I Will Edit Grammar, Spelling in ONE of your hubs

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  1. melbel profile image95
    melbelposted 7 years ago

    I'm really bored.

    Link me ONE of your hubs and I will let you know if I see mistakes in it and suggest corrections.

    1. kenneth avery profile image80
      kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      @ smile melbel, right now I cannot think of one. But I will surely keep your sweet offer in mind. Thank you.

    2. vocalcoach profile image94
      vocalcoachposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I'm happy to send you one one of minr me;;http://hubpages.com/_1ictfyqvgguwn/health/Improving-Your-Health-One-Hug-at-a-Time

      This will b fun and thansks so muchj!

      1. hclpd profile image93
        hclpdposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        Please tell you you were drunk when you typed all this.

        1. kenneth avery profile image80
          kenneth averyposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          In my time on earth, I have seen a lot of things performed by mortals who were sober. This is one of them.

      2. melbel profile image95
        melbelposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        In this sentence:
        Take a nice deep breath and hold the hug for 25 seconds, remembering to breath during the process

        Change breath to breathe

        Your body will relax and "let-go".

        Change let-go to let go

        There are others ways to hug yourself besides the physical hug:

        Change besides to beside

        When we "see the glass as half-full" instead of half-empty, we actually set up the conditions needed for living a healthy life-style.

        Change life-style to lifestyle

        Your physical energy and over-all health depends on exercising your heart muscle.

        Change over-all to overall
        Change depends to depend

        Then I read somewhere that adding a slice of cucumber might help. . .and sure enough, it did

        Change to
        Then I read somewhere that adding a slice of cucumber might help and sure enough, it did

        Another trick I use is to add organic 100% cranbury juice. It is all natural with no sugar or sweetner, so if you try this be sure to delute it with plenty of water and a kick of stevia.

        Change cranbury to cranberry
        Change sweetner to sweetener
        Change delute to dilute

        Eating nutrionally is a mind-set.
        Change nutrionally to nutritionally
        Change mind-set to mindset

        Its fun, rewarding and healthier than purchasing these foods at the market. Planting from seeds is a great money-saver. And you can use an egg-container to start your seeds.

        Change Its to It's
        Change Planting from seeds to Planting seeds
        Change egg-container to egg container

        The best way to apply a healthy dose of self love is to try the following:
        Change self love to self-love

        Change the last photo or it won't be added to a new hub site.

        1. vocalcoach profile image94
          vocalcoachposted 7 years agoin reply to this

          Thank you so very much for editing my hub.  I'm making the necessary changes with a grateful heart.

    3. hclpd profile image93
      hclpdposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you for doing this. I was looking for someone who could point out the mistakes for me. Please let me know what do you think of the following hub -


      What more could I do to improve its chances of being moved to a niche site?

      1. melbel profile image95
        melbelposted 7 years agoin reply to this

        I would get rid of almost all of the youtube videos. Just my opinion.

        Okay so grammar and spelling:
        Netflix has proved its mettle over the course of last couple of years

        the last couple of years

        Change catalogue to catalog

        Over the course of last couple of years
        You forgot "the" again

        The thought-provoking mini-stories are going to stay with you for a long time, leaving you with a lot questions swirling around in your head - questions that are impossible to answer.

        a lot of questions

        If it flew under you radar somehow, now is the time to catch up on this show before its 4th season.

        your radar

        Unfortunately, Jessica's past catchers up with her

        it's going to be a very busy year for Marvel fans..
        it's going to be a very busy year for Marvel fans.

        The story revolved round a wrongly imprisoned man, who becomes a super strong

        I was skeptical when I heard that Netflix has green light to a Jessica Jones' spin-off.
        Change to:
        I was skeptical when I heard that Netflix had the greenlight for a Jessica Jones' spin-off.

        How far he would go to get what he wants?
        Change to
        How far would he go to get what he wants?

        In a town where everyone has their own secretes, would the killer be brought to justice?

        Based upon a true story, Narcos follows the conflict between
        Based on a true story, Narcos follows the conflict between

        He might be ruthless when it comes to drug business
        He might be ruthless when it comes to the drug business

        Brazilian actor , shines in his role as Pablo
        Brazilian actor, shines in his role as Pablo

        8 strangers from different part of the world with a strange
        8 strangers from different parts of the world with a strange

        Prepare to be drawn into a whole new world of privilege, power and politics.
        Prepare to be drawn into a whole new world of privilege, power, and politics.

        the first 11 episodes is incredibly suspenseful and entertaining
        the first 11 episodes are incredibly suspenseful and entertaining

        watch the first season, which consist of 6 short episodes
        watch the first season, which consists of 6 short episodes

        The writing, animation and voice acting are expertly done
        The writing, animation, and voice acting are expertly done

        The writing, animation and voice acting are expertly done
        The writing, animation, and voice acting are expertly done

        Based upon a series of novels by the same name,
        Based on a series of novels by the same name,

        The story revolves round Marco Polo
        The story revolves around Marco Polo

        a famed explorer from 13th century
        a famed explorer from the 13th century

        himself in the middle of power struggle between
        himself in the middle of a power struggle between
        or even
        himself in the middle of the power struggle between


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