What type of books motivate and inspire you?

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  1. creativebutterfly profile image59
    creativebutterflyposted 12 years ago

    What type of books motivate and inspire you?

  2. Leaderofmany profile image61
    Leaderofmanyposted 12 years ago

    I love the books that tell about overcoming a difficult life moment. It gives me motivation to do what I need to in my life.

  3. nuchime profile image59
    nuchimeposted 12 years ago

    the kind of books that inspire me are Christian books or books that are about faith and revelation.

  4. profile image0
    melafxposted 12 years ago

    I can talk for me, i have one particular book i admire and study, The Holy Bible.
    The information i gather inside it, tells a varietu of situations, some more critical, but others more beatiful. I select those and turn them into my own imagination, using the context and scenery transmited. Not always is inspiring, but from that reading, i can get wips that later inspires me, in partical situations.


    David C.

  5. jpcmc profile image89
    jpcmcposted 12 years ago

    I'm a big CS Lewis fan.  Screwtape Letters is simply great.  Richard Bach is also phenomenal.  Mitch Albom is another author who can truly inspire readers.

  6. Chris Qu profile image76
    Chris Quposted 12 years ago

    This may not be what you're after, but I have to go with the Haruhi Suzumiya light novel books, as well as the works of John Green. They don't inspire me in terms of giving huge grand-scale revelations for my life, but they are the books that I can pinpoint as making me go: I want to write fiction like this. And I'm guessing it's slowly working, because I've had people I've gone to for feedback say "Hey, Chris, you know you kind of write like John Green?"

    Aside from those, I like books that give me a lot to think about. More of who you are comes from inside, than outside. So books that help you look at the world differently can help to make you who you are. For me, Battle Royale by Koushun Takami did that. 1984 by George Orwell did it as well.

  7. rtaflooring profile image58
    rtaflooringposted 12 years ago

    History of Famous people and their achievements..not those stupid love stories which take your mind in other way..

  8. athena2011 profile image58
    athena2011posted 12 years ago

    My favorites are self help or self improvement books. Most of them offer such simple, yet powerful advice that can help us all to change our lives for the better.

  9. Hui (蕙) profile image61
    Hui (蕙)posted 12 years ago

    Science fiction, which motivates my imagination and creation.

  10. Sheila Lee profile image61
    Sheila Leeposted 12 years ago

    I love Eckhart Tolle's books. They really help me to focus and not sweat the small stuff and it is such a positive, feel-good read.

  11. fernando d. profile image59
    fernando d.posted 12 years ago

    Ok! I'll answer this again. A book in Bookiepping,and Accounting. I guest part of Forever Spoken,and  all the title of the poems that are written in it. Made a poem out of it too.2 poems to be exact.with all the titles.They are called " A Billion of Tomorrows had Past" and, "Memories". Just about all the titles in it.

  12. algarveview profile image75
    algarveviewposted 12 years ago

    I guess it depends a bit on the phase I'm going through at each moment, but no matter what's going on, there is always a type that works for me when it comes to motivation and inspiration: great love. And when I say great love I don't mean a romantic book of any sorts, I mean books like the "Wuthering heights", something that is actually bigger than life.


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