Home Made Pizza Recipe By Gene Munson Barry
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Home Made Pizza By Gene Munson Barry
I find that most store bought Pizza sauces usually have Garlic, I prefer to make my own sauce and style of tomato to construuct my Pizzas. Most times when I make a Home Made Pizza I usually start by making my own dough.
Cook Time
Make the dough, prep toppings
Dough / Topping Ingredients:
- 3 Cups Flour, Bread
- 1 Cup Water, Luke warm
- 2 Tsp Sugar, Granulated
- 1 1/2 Tbsp Dry Milk, Powdered
- Butter Salted, Real
- 1 1/4 Tsp Salt, Iodized
- 1/2 Pound Ground Beef, Cooked
- 5 Slices Bacon, Diced / Cooked
- 1 Tomato, Sliced Thinly
- 1 Pepper, Red or Yellow
- 1/2 Pound Sage Saussage, Cooked
- 24 Slices Pepperoni, Pre Sliced
- 1 Package Mozzarella, 1 pound
- 1/2 can Black Olives, sliced thin
- 12-15 Sage, Leaves only Fresh Chopped
Make Dough First
- I begin by making my dough first as it will need to be placed in a warm place to rise for 30 minutes. This recipe is one that came to me through my wife as the bread machine was supplied to us from her mother. I find that with the addition of the powdered milk make the dough taste more like a professional made pizza. I usually place in my oven. I have a bread maker so begin by placing your luke warm water in it's bread pan. Add The Bread Flour, Dry milk, Sugar, Salt, Butter, and I use Fast Rise Yeast.
Allow to rise
After you have allowed the dough to mix thoroughly you will need to allow it to rise in a warm place for 30 minutes. I usually place it in my oven which is warm because it is gas, and the pilot light is always burning to create heat. With the new modern models you might need to warm your oven as you are mixing the dough ingredients. Then when you place the dough in the warm oven turn the oven off so as to not begin baking the dough.
Prepare your toppings
While you are allowing your dough to rise, I prepare my toppings.
- 1/2 Pound Ground Beef, Cooked
- 5 Slices Bacon, Diced / Cooked
- 1 Tomato, Sliced Thinly
- 1 Pepper, Red or Yellow
- 1/2 Pound Sage Saussage, Cooked
- 24 Slices Pepperoni, Pre Sliced
- 1 Package Mozzarella, 1 pound
- 1/2 can Black Olives, sliced thin
- 12-15 Sage, Leaves only, Fresh Chopped
While preparing the toppings
While I'm preparing my toppings I usually sear the ground beef, ham, and sage saucage. I also sometimes slice up pepperoni to add to the pizza. Of late our local store has added the option of purchasing small chunks of pepperoni to nibble on. Well my wife loves them so I usually have on hand, thus making the small pieces avilable to slice nd add to the mix. of toppings that I use on the pizza. You could also purchase pre sliced full size pepperoni, or buy a stick of pepperoni and slice your own. This is a better method in our opinion as the fresh flavor achieved this waay is more appealing than the dried out pre sliced product.
Here you see a photo of my meat ready to sear.
Saucage/Ground beef cooking
Remove pepper core / seeds
The photos above show how thin I cut the pepper and tomato.
Meats Ready
Once the meat is seared I use my small metal colander to drain off the excess fat that cooks out. One reason that I usually pre-cook the meat.
Drain Meat fat
Roll out dough
When I have finished cooking the meat, it's usually been long enough to begin and roll out my dough.
Roll out dough
Once you have the dough rolled out to a thickness that you desire I begin to add the toppings, starting with the tomato slices in my situation. You might want to add pizza sauce.
You probably noticed that I don't have a proper pizza pan, Well I used to have a cooking stone (flat stone made for baking on) but I attempted to make Naan on my grill. Thinking that the dough might seep through the grill I thought well it would be neat to use the stone. WRONG, I broke the stone I think because the stone didn't heat evenly. Shoot.....
So now I use the back of one of my cookie sheets. Seems to work well.
Additional Toppings
I then add my additional toppings, I begin with a light coat of truffle oil. I spread this all over the dough then using a fork I poke the dough full of holes to prevent bubbles from forming. Next I add Tomatoes sliced paper thin,Peppers, cooked meats, black olives (sliced thin) and lastly the Mozzarella.
The last that I add is usually the olive oil with Black truffles.
Last to add
Cook the Pizza
Next I place the prepared pizza into my oven at 375 degrees, for approximately half hour to cook.
Oven Ready
Remove from Oven
After the pizza has had suficient time to cook through, I remove it from the oven and place it on top ready to cut into managable pieces.
Pizza Ready
Slice Pizza
Next I have this curved knife that works wonderfully to slice the pizza. I first slice one direction the turn and slice the opposite direction.
Slice Pizza
Cutting Pizza
My knife
By rocking this knife from the heel to the point, it makes cutting the pizza so simple, and easy.
Turn other direction
Next comes the great part. I serve the pizza using the knife on it's side. Makes a wonderful server.
Serve Pizza
We love this style pizza.
We have some left over, and as we all know left overs are delishious the next day, as the flavors have melded together and taste wonderful. We have a toster oven that we use to re-heat the pizza in so that it's warm the next day without getting all soggy like if you were to re-heat it in the microwave oven.
The only trouble is that one or two pieces are so filling, and the flavors say "EAT MORE" but
your'e already full.