If you could eliminate one crime from the entire planet what would it be?

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  1. Daffy Duck profile image61
    Daffy Duckposted 12 years ago

    If you could eliminate one crime from the entire planet what would it be?


  2. cyoung35 profile image81
    cyoung35posted 12 years ago

    I would eliminate drug abuse as this seems to be the common denominator for most major crimes in this world. When you're in your right mind you can make better decisions and the crime rate would plummet. It wouldn't get rid of all crime but I believe it would make a huge difference in the world.

  3. 34th Bomb Group profile image60
    34th Bomb Groupposted 12 years ago

    While, of course, violent crime such as rape, robbery and murder are WAY up there, I choose Public Corruption. I was the Chief of White Collar Crime in our county's District Attorney's Office for many years. The anguish these crimes cause is immeasurable. When you've had a Roman Catholic Priest cry in your arms you learn how damaging stealing money can be.
    The usual response from lay people to such crimes is "it's only money," and, they're right, but when you see the three little old ladies whose retirement fund was systematically looted by their nephew who then dropped dead so I have no one to pay the money back, you get a better idea. (His wife claimed she knew nothing about it. Right - so where did your new kitchen come from and how 'bout all that traveling you did?) The BAST@RD was the Treasurer of a large Town, too and the Town's attorney facilitated it by running it through his Trust Account. The best I could do with him is blow him in to the Bar Association for a slap on the wrist.
    Throw in Welfare Fraud in every shape THAT doozie comes in. Do you wonder why your taxes go through the roof? This is one of the reasons. When a Supervisor at the Welfare office manipulates a few pieces of paper to see that her daughter receives a couple hundred of dollars a month she's not entitled to, that hits your pocketbook as well. I could go on all afternoon.
    Obviously, violent crime is the worst - like the 22 year old working at a half-way house for Juvenile Offenders. They thought she had some money in her purse so they decided to beat her to death with a table leg. Nice kids. This occurred about a mile from my house. A TABLE LEG!!!
    Heard of Love Canal?? That was mine. Politicians and their favorite cronies ALLEGEDLY looted everything they could get out of that money. I could NOT prove it so that was that.
    I'm going to stop now - my heart rate is through the roof.

  4. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 12 years ago

    Any kind of child abuse, including pedophilia.  To have those things zapped from the world would be great.

  5. maxoxam41 profile image64
    maxoxam41posted 12 years ago

    Military invasion of a country for its wealth and child abuses.

  6. Rachelle Williams profile image90
    Rachelle Williamsposted 12 years ago

    I would eliminate child abuse, especially pedophilia.

  7. Attikos profile image81
    Attikosposted 12 years ago

    Partisan politics, which is beginning to overrun even Hub Pages.

  8. athena2011 profile image57
    athena2011posted 12 years ago

    Trafficking children for sex. That is so upsetting it makes me feel to throw up.

  9. FrugalandFab profile image59
    FrugalandFabposted 12 years ago

    Any crime against children, the elderly, and the disabled. In my mind those are the most vile.

  10. profile image0
    Rosemary Banksposted 12 years ago

    I would eliminate all killings - murders that is so undeserving.

  11. CookwareBliss profile image61
    CookwareBlissposted 12 years ago

    Child abuse - I can't imagine why someone would want to hurt our youth, it's sad when I hear stories about children being abused.

  12. Shaddie profile image77
    Shaddieposted 12 years ago

    I would get rid of rape. It is the worst kind of sin, in my eyes.

  13. Leanna McCarthy profile image60
    Leanna McCarthyposted 12 years ago

    Violent crimes like murder and rape are arguably the worst.

    Also intolerable is child abuse. Any crime that destroys the spirit.

    Down with the haters.

  14. Shane KY profile image61
    Shane KYposted 12 years ago

    Any crime against children. I am from Kentucky and if you haven't heard about the recent reports that were released about child abuse, they are sick. Kentucky is one of the leading states for child abuse. This sickens me. To think that anyone would ever dare to hurt a innocent child is just sick. This is the crime that I think should be removed.


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