Why do some vegetarians eat fish and eggs?

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  1. LoisRyan13903 profile image61
    LoisRyan13903posted 9 years ago

    Why do some vegetarians eat fish and eggs?

      I am a meat eater but have always curious about this.  Wouldn't fish and other types of seafood be a meat?  Wouldn't eggs be considered as an unborn chicken?  I even know some people who claim to be vegetarians and eat chicken.

  2. DzyMsLizzy profile image85
    DzyMsLizzyposted 9 years ago

    You are quite correct in your assessment.  As a vegetarian, I have never understood this brand of "logic," myself.  It is quite insulting to be invited to a dinner, and told that, "I know you're a vegetarian, so I fixed chicken (or fish) for dinner."
    Seriously?!?  It puts the vegetarian in a VERY awkward position.

    Vegetarians, put another way, do not eat anything that used to have a face.  Or parents.  (Although some meat-eaters like to give us veggies a bad time with the latter, claiming that 'plants have parents too.')
    People who claim to be vegetarian, but still eat fish or chicken, either 'don't get it' themselves, or are just 'cheating' every now and then. 

    As for being vegetarian, there are different types.  There are lacto-ovo vegetarians, who do consume dairy and eggs; there are lacto-vegetarians, who consume dairy but not eggs, and ovo-vegetarians, who consume eggs but not dairy.
    There is a minor class, called 'pescatarians' who do eat fish, but no other kinds of meat.  Personally, I don't really consider them vegetarians.  They'd be more honest to say, "mostly vegetarian, but not 100%."
    Then, there are vegans, who eat nothing at all of animal origin, including dairy or eggs.  Some of these folks won't even eat honey.

    As for eggs being 'unborn chickens,' that is true ONLY if you are eating fertile eggs.  Hens lay eggs, regardless of whether or not a rooster is present to fertilize them.  It is possible in a backyard brood, but beyond highly unlikely with mass-produced eggs found in the grocery store. 
    Unless you are shopping at an organic market and deliberately purchasing fertile eggs, you'd have a better chance of being attacked by a shark on dry land than getting a fertile egg from the grocery store.

    1. LoisRyan13903 profile image61
      LoisRyan13903posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't know that about eggs and know there are many types.  Some don't eat meat because of the issues with eating something that live.  Others that I know just don't like the texture of meat.

  3. ChristinS profile image39
    ChristinSposted 9 years ago

    If they eat fish they aren't vegetarians.  Fish aren't vegetables smile Eggs are fine for a vegetarian diet because they are not a chicken.  Not all eggs will become chickens - not unless they are fertilized and most are not.

    1. LoisRyan13903 profile image61
      LoisRyan13903posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Just found that about eggs

  4. lisavollrath profile image92
    lisavollrathposted 9 years ago

    Vegetarians don't eat anything with a face, which excludes eggs and dairy. Since no animals are killed to produce eggs or dairy products, they feel it's OK to consume them.

    Pescatarians eat fish, and may also eat eggs and dairy. I'm not sure the logic here. Maybe fish aren't warm and cuddly, so it's OK to eat them?

    Anyone who eats chicken isn't really a vegetarian. They might be flexitarian: vegetarian sometimes, and omnivorous the rest of the time.

    A vegetarian who eats no eggs or dairy is usually a vegan, like me. Vegans avoid animal products of all kinds, in all aspects of their lives. So, not only no hamburgers, but no leather furniture or wool sweaters, and no beauty products that have been tested on animals.

    1. LoisRyan13903 profile image61
      LoisRyan13903posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I am more of meat eater myself.  I have tried the pescatarian approach with eating fish but no meat-tried it for Lent once but made it about three days.  I got too spoiled on meat when I was growing up.

  5. Cynthia Hoover profile image89
    Cynthia Hooverposted 9 years ago

    I recently wrote about vegan and vegetarian proteins. I am sure to ruffle a few feathers - but I always call myself a PTVT (part time vegetarian). More often than not my meals are veg based - yet, I still do consume meat from time to time. It is an individual lifestyle choice, that people make for many reasons - not just limited to thinking it is animal cruelty etc.

    Many people pursue the lifestyle out of health issues and concerns, often at the behest of a nutritionist or their GP. This could make up a large part of those that are eating fish and at times chicken. There are many health issues that may cause someone to choose the veggie way, while still consuming fish.
    I do think they should not call themselves true vegetarians though, perhaps more of a PTVT.
    I think it would be completely rude to feed a visiting friend fish or chicken if you knew they were vegetarian! I usually make a vegetarian lasagna with spaghetti squash, or some other vegetarian friendly dish when I have company that has chosen a vegetarian lifestyle. It really is not hard to accommodate friends or family who have chosen this lifestyle when you are cooking.

    1. LoisRyan13903 profile image61
      LoisRyan13903posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      I guess if I was cooking for the vegetarian friend I would ask him/her of whether no fish, dairy, eggs and so on.  I love veggie lasagna and made one with eggplant and xuccini rather than noodles.

    2. adamandevebaby profile image58
      adamandevebabyposted 9 years agoin reply to this

      yeah better ask her/him first. My friend is a vegetarian, I always ask her what food she wants everytime she visits us.

  6. Dr Pran Rangan profile image79
    Dr Pran Ranganposted 9 years ago

    It is true that many people eat fish and eggs but still call themselves vegetarians. According to my view, such people should not be called vegetarians in its real sense. I agree that eggs and fish are healthy food if eaten in proper quantities. Above all, it is the individual choice, which we can't question. I am a pure vegetarian too.

    1. LoisRyan13903 profile image61
      LoisRyan13903posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for your answer,

  7. manatita44 profile image72
    manatita44posted 9 years ago

    Yes, you're correct.

    Some use moral arguments like cruelty to animals and so forth. Others use religious arguments which is valid for them.

    Generally vegans are extreme and vegetarians are less extreme. Traditionally, they use milk, cheese and eggs but not fish. But some religious, I would avoid names, do use fish and even chicken, like you say.

    The practitioner of Yoga sees life in terms of Consciousness/Spirit/Energy/Vibration. All things have energy or spirit or vibration. The vibration of animals are said to be restless, aggressive and lethargic, including fish. Vegetables are of a milder, gentler consciousness or vibration.

    The purpose of Yoga is equanimity or Balance, in other words inner harmony, and the gentle quality or consciousness of vegetables, are a big help. All this is from the standpoint of Yoga philosophy, and is only useful for those who seek enlightenment or Self-realisation. Hope this helps.

    1. LoisRyan13903 profile image61
      LoisRyan13903posted 9 years agoin reply to this

      Yes I forgot about different religions.  I think I had a fertilized egg once years ago from the grocery store.  The entire egg was red.  Couldn't eat eggs for a while-just turned me off.  Always check eggs before putting in cake mix-had a green egg o

  8. roselinsojan profile image59
    roselinsojanposted 8 years ago

    Dear LoisRyan,Vegetarians not eat meat because It is hard to digest.second,it is because they never eat or drink blood. It is said that life contains in the blood.eggs or milk don"t contain blood.and it is easy to digest and they get extra vitamins from it

    1. LoisRyan13903 profile image61
      LoisRyan13903posted 8 years agoin reply to this

      Didn't really answer my question.  I know going veggie is healthier than meat.


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