What is your favorite dish to take to an outdoor picnic?

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  1. Glimmer Twin Fan profile image96
    Glimmer Twin Fanposted 11 years ago

    What is your favorite dish to take to an outdoor picnic?

    When attending a picnic, what is your go to recipe that you always make and take?  I usually bring a mayo-free pasta salad, but I'm getting tired of making it every time.

  2. purl3agony profile image87
    purl3agonyposted 11 years ago

    I either take a garden salad, but with some "fancy" ingredients like craisins, walnuts, or feta cheese, or I make a big fruit salad with colorful melons and berries.  I like fruit salad because people can either eat it during their meal, or as dessert.

    I'm interested to see what other options get posted smile

    1. sallybea profile image81
      sallybeaposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Home made Cornish Pasties made with home made rich short crust pastry.  The filling should be added raw to the circles of pastry before baking in a hot oven  - diced fillet steak, diced potatoes and chopped onion and salt and pepper. Delicious.

    2. Glimmer Twin Fan profile image96
      Glimmer Twin Fanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I've really gotten into craisins on salads purl3agony.  They really add a nice taste to salads.

      Sallybea - Those pasties sound delicious and would make an interesting dish to bring.

  3. Jackie Lynnley profile image87
    Jackie Lynnleyposted 11 years ago

    Probably potato salad because you can make so much of it to go round and it goes with so many things and doesn't ruin as many things might. Everyone always loves it too!

    1. Glimmer Twin Fan profile image96
      Glimmer Twin Fanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Potato salad always rocks and like you say, everyone loves it.

  4. cat on a soapbox profile image93
    cat on a soapboxposted 11 years ago

    The mayo-free pasta salad w/ olive, pimento, pepperoncini, celery, onion, and garbanzos had always been my stand-by along w/ fruit salad. Since my husband has been growing bumper crops of wonderful summer tomatoes, I choose colorful mixes that balance sweet and acid. Chopped w/ basil and drizzled w/ olive oil and balsamic vinegar, they are a great addition to any picnic fare.

    1. Glimmer Twin Fan profile image96
      Glimmer Twin Fanposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That sounds like a good salad, with some spice to it although that fresh tomato salad sounds absolutely delicious.  I can't pass up a home grown tomato.

  5. Abby Campbell profile image83
    Abby Campbellposted 11 years ago

    I wrote a hub on this a couple of months back that you may enjoy getting some ideas from:

    http://abbycampbell.hubpages.com/hub/Ho … iet-Picnic

  6. ChristinS profile image36
    ChristinSposted 11 years ago

    I grow an organic garden, so I will go harvest all the ingredients and make salsa. I make one hot and one mild and take it with chips or cut veggies.  Because it is absolutely fresh everyone devours it.  Once you taste it like that you'll never want the store bought stuff again smile

    I do Caprese salads sometimes also with fresh basil and tomatoes from my garden. That is super easy and always a big hit.  Fresh tomato, garlic, basil, tossed in olive oil with a little sea salt and cracked pepper.  Then you stir in chunks of fresh mozzarella at the very end. refrigerate for a few hours to allow the flavors to blend and take and serve cold - very refreshing on a hot afternoon.

    1. mollymeadows profile image70
      mollymeadowsposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Pimento/mac and cheese casserole. A box of mac and cheese, a cup of mayo, a stick of butter, crushed cheese crackers for crust and topping, a jar of pimentos, a can of cream of mushroom soup and a pound of grated cheddar cheese. Mmmmm....

  7. Imogen French profile image87
    Imogen Frenchposted 11 years ago

    My egg-mayonnaise sandwiches are always popular, and also home-made vegetable quiche. (Eggs are a bit of a theme, as we usually have a lot of eggs from our chickens during the summer months!)

  8. profile image56
    Anika Diariesposted 10 years ago

    I love making brownies and bake them a day before an outing or a picnic so that I can carry them with me. After seeing it no one bothers about chocolate sauce or a syrup and gobble them up in no time. It's always a treat.

  9. breathing profile image56
    breathingposted 8 years ago


    When it comes to outdoor picnic there are hundreds of delicious items that people can take out. Yeah the choice is different from people to people. But for me it is impossible to choose only just one item. So here I’ll discuss a few items that I prefer the most for outdoor picnic:

    1. There is hardly anyone who will not love classic buttermilk fried chicken. This item is tasty even in homes. And in outdoor?? Just a thrilling dish to take in mouth.

    2. Want to make the chicken special? Looking for a helping hand recipe? Cabbage slaw will do the job for you.

    3. Are you a tomato lover? Love to eat tomato recipes? Then you can try out sliced tomatoes with corn and feta.

    4. Salad is very much necessary with the above mentioned items. And egg potato salad is indeed a great choice in these circumstances.

    5. Want some desert after the lunch or breakfast? What can be in ideal choice than watermelon?

    6. Want to try out some sweets? A salty peanut banana pudding can serve the purpose for you.

    There are many other items that come into the list. But I don’t want to make the readers bored. That’s why the list ends here.


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