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Alarm for Child Abuse

Updated on September 19, 2014

Child Abuse is a matter of concern in modern times for the parents who started making their kids going to play school when the kid is around 2 and more. With the increase in Child Abuse cases each day a sincere concern and preventive measures should be taken by the parents and the guardian. As per study Child Abuse is made in every ten seconds around the world. It is recorded that 6 million children are victim of Child Abuse.The reason for increasing Child Abuse is the inadequate knowledge of self-protection at the early age, parent’s negligence when the kid is with any known family members or friends and parent’s inadequate interest on conversing sexual issues with the growing kids.


Child Abuse can be categorized as

  • Emotional
  • Physical
  • Neglect
  • Sexual

Among the four cited form of child abuse, Sexual Child Abuse is a traumatic experience of children. It involves physical acts between the child and the adult. It is considered as an act that indulge in inappropriate physical contact or showing a child an adult's genitals or making a child watch a sexual clippings. The irrelevant violation of the innocent childhood both physically and mentally is highly devastating for the child’s healthy growth. From self-loathing depression to dysfunctional sexual intimacy, sexual abuse during childhood can scar an individual for lifetime in many ways. My contention is to make the parents aware of the heinous act and educate children through playful method that can help children raise an alarm for any misbehavior from family members, friends, relatives or strangers. Home is the first school for a kid so appropriate knowledge on how to react to people who is trying to incorporate any act of discomfort should be taken care of.

This is a very sensible issue that deals with innocent kids. Lack of knowledge and negligence is creating a big penalty on the childhood for life time among the kids. As a parent it is the prime duty to make our children stay protected. I believe proper education and friendly approach can make the child disclose any such fear. For all of these reasons, when abuse is suspected, an appropriately trained health professional should be consulted. Severe abuse early in life can lead to reactive attachment disorder. Children with this disorder are so disrupted that they have extreme difficulty establishing normal relationships and attaining normal developmental milestones. They need special treatment and support for having symptoms like-

  • Impaired Brain Development.
  • Shaken Baby Syndrome.
  • Poor Physical Health.

I would surely want my readers to make consciousness among the children against child abuse. It is really painful to see the increasing rate of Child Sexually Abuse. Though emotional, physical, neglect, sexual abuse has an adverse effect on the child. But Sexual Abuse is an especially complicated form of abuse because of its layers of guilt and shame. It is advisable for better parenting skills to join parenting classes, therapy, and caregiver support groups which can serve as great resources for knowing your child better. Our contention is to stay aware and make children aware of the inhuman happenings that can hamper a peaceful childhood. I truly believe right knowledge at early age can serve as a protection against the Child Abuse. If we inclined to the belief ‘Prevention is better than cure’ it will surely assures our child a happy and secured childhood worldwide.



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