Ten Ways Indicating That You're Either the Black Sheep or Odd One in Your Family
Oh No, What is He/She Doing Here! Oh $%^&*$!
Oh the family! Family means love and togetherness. Family also represent unity and harmony. Sister Sledge have a song regarding the strength of the family. This is the outer appearance of family. However, there is the subconscious dynamics of family life. Oh, yes, Virginia, families have dynamics including infighting, upmanship, and game playing.
There are many families which make cliques and the mean girl club seem like church choirs! The rule of such families are that we must have similar outlooks, beliefs, and goals-and if you do not- well, you are S-T-R-A-N-G-E or worse, oh dear! Okay, here is my take on the ten ways to ascertain that you are THE ODD ONE or BLACK SHEEP in your respective families! The countdown!
(1) As a child, you were often considered "difficult", "uncontrollable", and "hardheaded". You were definitely not the type of child who would acquiesce to authority and/or to do things because it was expected. You also were of the opinion that just because a person was your parent and/or another adult did not mean that they necessarily knew best! You questioned authority from a young age!
(2) Subconsciously, you knew that you were BORN into the WRONG family. Have you ever felt that you and your family members, both immediate and extended, were completely OUT OF SYNC. Oh my God, you think," Why was I born into this family-what have I done in a PAST LIFE! You take literally the definition that family is an accident of birth. You view your family as a learning experience and a karmic lesson. As a child and teenager, you endured their psychosocial dynamics and wish for the day that you can leave ! As an adult, you ONLY see them when necessary, if AT ALL!
(3) You can conceive of and do things that your family would NEVER think of in a million years. They often wonder HOW can he/she think of this-IN THIS FAMILY, we are DEFINITELY not like this at all! Where did he/she get THOSE ideas-not from US, no sirreeee!
(4) You were and/or are constantly WARNED not to EMBARRASS the family. However, YOU do not care! You have and will always be YOURSELF above anything else! Everything and everyone else be damned!
(5) You often have very different aspirations than that of your family members. For example, if you are a male in a blue-collar family where the likelihood of being an artist and/or ballet dancer was totally unheard of-guess what, you are going to take this route! Another example, if you are a female in a professional, white collar family where all the females are professionals, you decided that you are going to be an exotic dancer or a welder! You take being different to a whole new level!
(6) You often choose a radically different spiritual and lifestyle path than that of your family members. If your family is traditionally Christian, you will choose a spiritual/ethical path as divergently different as possible whether it is New Age, metaphysical, atheist, and/or humanist! You are not the type of person who blindly follow familial paths!
(7) Your family will NEVER understand nor comprehend YOU no matter how hard you try! So forget about it and move on!
(8) You are ALWAYS saying things and expressing opinions which often leaves your family dismayed, nonplussed, and confused! They are always wondering what will come out of your mouth! They wish that you would go along and agree! Your thought on the matter, " No way in HELL!"
(9) Your family merely TOLERATE you! Your relationship with your family members can be described as cordial at best. Their thought is that since you are family, you are somewhat included in their lives!
(10) You are seen as the REBEL and iconoclast to those family members who yearn to rebel against familial strictures! In fact, you are THEIR role model! These family members thank God that they have YOU as a family member! You have the BALLS that the other more sedate and amoebic family members DO NOT HAVE!
Now, you have my synopsis of the ten things that indicate that you were either the black sheep or the odd person out in your families! If you are such a person, rejoice in your uniqueness! Be proud and walk tall! Peace!
© 2011 Grace Marguerite Williams