pizza, Pepperoni like Ninja Turtles (wait I thought they ate the hawaiian pizza with ham & Pineapples.. well maybe that was the 90s ones .. the new ones are so lame)
The better hemsworth - Leonie .. my mum
What occupation would be your dream job if you weren't an actor.... Zookeeper
If you could choose your last words what would they be? Bring me back to life
if you were stranded at sea and could have anyone you've portrayed with you, who would you choose? Thor, so we could fly the hell away from there
Fave Italian food Spaghetti Carbonara
Director he'd like to work with... CHristopher Nolan
if you could guest star on any present tv show, which one would it be? Peaky Blinders (I guess this is an Aussie show?)
If you could be any superhero aside from Thor who would it be? Mighty Mouse
Favorite Movie of All Time The Neverending Story
Eatinner with anyone dead or alive.... Jeff Buckley
Which remake of a movie would you like to be the lead actor in? THe Lion King... says he'd be scar
Coffee or Tea ... Coffee bit of Half & Half NO sugar
Favorite type of Music and band/artist ... I like singers/songwriters. Fave artist HAS to be Van Morrison
Best memory you have of the set (in the heart of the sea) Shooting on the water in the Canary Islands for 2 months. Such a beautiful place
Yes,Did you have a love for the sea and its creatures before this movie? I spent a lot of my time growing up in the ocean and have a lot of respect for its inhabitants.
Inspiration growing up Kelly Slater. I grew up watching every surf video I could find on him. He's probably the reason I started surfing.
Thik you'd ever do a movie with Liam? Yeah, I'd love to one day, if the right thing came up. But we might get sick of each other.
Most challenging part of fiming in the heart of the sea? Losing the weight. See the photo I tweeted earlier. I don't recommend it...
Just tried a new diet/training program called "Lost At Sea". Wouldn't recommend it.. #IntheHeartoftheSea
— Chris Hemsworth (@chrishemsworth) November 22, 2015
Having done comedy now along with drama, do you find it more challenging to make an audience laugh or cry? Comedy's probably harder, but both have their challenges.
in 3 words describe your heart of the sea character Ambitious noble and Hungry
His preparation for his role in the heart of the sea A lot of research around the book and the history behind these true events. Also had to go to sailing school!
Heart of the sea trailer
Filmography mini summaries
The following I have included some of CHris' movies as a little plot summary, review or something about them. I may have a longer Review further on the page for certain movies.
Marvel's Thor & Avengers Movies
Avengers This is the first movie I've seen in years that I want to watch over & over (like the Kids did with that annoying Barney years ago)
I don't think one can get sick of this movie. I've heard of poeple seeing it at least 5 times and that was witnin the first 2 weeks. (and depending what theater possibly close to $100 not including consessions!) but its worth it! If you have a blu-ray get it that way otherwise go out and buy one!
(you don't know what you are missing! The image is so much sharper than the theater screen!!)
Avengers Age of Ultron This was a disappointment for me compared to the original. It seemed rushed, maybe a bit cheesy even. Unlike the original, some of the shots (& 'emotion') felt forced.
In the Heart of the Sea
released December 11 2015 in the U.S.stars Chris Hemsworth, as Owen Chase
is about the the journey of the Essex in 1820 and the hunt for the Great white whale Moby Dick. more on Imdb
in Rush Chris plays a real life race car driver
He is in Star Trek in the beginning maybe 15 or so minutes.
Cabin in the woods if you like horror movies I think you will like it. I enjoyed it. It's not your run of the mill horror at first then becomes a bit cliche then there's an AWESOME twist to it, which I think is the reason most ended up liking the movie.
A Perfect Getaway - starring Timothy Olyphant, Mila Jovovich, and Steve Zahnand Kiele Sanchez in this suspense thriller Cliff and Cydney are on their honeymoon and hear of a grisley murder, before meeting two other couples. (Obviously I have to watch this again but I do remember enjoying it)
Cash is about a husband that well literally a suitcase of money falls on his car on the way home from work. Meanwhile the original owner of that money hunts them down to get it back and makes them pay it all back by any means. It also stars Sean Bean
Snow White & the Huntsman was DEFINITELY the better of the Snow white movies that came out last year. Mirror Mirror is nothing but silliness and was not really even that good.
Red Dawn a remake of the orignal from the 80s (i think). I enjoyed this more than the original.
Far & Away (or was this Saddle club)
Cabin in the Woods Poster
The Cabin in the Woods trailer
Chris in Cabin in the Woods
Cabin in the Woods ~ in theaters April 13th!!
Released FRIDAY April 13, 2012
plays Curt who's 'cousin' invites him and friends to hang out at his cabin. starts as a sweetheart boyfriend then once the gang is partying turns into the stereotypical cliched horny jock alpha male you see in horror movies.
Holden -(Jesse Williams) a new student in town
Marty- (Fran Krantz) a stoner (who figures it all out. & pretty loveable too)
Jules-Anna Hutchison The girlfriend who turns ditzy
Dana -(Kristen Connolly) the innocent friend of the ditz
The movie was cool, 1 part cliched one part twist. So the rules have changed.
You want him to do what? Are you sure?
Red Dawn
Red Dawn
Red Dawn
Release Date: November 21, 2012
Plays: Jed a returning Marine on leave for 2 weeks to visit family before his next deployment.
Plot: South (or was it North.. I forget) Korea invade with a load of B.S. to 'Save Us' (mmm let's see so its like the show 'V' of old only with people...?) a group of High school kids and his brother Jed, form the Wolverines (the schools mascot) to take back their home.
Stars:Chris Hemsworth, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Adrianne Palicki, Josh Hutcherson, Isabel Lucas, Josh Peck, Brett Cullen, Matt Gerald. Directed by: Dan Bradley
(trailer in Upcoming Movies section)
I'm surprised this wasn't in more theaters but then again it was delayed by all of MGM's woes, and as you can see its a few years old by the way Chris Hemsworth looks on the cover. There's other familiar faces, 'Tyra' from Friday Night Lights TV series, Peeta from Hunger Games (I hope that's the right character name) Josh Peck from Drake & Josh & Jeffery Dean Morgan aka John Winchester from Supernatural.
This was pretty intense and there's a part I almost cried but did scream NO! I'd say the action never really ends except a pause to catch your breath here & there. Chris Hemsworth's character Jed is on leave from the Marines for 2 weeks, before his next mission. It's pretty much kids having to suck it up and grow up fast and the "you're with us or against us," and that if you are against then you are screwed! B
Chris is a nominee for Australia's GQ Man of the Year
so is Liam, who will you vote for?
VOTE for GQ Man of the Year 2012
Vote For Chris as GQ's Man of the Year 2012
Luke, Chris & Liam Hemsworth
Hemsworth Holiday - NON-chris NEWS & clips
This section is devoted to Chris' Bros Liam & Luke (if I can find anything on Luke)
Luke has been co-starring in Westworld
Liam Vanity Fair on Catching Fire, Marrying Miley & working at a Penguin Parade
Liam in Love & Honor
Bench = Liam
Sibling Rivalry of the ages
THOR - Chracter Sketch
My Mjolnr (meow Meow) Keychain
Thor Official Trailer
Chris at Thor Premire
Released: May 6, 2010
Chris recently mentioned that playing Thor has been an "absolute dream".
He has also said that he found Sir Anthony Hopkins "inspiring" to work with
Inspiration:Norse Mythology & Marvel Comic Hero
Character back story: Thor- known as the Powerful Norse God of Thunder in Reckless arrogance reignites a war. Odin his father (adoptive father depding on what stories you go by) & King of Asgard banishes him from the relm of Asgard (pronounced ass-gaurd.. as far as my norse book explains) , to Earth to live among the mortals as punishment. ON Earth he must learn to be a true Hero & only by that will he be able to weild his famous Hammer Mjolnir (Mee-ol-ner) or as Kat Denning's Character Darcy calls it.."Meow Meow'
Thor takes place after the events of The Incredible Hulk, which means it's also set after the Iron Man movies.
Director Kenneth Branagh told The Los Angeles Times that what sets Thor apart from others is its mix of "antiquity and popcorn movie."
"Gods amongst men is a well-traveled path in drama and storytelling, and it can yield dramatic, romantic and comic tension," Branagh said. "We are presented here with this dynastic drama and all of the energy and imagination from the comic books. For us, story is above all and the creation of these two worlds - our earth and Asgard - and presenting a ripping adventure. If you have a strong story or even a great story - I hope and believe that we can reveal that - the special effects and all the rest are layers that add to it."
Age/Occupation: God of Thunder immortal
Personality type: arrogant
Signature look:
Warrior look with
hammer Mjolnr (spellings vary), Helmet, Strength belt and Gauntlet (glove)
Tall very muscular
V-neck T's
Resides: Asgard / Earth
Character connections:
Odin (father) -Anthony Hopkins
Frigga -Rene Russo (& is already signed on for a sequel)
Loki -Tom Hiddleston
Volstagg-Ray Stevenson
Heimdal -Idris Elba
Sif- Jamie Alexander
Fendral- Joshua Dallas
Hogun - Tadanobu Asano
Darcy- Kat Dennings
Jane Foster - Natalie Portman
Professor Andrews -Stellan Skarsgård
Agent Phil Coulson -Clark Gregg
Rene Russo gushes about Chris
"His arms!"
"He's huge. He's beautiful. I mean, not too big, but so beautiful."
Fun facts/trivia:
Chris can REALLY control Thunder & Lightning! ;-)
The Thor Hair is a wig.
"It's a pretty impressive costume, and I think anyone who put it on would look pretty cool," -Chris Hemsworrth
Writer J. Michael Straczynski, whose "Thor" comics storyline is serving as an influence on this film, has a cameo appearance in the film
The final choice for the role of Thor came down to brothers Chris Hemsworth and Liam Hemsworth. Chris found it funny: "We both came all the way over here from Australia and ended up battling against each other." tho' he bore no ill-will towards Liam, & claimed he was rooting for him to get the role.
To prepare for the role of Thor, Chris Hemsworth put on a massive amount of build and weight, through a six-month regime of trips to the gym and indulging in a massive diet of eggs, chicken, sandwiches, vegetables, brown rice, steak and protein drinks.
According to Chris Hemsworth, the action coordinators experimented with different combat styles, but ultimately the fighting technique Thor utilizes is an original one, based on boxing: stance low to the ground, with big powerful hip movements.
Comic book writer Stan Lee, who created Thor in 1962, has a cameo in the film (as he does in nearly all films based on one of his characters) as the truck driver who attempts to tow the hammer Mjolnir out of the crater it landed in... and fails miserably.
Not only did Chris but LIAM as well auditioned for he role of Thor, Here is a clip from an entertainment show about the experience
At the 2011 Cinemacon Chris Had this to say
"I shot 'Thor' a year ago, was cast six months before that, so it's been a long time of anticipation, but it's all heating up and we're very excited,"
Chris Enjoyed the Earth sets of the movie better than the Asgardian ones
"The stuff you see in the trailers with Natalie Portman, there's a real sense of humor to it, which I don't think we expected at the time," he said. "Thor is a real fish-out-of-water, and I'd actually just come from shooting the stuff in the other realm or world that we were in, with Anthony Hopkins and big elaborate set pieces and costumes, and he's fantastic and it was all wonderful, and then come to do the Earth stuff with Natalie Portman, Kat Dennings and Stellan Skarsgård, and Jane's in a T-shirt," he explained of feeling a bit shocked by the differences between the film's two settings, joking that it was nice to not have to wear his elaborate costume for a while.
"It felt incredibly uncomfortable, but also there was some comic relief to all that," Hemsworth said
Oh, no... this is Earth, isn't it?
For the first time in my life, I have no idea what I'm supposed to do...
The answers you seek shall be yours, once I claim what is mine
And you are an old man, and a fool!
Your ancestors called it magic... ...but you call it science. I come from a land where they are one and the same
I will end this...
(having a drink of Coffee)This drink..I like it! More! (smashes cup)
I have no plans to die today...
These people are innocent. You cannot sacrifice an entire race!
How dare you attack the son of Odin!
Chris Stuidied Mike Tyson & took hammer lessons.
.Chris put on so much muscle he couldn't fit into his costume
Chris & Liam competed for the role of Thor
Thor Dark World Poster
Thor 2: The Dark World
Release Date: November 8, 2013
I believe the only difference in cast is the loss of Joshua Dallas and instead Fendral was played by Zachary Levi
Stellan Skarsgård is back as Dr. Selvig with a er...well let's just say one it was funny but 2 I might be scarred for life.
Christopher Eccelston played Malekith
Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje played Algrim/Kurse
This go round Thor has to team up with Loki for help against an ancient force. This force of 'darkness' is inspected in a way by Jane Foster and Darcy. Jane goes to check something out and becomes inhabited by the dark matter. The Dark Elves of Svartalfheim are trying to get their hands on this Dark Matter for their ultimate plan.
Dark World Official
Thor2 feat 2
Thor 2 Feat. 3
One of my favorite parts..I'm Loki You may hav....
Thor Dark World "Which one of us can actually fly?"
ThorDarkworld 5
First Peak at Thor Comic Con
Talking about Thor 2011
Avengers - Character Sketch
Marvel's Avengers Movied & the Cinematic Universe
Movie: Avengers as Thor
Release Date: May 4 2012
Inspiration: Marvel Comics
Director:Joss Whedon
Character back Story: Watch Thor & Thor Dark World
Age/Occupation: Ancient Norse God of Thunder and the protector of midguard (Earth)
Personality Type: Bullheaded,
Signature Look: Armored and weilding his hammer Mjolnr Or just plain Ab-tastic
Resides: Asgard
Character Connections:
Iron Man, Captain America, Nick Fury, Black Widow, Hawkeye.
Fun Facts/Trivia:
Avenged the Box office making $1 billion worldwide and beating out Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 opening weekend totals.
(and just keeps going)
During the event of Captain America Civil War or "The Avengers Movie without Avengers in the Marquee)
Thor and Hulk are a missing at the end of Doctor Strange, he and Thor have a bit of a 'Tea party' in the New York sanctum where Thor is trying to find his father.
Avengers ~ Waaaay too much testosterone there!
Thor wallpaper
OMG Literally! ~Thor
Congratulations to Papa Hemsworth
Chris Hemsworth & Wife Elsa Pataky
are proud parents of Baby girl
India Rose
born Friday May 11, 2012
and Boys
Tristan & Sacha
(still search for exact date)
Tom Hiddlsteon at 2013 SDCC
Periodic Avengers
Chris is #5 on IMDB star meter Top 100 of 2011
Prestige under 40 Cover man
SnowWhite & the Huntsman
Chracter Sketch
Released: June 2012
Inspiration: Snow White (dark) Fairy Tale
Character back story: Lost wife & child was a soldier & now a Drunkard
Age/Occupation: Huntsman/Bounty hunter type headstrong drunkard
Personality type:Mostly quiet but a bit gruff
Signature look:Rough, dirty, Leather
Character connections: Snowwhite, Dark Queen, Dwarves
aside from "Twilight's Bella' being in it, Chris is great as the huntsman, esp. the part where he's supposed to be drunk and Charlize Theorn was great as the witch (and that's coming from someone who's not much of a fan of hers)
Snow white and the Huntsman interview
100% Grade A Aussie Beefcake
Chris GQ shoot collage
Leading Man to Superhero
On Australia's Dancing with the Stars
SDCC Bringing Thor to Life
Thor Interview
Chris and RDJ talk Avengers
Playing THOR has been an absolute dream
Mean's Health cover
Interview Magazine May 2011
Cashing in on the Facts
& Godly Stats
Eye color: Blue Height:6'3"
Notable feature(s): Those Crystal blue eyes
Education: Heathmonth Secondary College
Resides in: California
Chris Hemsworth Relationships
parents: Father Craig Mother Leonie
Siblings: 2 Brothers both actors as well
Older bro Luke (The Saddle Club 1 episode in 2003) With Chris &
Younger brother Liam (The Last Song, Expendables 2, & Hunger Games series)
Romance(s): Married (as of Dec 2011) to Elsa Pataky
a Spanish actress best known in America for starring alongside Samuel L. Jackson in 2006's "Snakes on a Plane
The relationship was made public in Sept 2010 at the Unmasking gala for the Resnick Pavilion at LACMA in Los Angeles
Daughter: India Rose Born Friday May 11, 2012 Twin Sons
Isabelle Lucas (Home & Away Co-star) until summer 2006
Was Rumored to have been dating Natalie Portman
Personal interests/hobbies: Chris is good at athletics..playing water polo, hurdles, & football. As a teen he learned to surf,
Career Highlights: Thor & Avengers
Non-acting careers:
Big break: Playing Captain Kirk's Dad in the 2009 Star Trek movie
Defining characters:Thor
Best movies: Avengers
Best TV: Home & away
Stage credits:
Other notable appearances/credits:
Frequent collaborator(s):
Other affiliations: Personal Trainer (@ least for Thor) Michael McKnight
Chris Hemsworth's Awards & Honors
Year Award Category/Recipient(s) Result
2011 Cosmopolitan's Fun Fearless males of 2011 (along with Pen Badgely of Gossip Girl) Honorees
2011 Cinema Cons Male star of tomorrow along with Ryan Reynolds & Blake Lively Honoree
2012 GQ Men of the Year Award
He plays guitar in his spare time
Likes the Show Glee
Listens to John Mayer
Can Be found eating McDonald's (is that pre or post Thor?)
HATEs Having his Picture taken
His Older brother Luke (Neighbors & The saddle Club) & Younger brother Liam (The Last Song & Triangle) are both Actors as well. click 4 more facts (There's a cute one, about 4-5 sections down)
Chris was on the Australian Version of Dancing with the Stars Season 5
Chris' first album was the Metallica Black album. He says a cousin of his was "educating him on Heavy metal" and purchased it for him. and Remembers "Pulling something in his neck at age 11 from headbanging- being kind of semi-paralyzed from trying to mosh and outdo each other"
Younger brother Liam (Last Song & Hunger Games) around 8 years of age threw a throwing knife (given by Grandpa) at Chris resulting in the handle hitting Chris in the head.The younger Hemsworth is also surprised that they made it to adulthood as the 2 would often fight, of one particular one which their mom tried to break apart and got a broken finger. At one point their parents went away for three months while leaving separating the boys. Liam & their older brother Luke went to their grandmother's while Chris went to an uncle's house. The two were trouble when around each other as they'd fist fight about anything including who would sit int he front seat
Thor odinson
interview Magazine - May 2011 =Ref=
We had a phone chat with Hemsworth, who was at home in Los Angeles, to talk about Thor, wigs, weaves, and other very macho stuff.
CHRIS HEMSWORTH: Hi buddy how are ya? Let's do this! I'm at home in Los Angeles eating a pear.
VAN METER: Cool. Sorry if this might be vague-studios never let you see blockbuster movies before you do the story anymore.
HEMSWORTH: They don't even let us see it until the last minute. I just recently saw a close-to-finished version of Thor. I was impressed. It is often difficult to watch yourself onscreen, especially 60-feet high. As an actor, it is an uncomfortable experience. But this is one of the first times I was able to get lost in it as an audience member. There were so many impressive elements-from the special effects to the story to the individual characters. I really had a great time.
VAN METER: Movies based on comics can be incredible, like Tim Burton's Batman [1989], or they can really suck like Daredevil [2003] or Catwoman [2004].
HEMSWORTH: You have these colorful and vivid worlds and they can either be amazingly entertaining or come across campy. Every superhero film has that challenge. Having someone like Kenneth Branagh direct was a smart way to avoid any campiness. He really is an actor-director and comes from a Shakespearean background
VAN METER: His Hamlet [1996] was great.
HEMSWORTH: Absolutely. We had as much discussion and focus and collaboration as you would on a Shakespearean production. It wasn't just a film about special effects. It was about great character development.
VAN METER: The cast is surprising for a comic-book movie.
HEMSWORTH: That is what makes this special. I am incredibly lucky to work with those involved! I think the attraction for Natalie to a film like this was Kenneth Branagh's involvement. At that time in my life, I wasn't in a position to pick and choose who I wanted to work with. I just needed to pay the rent, and I was excited to be involved with something on this scale. I was signed up either way! This is by far the biggest thing I have ever been involved in and there is more anticipation than anything else.
VAN METER: What is your personal history with Thor? Were you into comic books growing up?
HEMSWORTH: Not really. I knew about the character, but I never read the comics as a kid. Getting involved in the film was my introduction to it. Then I was inundated with many copies of Thor comics-the guys at Marvel gave me a stack. I also read a lot of books on Norse mythology.
VAN METER: In the myths, Thor rides a chariot pulled by goats.
HEMSWORTH: Yeah, we skipped that. That's not too cool, is it? We chose a cooler mode of transport.
VAN METER: The only big-screen appearance of Thor, to my knowledge, is in Adventures in Babysitting [1987], which my sister made me watch each weekend growing up. In the film, the little girl is obsessed with Thor.
HEMSWORTH: I was at a comic convention the other day and someone made a reference to that. I didn't know what they were talking about.
VAN METER: What bothers me about Thor is the same thing that irks me about Superman: he is just too damn super. At least he doesn't have just one weakness like Superman with kryptonite. Is the new Thor as omnipotent? Or is he more complicated?
HEMSWORTH: His biggest challenges are his own personal demons and personality traits. He is a chip off the old block of his father. He has the tendency to think about problems in the form of destruction, or to act before he thinks, often with a fair amount of aggression. His journey is coming to terms with directing that passion in the right place and the responsibility of living up to expectations. And depending on what world he's on and who he's fighting, he certainly has people who are on the same level of strength who challenge him. But for us, it was about how to relate to someone with so much power, who is seemingly untouchable. I think there is a very human story in the center of it, about father and son and brother and brother.
VAN METER: The plot of the movie has Thor cast down to Earth from Asgard as punishment from his father. Were you ever cast out as a wild teenager?
HEMSWORTH: Not as far as from Asgard to Earth. There were some strong disagreements. My father and I are very similar and have a wonderful relationship, but we both stand by our opinions. As uneducated as my views might have been, I still backed them with intensity. But he didn't throw me into another dimension. Not yet, anyway.
VAN METER: Thor is a Norse god, so why does he speak with an old English accent and always say thee and thy?
HEMSWORTH: For whatever reason, we relate to anything godlike with an English accent. The English are very proud of that. And with anything Roman or gladiators, they have an English accent. For an audience, it is an easy trick to hook people in.
VAN METER: Do you think old English tattoos are tough?
HEMSWORTH: I don't think they are. It was a brief fad. What was the next one? Chinese war symbols?
VAN METER: Tell me about the personal journey you went through to get your hair so long. Was it a wig?
HEMSWORTH: It was a blend of my hair, which grew during the filming, and a certain section of it was a wig.
VAN METER: Was it a wig or a weave?
HEMSWORTH: It was more of a wig. It wasn't full scalp, but the majority. There were sections on the sides of my scalp where it was my hair amongst it.
VAN METER: Sounds like extensions. Were you glad to return to having short hair?
HEMSWORTH: I just finished playing a Marine. I much prefer my hair short, but I only had to wear the wig for working hours. I could take it off at home. Now I'm trying to grow it for The Avengers again, so we'll see what happens. . . . There will be a whole new batch of interesting characters and actors. That film is going to be huge as well.
VAN METER: What is your hammer like in the film?
HEMSWORTH: It is a pretty impressive piece of equipment. It was quite heavy, so that helped with the stunts. If it was too light, you would swing it around like a toothpick and it wouldn't look impressive. When there is some weight to it and you have to physically use your shoulder and back, it gives you a sense of power. I got very comfortable holding it. When I did the earthbound scenes without it, I felt naked.
VAN METER: I'd feel naked without my hammer, too.
HEMSWORTH: So you should. My older brother told me, "Make sure you keep a hammer," but I forgot and missed my opportunity. I could sell it on eBay and make a quick buck.
VAN METER: You're also in the new remake of the '80s Cold War film Red Dawn. I watched it so many times as a kid. I think in this version the villains are switched from being Russian to North Korean.
HEMSWORTH: It's a blend! The Russians are still there-it's a collaboration of a few different countries. The story for us is mainly this unknown enemy we are fighting living in the woods and the backdrop is the oppressive army.
VAN METER: You got your start on the Australian soap opera Home and Away. What are soaps like down under?
HEMSWORTH: They're incredibly melodramatic, but sometimes they can just be about who stole the milk money from the canteen. You are really on your toes. You shoot 20 scenes a day, five episodes a week. I was there for three years, and the material is sometimes good, sometimes not, and you get to work with a lot of different directors. As a young actor, I couldn't think of a better environment. It was even better than drama school. In school, they tell you how to do it. With this, you were forced to learn. I am thankful for that period.
VAN METER: That is such a weird path, to go from being a soap-opera heartthrob to an action star. Did action movies speak to you? Were you a fan?
HEMSWORTH: I loved the stuff. As a kid, I loved any fantasy. I grew up in a household with two brothers and we lived in the bush. We were constantly building weapons and forts and things. But I didn't set out to be an action hero.
Ca$h - Character Sketch
Cash trailer
Sam (Chris Hemsworth) traveling home from work has a bit of luck fall in his lap
he and wife Leslie (Victoria Profeta) facing financial problems uses some of the Found cash to pay off bills. In comes Pyke (Sean Bean) to collect his dirty money. Pyke takes over the couple's lives living with them & robbing small time ,marts tomake bakc the money.
Character back story: Sam Phelan a blue collar worker has some Cash fall from the sky via an overpass.
Inspiration for character:
Age/Occupation: late 20s early 30s
Personality type:
Signature look:
Resides: Chicago Ill.
Character connections: Wife Leslie & Villian Pyke
Fun facts/trivia:
Chris Quotes
About Seeing Thor in full length
"I have [seen 'Thor'], yeah. It's fantastic. Being that close to something, it's often pretty hard to watch yourself, but the film in so many ways is so impressive that I was swept along with it like an audience member, and that's a pretty good sign."
The film is so well put together. It's a blend of fantasy and sci-fi," Chris told IGN. "Audiences aren't silly; Can't trick them to believe that something CG is actually the real thing. I was swept along like an audience member and able to enjoy it like an audience member. Very happy with finished film."
The film is so well put together. It's a blend of fantasy and sci-fi… I was swept along like an audience member and able to enjoy it like an audience member. Very happy with finished film."
On Carrying the weight of the Thor franchise
"Literally, the costume weighed god-knows-how-many pounds. It was heavy. And this is a character who has a ton of history - 40 or 50 years' worth - and a built-in fanbase. He's a god and a lot of other things that become overwhelming. At the same time, it's a dream. As a kid, you run around the house pretending to be a superhero, and now to be doing it as a job, I feel very lucky."
Chris got to Lip Lock on screen with Natalie portman for his role of Thor. He says it was "ridiculous." "The whole experience was like, 'What the f**k am I doing here?' But in a good way," gushing to GQ. "It literally seemed like last week I was still working on Home and Away." (Home & Away is an Australian Soap Opera Chris starred in from 2004 - 2007 as Kim Hyde)
Character name: Thor
Movie: Avengers
Quote(s): his Favorite Avengers scene
"One of our first days was the whole assembly," he said, referring to the scene that was revealed at the end of Captain America: The First Avenger. "That was pretty crazy. Not only meeting Robert Downey and Scarlett and whatever, but it was meeting Iron Man and Black Widow and the Hulk. It's exciting."
when he moved to Sydney to tape Home & Away
"it is still like a holiday but as time goes by I will settle in more, but Melbourne will always be home," he said of the move. He spent some time exploring Sydney searching out the best places to surf.
on He & brother Liam both auditioning for THOR
Liam and I both auditioned for it, funny enough. I had an audition, didn't hear anything. The next minute I heard they were flying Liam over to meet Kenneth [Branagh, the director of Thor] and he was down to the last four guys, and I was like, 'What?' And then I got another phone call [from Branagh] and was like, 'S**t, Liam. What worked, what didn't? Tell me what he said!' I got some advice, and … here we are.
Would Chris Slim Down for a Role?
"I don't mind sort of losing healthy weight, but if it gets to the point where I'm putting myself at risk, then I think 'maybe I'll sit that one out.' I like food, I like eating. I'd rather that stretch of it than starving myself that's for sure."
When asked if anything melodrmatic happened to his Aussie soap character on Home & Away My Character (Kim in Home & away) had two different wives, and three kids, was in a car crash, a helicopter crash, and a fire and had a drug problem. IT was a tough stage. -
Quotes About Chris Hemsworth
Quote:When Chris Hemsworth and Anthony Hopkins saw each other in full armors for the first time, Hopkins said "God, there's no acting required here, is there?"
Who said it: Anthony Hopkins (Odin)
Quote:"They are not perplexed in the same way as some European males are about what else they should be, should they be a bit more soft and fuzzy or a bit more intellectual or whatever else they imagine women might want them to be
Chris has that sense of knowing himself a bit more, being at ease with being a bloke, but that not being an aggressive thing. He has that easy camaraderie, but he's also got all the other things a superhero has got to have - a great big gorgeous God body, a twinkle in his eye and Natalie Portman in his life."Who said it:Kenneth Branagh (ON how aussie Make for good (action) heroesto the Daily Telegraph