What are some home remedies for a chesty cough?

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  1. Karanda profile image78
    Karandaposted 12 years ago

    What are some home remedies for a chesty cough?

    A friend has a nasty cough but can't get to the doctors for antibiotics. Is there a natural alternative while he's waiting?

  2. Absolute Health profile image61
    Absolute Healthposted 12 years ago

    Lemon tea. Squeeze lemon juice into a cup of boiled water that has cooled a tad. Add some honey and drink up. The lemon breaks up the congestion and the honey soothes the throat. Also garlic is a potent antibiotic. Crush a couple cloves of garlic into a spoon and add a tablespoon of honey and swallow. Take daily even after the cold and it works wonders for the body and heart.
    Let me know how it works.
    Blessings to you and your friend.

  3. profile image0
    Rob Bellposted 12 years ago

    Chop up an onion and put it in a bowl.

    Cover it with 7 dessert spoons of brown sugar.

    Cover the bowl with a plate.

    When all the sugar has melted into a liquid, strain it out and drink it.

    Put the remaining onion in a pan and fry for a bit in its own juices.

    Then eat the onion.

  4. Corin profile image60
    Corinposted 12 years ago

    To get rid of a chesty cough:
    1) drink a turmeric milk 3 times daily: boil in a cup of milk a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Sip it hot.

    2) Another efficient remedy is to mix 2 drops of cypress essential oil in a teaspoon of honey. Then mix it in some hot water and drink this 3 times daily. And before going to bed, put 5 drops of cypress essential oil on your pillow.

  5. profile image0
    Temirahposted 12 years ago

    Fill a bowl with boiling water and get your friend to lean over it with a towel his head.  Inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes.
    This is loosen the mucous in the chest and make it easier to cough out.
    Also drink plenty fluid as the body needs extra fluid when it's unwell - a raised temperature causes dehydration and for a chesty cough this can cause the mucous to be more difficult to expectorate.
    I hope by now your friend is better - but there's such a great bunch of answers here that you'll know all there is to know for next time!

  6. artist101 profile image60
    artist101posted 11 years ago

    There are many remedies for a cough in my article http://is-it-a-cold-or-allergy There are many natural supplements that have antibacterial properties, including olive leaf, and oil of oregano. The dosages and strengths are listed in my article for each supplement. Elderberry liquid is an effective supplement, as it quiets the cough, and increases immunity. Zinc lozenges also work very well, as they kill the virus, or bacteria in the throat where it starts. Do not exceed 100mg per day of zinc, as this will lower immunity, not raise it. Other recommendations include a good daily multivitamin, containing zinc and D3, such as Vitafusion multi-vite adult gummies. He may also want to do a breathing treatment, to loosen the mucus, in the chest. Bring a pan of water to a boil, place pan on a heat safe surface. Place a towel around the head and pan. Breathe in steam, as you breathe in the steam it will loosen the mucus. When you cough up any phlem, do not swallow, spit it out, into a kleenex, and flush. Do not leave laying around, as it may spread the germs to others. Vicks vapo rub placed on the chest before bed time will also loosen mucus.

  7. profile image0
    oceansiderposted 11 years ago

    I read that the best thing for a congested cough is drinking water....it sounds so simple, but it's true because it worked for me when I had that kind of congestion a couple of months ago.  Another natural remedy is drinking plenty of peppermint tea!
    I drank lots of the tea & lots of water and I hardly even needed the prescription the doctor gave me.

    1. artist101 profile image60
      artist101posted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Very true I forgot about that one.

  8. padmendra profile image49
    padmendraposted 9 years ago

    Steam inhaling and gargle twice daily is the best home medicine to get relief from a chesty cough. Avoid drinking col water and instead, drink warm water for a few days.


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