Why do kids hate homework? How to motivate them to do their homework regularly.

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  1. Sundeep Kataria profile image62
    Sundeep Katariaposted 9 years ago

    Why do kids hate homework? How to motivate them to do their homework regularly.

    A majority of kids hate homework and try to avoid. Pl do share your views and experiences to truly motivate the kids in this regards.

  2. poppyr profile image89
    poppyrposted 9 years ago

    I'm an English teacher in Japan and in our school, we don't mark homework, but check it in class. If they haven't bothered doing it, we'll know, because they'll be unable to answer the questions.
    If we have kids who don't do their homework, we try and encourage them to be enthusiastic about it by playing games focused around the homework (most of the homework uses flash cards), referring to something in the homework during class, and if a new homework set is coming up, gain interest by putting the new homework (e.g. flash card box) in the classroom so they can see what it is.
    You didn't mention in your question whether you're a teacher or a parent, so I told you from my teacher's perspective. If you're a parent, it might be a good idea to show interest in the homework yourself. If it's maths homework, challenge them with questions that they'll know if they've done it. If it's history, perhaps research the topic a little yourself so you can enjoy it together. Let me know if any of this is helpful.

  3. fpherj48 profile image60
    fpherj48posted 9 years ago

    Hello Sundeep...my friend....haven't seen you in so long!   It's also been a very long time since I had children in school, but I remember it well.

    Kids do seem to universally hate homework.  Recalling ancient history, I didn't like it much myself!   To a teen-ager whose life is so busy, it must feel like bringing your job home with you as an adult.

    "Motivation" comes in many forms.  All kids have different personalities and
    attitudes.  Depending on their age, it can often be frustrating for parents.

    Of course it's helpful for parents to show a genuine interest and to ask questions about their progress and whether their assignments have been completed.  While parents shouldn't "help" too much, just being there to support is important.  Being involved in conversation on the subject can be positive reinforcement to a student.

    It's especially important to know how well or poorly your child is doing in a certain class.  If they are struggling with something, homework can be very stressful.  It may help to schedule a meeting with a teacher to find out what he/she suggests.

    Most homes have a few rules.  If at all possible, scheduling a particular time period for "homework" is a good idea.  Immediately after school or after dinner but impressing upon them that waiting until late in the evening is counter-productive. 

    Part of the rules for homework should be that there is a quiet environment.  Once parents have created the mood and motivation, the rest is adjusting to a routine.   
    BRIBERY never hurts!!

  4. ChristinS profile image38
    ChristinSposted 9 years ago

    I found just building it into a habit is the best.  My kids are on a schedule that they do homework immediately when they come home.  They can get a snack if they are hungry, then we sit and do homework before any games, TV or anything like that. 

    If it's routine, they may not love it, but they are inclined to do it because it's habitual. Have a set time that it gets done every day, even when my kids don't have homework, we read or study during that time frame.  It gives discipline and structure.  I let them know also that they can always ask for help and I'll give it.  A lot of parents (me too) hate homework also at times, but it's important to not show that and just make it as routine as showering, brushing teeth etc. 

    We all have to do mundane stuff we don't like at times - but once you get it out of the way it frees up the evening for the stuff you do like smile

  5. dashingscorpio profile image71
    dashingscorpioposted 9 years ago

    Imagine being at work all day and when you get home instead of eating dinner, watching TV, and relaxing for the evening you have to do some more work! Literary no real mental down time.
    Many students find school to be days of sitting through a series of boring classes, having lunch with friends, and attending some more boring classes before heading home.
    Most young people are too immature to think long-term with regard to the benefits of an education. They can only think about NOW and how much of a bore it is. If school were optional many would choose not to go. A lot of them only like the social aspects of school.
    The best way to motivate kids when they're young is knowing what things they enjoy or want and offer to provide those things as payment for good grades in the sense that adults are paid for working on their jobs. It's hard for a 14 year old to envision being 18!
    Set up short, mid, and long-term goals for rewards to keep focus.
    As they become older and show an inclination for a potential career goal make sure they get to spend time around people in that occupation who can tell them what is needed to succeed. If there are internships available see if the student can work during the summer. If the occupation requires a college degree take them to visit some large college campus for a tour.
    Providing (prizes/rewards and inspiration) can go a long way to keeping a child motivated and looking beyond "the now" to focus on future events. Best wishes!

  6. Ericdierker profile image46
    Ericdierkerposted 9 years ago

    We are a funny species us humans. Where in the heck did they get the word/notion of calling learning in the home "homework"? I suppose sometimes you could call cleaning the house homework, maybe doing laundry or dishes. I am painting some rooms, perhaps that is homework and maybe when I work in my office that is homework. But getting out the magnifying glass and inspecting a beetle, seeing how fast we can add and subtract, researching and reading about Athens or how volcanoes are structured or practicing putting words together just right --- well that happens in the home but it ain't work.
    My lovely wife brings her work home with her both literally and in her head when she is all worked up. What happens in her day is important to all of us. When my children get home from school what happened in their day is important to all of us.Teacher provided further inquiry helps us focus our understanding. The stuff that gets sent home from school is the minimum to help the family get the child ready to kick some butt in school tomorrow.
    If "homework" is a problem because it is too boring, or the child is to lazy then perhaps we need to take a good look at what we are teaching by example. What I want to hear around here is that we don't want to do that stuff because we have too much other fun stuff to go run around and play. But there is always time if we cut out the TV, tablets, phones and other mind numbing electronics.
    From soccer to karate to baseball to music to art, all are done better with practice and discipline. If I have not taught that the rewards out weigh the sacrifice of hard work by the time they are in school then I reckon you might as well call it homework. And I would hate to do homework also.

    1. ChristinS profile image38
      ChristinSposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with this.  There is a time and place for both work and play and both are valuable, but good habits and discipline make life easier for kids when they grow up and enter the grown up world of bill paying and self care smile.


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