Pre-marital sex or waiting till marriage?

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  1. chiradeep profile image67
    chiradeepposted 11 years ago

    Pre-marital sex or waiting till marriage?

    How important it is to stay untouched till marriage? Is pre-marital sex safe, in regards to physical, mental & spiritual health of any human being? Your opinions and expertise value a lot

  2. BLACKANDGOLDJACK profile image72
    BLACKANDGOLDJACKposted 11 years ago

    For someone like myself, I would recommend pre-marital sex. Practice, we're talking about practice (you probably won't get that line unless you follow NBA basketball). On the other hand, however, for someone like my 18-year-old daughter I would strongly recommend waiting until marriage. You know, I discussed this very issue with my daughter's dates when she was in high school.

  3. peeples profile image92
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    I think it's kind of stupid to wait until married. Sex is an important part of a marriage. What happens if his part isn't big enough to take care of her needs? Is she to do without forvever? What if the two just aren't compatable in that way? There are too many risks involved in not knowing. Do I think a person should sleep with every person they meet until married? No! Once a relationship starts showing signs of a possible long term future it's time to learn as much as you can about that person before jumping into a marriage.

  4. lburmaster profile image72
    lburmasterposted 11 years ago

    Physically, premarital sex is not always safe. Mentally and spiritually, premarital sex actually helps you become a better person. Couples who had sex before marriage are happier after they get married. And they are less likely to have a mid-life crisis.

  5. sbfreelance profile image61
    sbfreelanceposted 11 years ago

    I think premarital sex can greatly effect a marriage, negatively.

    Sex is important in a marriage, but it is not the only thing that holds a marriage together. Therefore, I don't agree that you have to be 'practiced' in order to have a healthy marriage.
    The baggage a person can bring into marriage from having multiple partners before their monogamus marriage can be really detrimental to the health of a marriage.
    Emotional, physical and mental baggage.
    Sex for woman is based on trust, and security. If she has had various negative and emotional encounters with other men, she carries that into her marriage, affecting her willingness to "trust" her husband, and sex becomes a chore.

    A man, on the other hand, has an ingrained mental image of his 1st sexual encounters. That first "hit", so to speak, is recorded into his mind and body, he spends the rest of his sexual life trying to fulfill that high again.  This creates a unrealistic expectation on sex with his wife.

    For example, if one night stands were a common sexual release for the man, then in marriage he sees sex as a non committal act, to release himself, therefore, disappointing his wife with his emotionless approach to intimacy.

    So no, I do not think pre-marital sex is safe for the man or the woman, physically, mentally, or physically.

    1. chiradeep profile image67
      chiradeepposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry for commenting after so long. Actually I was kinda busy in my life and other works. I thank you and appreciate for answering this delicate question which you answered so beautifully. Wish everybody thinks as you think.

  6. Junegirl58 profile image65
    Junegirl58posted 9 years ago

    I can only answer this from my own experience and not from a spiritual standpoint.   Never having had sex, til I met my boyfriend (husband now), we felt that we were ready at 25 because we wanted to go that next step in our relatipnship. We both knew that we wanted to be together forever, we had bonded in so many other ways that I just can't explain. 

    Before my husband I dated a few guys but didn't want to go further into a relationship.  I was not ready to do that and the guys were to immature, and I think I was a bit naive myself when it came to that. 

    We met at 23 through a mutual friend (blind date), and it was almost love at first site!  We simply enjoyed each other in so many other ways, but never sexually until about a year and a half before we married. 

    So to answer your question mentally and physically  we both knew we were ready to get under the covers, so to speak, and get to know each other a different way!! 

    We've been married almost thirty years now and sex has never been better!!


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