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Vaccines - Danergous or Helpful?

Updated on November 13, 2012

Is Everything You Thought You Knew About Vaccines REALLY True?

Just about everyone is familiar with vaccinations or immunization shots. They are the routine injections given to children and adults to immunize them against a variety of diseases. Most vaccination are done when you are relatively young, staring at a couple days old and with many more being given into at various times during childhood. The idea behind a vaccine is to inject a weak or inactive form of the disease you seek to protect against so that your body will be able to quickly to attack these foreign cells and build immunity to them so that later infections will not result in illness. We are told from the time our children are born that vaccines are good for them and that they will protect our kids from horrendous diseases. But is this true?

Since no parent would want to see their child become sick it is not hard to see why most parents choose to vaccinate without question. The medical community largely endorses this practice as well. But is vaccination completely safe or are their risks? You may be surprised to find out that there are a number of risks involved with routine vaccination that are not widely known. As a parent though, it is vital that we evaluate both sides of the issue and the risks and decide which is the best choice for us and for our children and in some cases you may decide to join the growing number of parents that are choosing not to vaccinate their kids. Making an informed choice should be the goal for all parents.

Photo Source: Deposit Photos

Why I Made This Lens...

Vaccine injured child
Vaccine injured child

You may be wondering about who I am and why I care about highlighting the potential dangers and risks of vaccination. Well, the picture above is my son after vaccines almost took his life. Like many parents I started my parenting career without questioning my doctors or the practice of immunization. My first child was vaccinated on the second day of his life for Hepatitis B. I did not realize at the time that I was vaccinating a two year old baby against a sexually transmitted disease! While my son did not have any physical problems related to the vaccine, he did emit shrill screams, cried often, and refused to be put down from that point on. At the time I joked with nurses that they had switched my baby with someone else... the difference was that noticeable. But I put it out of mind.

At 2 months and 4 months he got more vaccinations and he got very sick after each visit. He never seemed to get much better either and so I decided to delay further vaccinations for a few months. At 11 months he got a DTaP shot and it changed our lives forever. He got very sick and ended up having seizures that caused respiratory arrest. He was air lifted to a trauma hospital where he spent many days in ICU on a ventilator. He almost died because of routine vaccinations and in the long term he ended up in the hospital 2 more times, he developed epilepsy, and he suffered some mild brain damage.

This is the stuff your doctors never warn you about and yet in my research after the fact, I have found my story is not at all uncommon.

Do Vaccines REALLY Protect Against Disease?

A baby getting a vaccine
A baby getting a vaccine

In some cases vaccines may certainly provide an element of protection but by and large many of the diseases children are being immunized against are fairly rare and would not likely be encountered under average circumstances, especially in developed countries like the US. Immunity is also not guaranteed to be effective. This is the reason why doctors talk about "herd immunity" so much. Because vaccines have such a high failure rate they want as many people to get them as possible. They believe that this helps to protect the ones who will never build immunity in response to vaccination. In actuality we vaccinate more to protect OTHER people (immune suppressed, elderly, etc) than we do to protect our own kids. A healthy child can usually contract one of these diseases and fight it off without issue. They can, however, pass it on to "unhealthy" people and that is the idea behind herd immunity... to vaccinate to protect society at large.

Even if a vaccine provides immunity for a short time it can and usually does, lose its effectiveness later in life, requiring further vaccinations. Many people still get measles, rubella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and other common diseases even after they have been vaccinated. It is not uncommon to hear of outbreaks that are almost exclusively cases being passed between vaccinated children and adults.

These diseases are rare, modern medicine is effective in treating these diseases even if they are contracted, and vaccination does not equal immunity. So do vaccines really protect us? To some degree they do but perhaps not nearly enough to justify the risks.

Are Vaccines Safe?

Are these vaccinations safe? These questions have been plaguing people for a long time now. There is an alarming amount of evidence mounting that shows that vaccines are anything but safe. They contain many questionable and unhealthy ingredients such as Thimersol (Mercury), Formaldehyde, MSG, and aluminum. These ingredients and others actually work to compromise the immune system... not strengthen it.

In 1988, a study conducted showed links between the vaccination for MMR (mumps, measles and rubella) and diseases such as bowel disease and autism in children. In another investigative study, researchers found the measles virus in the intestines of children, which further developed into autistic enterocolitis. However, this study was a hush-hush affair since the multi-billion dollar vaccine industry was at risk. Drugs like sodium chloride, streptomycin and derivatives of aluminum and mercury are used to stabilize these drugs. Interestingly, we know that even microscopic granules of aluminum and mercury can cause cancer and death but still we inject these vaccines into the young and fragile bodies of our kids.

There are also numerous vaccine complications reported every year such as severe temperatures, uncontrolled screaming, seizures and convulsions, brain damage, paralysis, and death. There is even data to suggest that vaccines cause neurological disorders such as epilepsy and autism and they have been heavily linked to SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) as well. The VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) was put in place by the Federal government to collect data about vaccine problems and injuries. If vaccines are safe why would the government even have such a program, designed to pay off parents of injured children?

If we look at the history of vaccination, no vaccine has ever been studied in a controlled scientific environment. Hence, though we inject weakened or deadened pathogens into our children's bodies, we really don't know what makes them work or not work. A scientific study would include taking a group and dividing it into two halves. One half of the group is given vaccinations and the other half is not given the shots and then the outcome is measured. But no studies are being done on unvaccinated children. NONE. There is no money to be made by proving that unvaccinated kids are thriving.

We need to be informed and aware about the potential dangers of childhood vaccinations. Are they slow poisons or really the elixir of life that we believe them to be? When you take all the factors into account you may ultimately question conventional medical wisdom and decide that vaccination may be too risky in the long run.

Are Vaccines Responsible for the Decline in Infectious Diseases?

It is often said that without vaccinations we would never have gotten a handle on disease epidemics of the past such as small pox but research and statistical data clearly shows that many infectious diseases began to disappear long before vaccination came into practice. Some vaccines were almost entirely eradicated before vaccines went on the market. The decrease in disease had much to do with improved quality of living, better nutrition, and improved hygiene. Research has shown that if children are given good living conditions, nutritious food and clean water, the level of diseases will fall on their own. This is exactly why developed countries have low rates for the diseases we vaccinate against. Third world countries where living conditions are unsanitary are prime places for diseases to thrive and this will always be true.

So why would vaccines be created and marketed after the disease rates started to decline? And why are we told that vaccines almost single handedly eradicated many serious diseases? What would be the motive for spreading this disinformation? MONEY. The more people that believe that the next outbreak is just around the corner the more people will blindly support mass vaccination programs. Pharmaceutical companies make BILLIONS annually on vaccine sales and they NEVER want that to change.

Our kids are their customers and they want to make sure it stays that way.

One of My Favorite Funny but HONEST Looks at Vaccines

A Great Resource

Any parent who wants to know more about vaccines should make this one of their must read books. Unlike many books on the topic of childhood vaccinations, this book is written by someone who advocates their use in principle. Dr. Cave believes that vaccines are a good idea, but is very concerned about the current state of affairs in the vaccine industry. Reading a book that is essentially pro vaccine in general yet gives you so much information about the risks and dirty history behind the modern vaccine business machine is certainly eye opening.

Dr. Cave dedicates the first 5 chapters of the book to the development of the modern vaccine industry. Not surprisingly, she uncovers several obvious conflicts of interest. Are those responsible for checking vaccine safety and those who have an interest in making money on the vaccines one and the same? In some cases, yes. That alone is disturbing to a parent.

What's more, she points to what has been little more than an experiment on our children by exposing some of the failed vaccines and vaccine lots that have caused illness and death in kids. She also reminds parents of the fact that vaccine reactions are underreported by Doctors by far, and that vaccine makers are absolved from responsibility in the justice system because they are protected by government and cannot be sued. In a capitalistic society that is supposedly run by rule of law, that should be a clue that something is amiss.

Part 2 of the book is devoted to the individual vaccines themselves. What's in them? What are the dangers and possible side effects of each that parents are often not informed of or even patently lied to about? Are all of the vaccines in the current schedule even necessary? For example, why are we inoculating newborn infants with a vaccine designed to protect homosexual men who engage in high risk sexual activity?

Another important discussion that the author engages in is current controversy over mercury in vaccines and a possible autism link. While the powers that be continue to deny a link, parents and even some health officials are not convinced that multiple doses of mercury injected into the most vulnerable of our population is simply innocuous.

Whether you decide to vaccinate your child or not, educating yourself on vaccines and the childhood illnesses they claim to protect against is homework you owe it to yourself and your child to do.

Sound off on Vaccinations!

Should Parents Be Obligated to Vaccinate Their Kids?

Another Great Read...

When her son was born, he seemed healthy. But by the time he was six weeks old, the infant cried for hours each evening if he wasn't constantly nursed. As the months went on, Clay frequently was seriously ill. By the time he was two years old, he could say only a few words, would bang his head for no apparent reason, often walked on his toes, was severely allergic to numerous things, constantly sick, and suffered from nose and chest congestion. He had systemic yeast, was terrified by sudden noises, wouldn't sleep for more than two hours straight, and was unhappy most of the time. All of his symptoms pointed to the possibility of autism. And to make matters worse, Merchent herself became seriously ill.

This book is the moving story of Merchent's remarkable persistence and relentless search for answers and the cure for her son's illness. The book describes her journey through traditional medicine, then the move to alternative care. The miracles begin when she discovers a master herbalist who reveals to her the primary cause of their ill health: aluminum. The simplicity of fully curing both herself and her son is astounding, and she illustrates the art of releasing in detail here. Also included is an invaluable list of remedies for common ailments, as well as a section on resources for herbs and homeopathies.


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