Are you a big tipper or do you think you already paid enough for the meal?

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  1. elayne001 profile image82
    elayne001posted 15 years ago

    Are you a big tipper or do you think you already paid enough for the meal?

  2. TamCor profile image80
    TamCorposted 15 years ago

    We always, ALWAYS tip--we may tip less if the service is terrible, but we would never tip less if the food wasn't good.  That's not the waitress' or waiter's fault.

    I think many people have no idea how little wait staff is paid--far less than minimum wage!  They heavily rely on their tips for their livelihood--and most of them work very hard to please us.

  3. SimeyC profile image81
    SimeyCposted 15 years ago

    I tip depending on quality of service - a lot of the servers get minimum wage (or less!) and therefore rely on tips. I also tip in Cash - if you add it to the check (in the US anyway) - it is automatically taxed - so giving Cash actually ends up giving more....

  4. thoughtgrazer profile image59
    thoughtgrazerposted 15 years ago

    As a person who works in the food and beverage industry, I can confidently say, that tipping is a requirement, unless you enjoy endorsing slave labor.  Most states have a reduced wage for waiters and bartenders.  For example, the state in which in reside, Oklahoma pays servers 2.13/hr.  They are depending on your generosity and common sense to provide for their families.   
      If you can not afford to tip, you most likely cannot afford to go out to dinner.

  5. xriotdotbiz profile image57
    xriotdotbizposted 15 years ago

    I do tip the standard 15% for bad or moderate service, 20% for good or great service.  But I do wish that service was added into the price.  I have had dinners at very expensive restaurants (for me) and when a table for 6 comes to $300, tipping $60 is hard to justify when I feel the woman at Denny's works just as hard.  A Denny's waitress tip on $60 generates $12 on a 20% tip.  But both the $60 and $12 dollar waiter/waitress work just as hard and are just as friendly.

  6. Jeffrey Neal profile image70
    Jeffrey Nealposted 15 years ago

    I generally tip 20% as a rule.  I used to work in the restaurant industry, and it's true that servers and even bartenders rely on tips as their primary income.  For a restaurant doing well in sales, the regular check a server gets is usually eaten up by taxes because they have to declare a certain percentage of sales as tips even if they didn't make that much.

  7. Silver Poet profile image70
    Silver Poetposted 15 years ago

    If I am especially pleased with the cleanliness of the restaurant and the polite manners of the staff, I will be inclined to tip more.  I think tipping is proper, and that it's better to hand over dollars to hard workers in restaurants than to people who do nothing and cheat the taxpayers.

    (I am not talking about people who've lost their jobs and need temporary help, but rather those who pretend to be disabled and who refuse to get jobs when they can.)

    Tip generously!

  8. stricktlydating profile image75
    stricktlydatingposted 15 years ago

    We're not required to leave a tip in restaurants in Australia. But I'll leave a decent tip if the service and the meal have both been noticably very good.

  9. JamieK profile image60
    JamieKposted 15 years ago

    If the service is average or below average strictly 10%.  I know that a lot of people in the service industry rely on tips so i try and reward the people who perform good service.  If someone is rude then I will occasionally leave nothing.

  10. Oldskool903 profile image59
    Oldskool903posted 15 years ago

    I love tipping good workers because if they are going to do extra work and be a pleasant person to be around than they earned the extra money. I still do tip those who are bad waiters and waitresses but maybe 5 percent less. So instead of getting a solid 20 percent tip they earn a mediocre 15 percent. I defiantly agree with thoughtgrazer about how tipping is a requirement, but there is no minimum. The lowest I'll go, even if the waiter/waitress is absolutely horrible is 10 percent.

  11. Pauline C Stark profile image54
    Pauline C Starkposted 15 years ago

    I don't believe in tipping just because it's customary. I get very annoyed when the gratuity is automatically added on to a check.  A gratuity is gratitude to the server for their good service and if I don't get good service, I don't like feeling like I have to tip. This is a customer oriented, service industry job, and a tip shouldn't be expected for just any service. I worked for years in a full commission only job, and if I didn't work hard and do a good job, I didn't get paid either.

  12. Rachaelle Lynn profile image59
    Rachaelle Lynnposted 15 years ago

    I tip between 20% and 30% of the cost of the meal; I tip at the higher end if a friend and I have occupied the table for significantly longer than the time it took us to have our meal, to compensate for the tips the server might have lost from us sitting there so long.  I consider the tip to be part of the cost of the experience of eating out.  It has nothing to do with the cost of the meal (except as a percentage) because the prices are on the menu and I'm aware of the need to tip before I even walk into the restaurant.  I also try to tip well because serving is hard work and that's how servers make their money, and I know some of their customers won't tip well.


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