What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

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  1. Willsummerdreamer profile image66
    Willsummerdreamerposted 11 years ago

    What's the worst movie you've ever seen?

    Just curious, but what's the worst movie you've ever seen? For me off the top of my head, its Battlefield Earth, E.T., The Room, and Network.

  2. chef-de-jour profile image100
    chef-de-jourposted 11 years ago

    I sat through a strange movie some weeks ago called The Turin Horse by a Hungarian director whose name I forget. It's based on the experiences of a philosopher Nietzsche who watched a horse being beaten by a cab driver in Turin way back before the auto came into being.
    To cut a very long story short, this movie, in black and white, tells the tale of a poor disabled peasant who lives a sorry existence with his one daughter and poor old horse. The aging man eats one potatoe a day, has no friends, no prospects and has little hope for the future. The whole movie is set in this bleak stone cottage interior and is a repeated day after day account of a one parent family going nowhere fast...... get up, get dressed in dirty clothes, go fetch water from the well, check the horse, eat a potatoe..with camera angles changed for different days...I think the message for the viewer is one of gratitude for the small things in life..even if you have next to nothing.........Meanwhile outside a storm rages endlessly......it's pretty grim.
    The thing is, I can't get it out of my mind!

    1. Willsummerdreamer profile image66
      Willsummerdreamerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Ugh, I think I got a headache just reading about it.

  3. MickS profile image61
    MickSposted 11 years ago

    One of the films considered the worst is Plan Nine From Outer Space. I don't know why that is so, perhaps it was the dodgy sets, and the ham acting. I enjoyed the film.  The worst film I've ever seen is, The Go Between, the film was as abysmal as the book.

    1. Willsummerdreamer profile image66
      Willsummerdreamerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Meh, Plan 9 isn't that bad, I file it under "so bad it's good." And thankfully I have not seen the go between. Lol.

    2. MickS profile image61
      MickSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, Plan 9, excellent little cult film I had to watch and read the Go Between for my English lit, 'O' level, luckily Animal Farm and 1984, were also required reading, so there was a bit of sensible stuff.

  4. duffsmom profile image60
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    Oh there have been a host of them. The one that comes to my mind right off the top of my head is Anaconda with John Voight.

  5. EJ Lambert profile image68
    EJ Lambertposted 11 years ago

    This pains me because I'm an Adam Sandler fan but I had to sit through "You Don't Mess With Zohan" in the theater and it was the only time in my life I actually almost walked out before it finished.

    1. Woodmckinney profile image67
      Woodmckinneyposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I was SO disappointed with that movie; I love Adam Sandler... but I never finished it either.

    2. Willsummerdreamer profile image66
      Willsummerdreamerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Saddler has always been hit or miss with me, to be honest. I mean,I thought he was funny when I was younger but now, it's rare If he brings out a chuckle.

    3. Solaras profile image84
      Solarasposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Adam Sandler's Little Nicky was also disgusting

  6. profile image0
    JThomp42posted 11 years ago

    Is Battlefield Earth the one with John Travolta? If so, that is the worst movie I have ever seen "half" of. smile

    1. Willsummerdreamer profile image66
      Willsummerdreamerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes it is. Probably not his proudest moment.

    2. profile image0
      JThomp42posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Definitely not. I hope he was payed handsomely.

  7. LastRoseofSummer2 profile image81
    LastRoseofSummer2posted 11 years ago

    I know I may rankle some people by saying this, but the worst movie I've ever seen is "The Breakfast Club". First of all, what's with the title of that movie? Unless I missed something, they didn't even have breakfast together. So, why did they call themselves that and why did they call the movie that? I also have a problem with how many times people start to cry in that movie, and there is such lovely music playing in the background as we cry and it is so therapeutic to air our emotions and oh, gag me please! I also think it is probably one of the dirtiest movies I've ever seen. I know they don't really show anything, but they certainly talk about it! I've seen movies that are closer to porn that don't come across, at least to me, as bad as "The Breakfast Club".

    1. Willsummerdreamer profile image66
      Willsummerdreamerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I couldn't get through the breakfast club at all. I just found it boring.

  8. profile image0
    CalebSparksposted 11 years ago

    "Benji"...when I was a kid we put in this video and turned it off in about 10 minutes because we were so bored!  smile

  9. profile image0
    Michelle Widmannposted 11 years ago

    Technically speaking, "Troll 2" is probably the worst movie of all time. The acting is cheesy and obviously acting, the props are unrealistic, and the writing is cringe-worthy. That being said, it's actually really funny to watch simply because of how campy it is.

    1. Willsummerdreamer profile image66
      Willsummerdreamerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I agree lol.

  10. janshares profile image94
    jansharesposted 11 years ago

    That would have to be "Under the Cherry Moon" starring Prince.

  11. Tim Quam profile image61
    Tim Quamposted 11 years ago

    I have to say Jersey Girl.  There's a scene where Ben Affleck makes a speech and you don't hear a word he says, they just run music over it.  It's what should have been an important scene and someone thought, Ehh, we're not going to write this.  Or maybe it was written and they didn't like it.  But it's a drop-the-ball moment where the audience must be thinking, Here's 100 minutes of my life I don't get back.

  12. Astralrose profile image91
    Astralroseposted 11 years ago

    I have not seen most of those movies that others have mentioned here but for me, so far the worst would be "Hold Your Breath". It really went to recycle bin immediately. Well, there are a few more!

  13. Jared Miles profile image60
    Jared Milesposted 11 years ago

    OK, I might start ranting, but for anyone that's ever seen the anime series 'Avatar: The Last Airbender' you might know how truly awful the movie adaptation by M. Night Shyamalan actually was.

    I am a big fan of that anime series and it was just horrendously adapted in this movie. By far, it is the worst movie I've ever had the misfortune of seeing! (I'm very passionate in my dislike of this movie!)

  14. profile image0
    Dawn Aliceposted 11 years ago

    We put a DVD on to watch that was brought cheap in Asia; can't remember what it should have been, but it turned out to be a very young Tom Cruise in a Z rated movie about a Unicorn.

    1. Willsummerdreamer profile image66
      Willsummerdreamerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I know which one you're referring too, it called Legend....I actually like that movie lol.

    2. profile image0
      Dawn Aliceposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Really, funny how we all have different taste.

  15. Solaras profile image84
    Solarasposted 11 years ago

    Titanic - what a preposterous film.  Kate Winslett looks like and adult, mid twenties, and Leo looks he is 14 years old.  Apparently the actual sinking of the Titanic was not very interesting stuff, so Cameron spiced it up  with a gun chase and Leo chained to a pipe in a sinking ship.  Finally some real drama in the most dramatic ship wreck in world history.  Fortunately, in the end Kate finds a plank to keep herself a float. Equally fortunate, she refuses to share her plank with Leo, and we have many happy endings.

    1. LastRoseofSummer2 profile image81
      LastRoseofSummer2posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I absolutely understand your choice. I didn't see Titanic until it was played on TV and I expected to absolutely hate it. It wasn't as bad as I expected, but I now only watch the parts that actually have to do with the boat sinking.

  16. Say Yes To Life profile image78
    Say Yes To Lifeposted 9 years ago

    I've seen several that tend to ramble off subject; I can't remember the names of any of them.  The only movie I remember is "Last Temptation of Christ"; it is the stupidest movie I've ever seen.


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