If you are against Gay marriage, would you reconsider if it were called somethin

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  1. SEXYLADYDEE profile image65
    SEXYLADYDEEposted 11 years ago

    If you are against Gay marriage, would you reconsider if it were called something else?

    Culturally for me marriage has been defined as being between a man and a woman. But if it had as strong a name (ie: Commitment) I think less people would oppose it. Legally I do not agree with any type of discrimination.   People who live together for say 10 years or more, build a life, buy a home, cars, build a family and more should not have it taken away because we don't recognize their relationships. I feel that way about straight and gay partnerships. Health & life insurance are another discrimination.

  2. duffsmom profile image61
    duffsmomposted 11 years ago

    No, for me it is a biblical issue, so the name isn't important to me.

    1. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Right on, Duffsmom!!! :0)

    2. Uninvited Writer profile image80
      Uninvited Writerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Lucky the US is not a religious dictatorship

    3. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Far worse than a religious dictatorship is a godless dictatorship.

    4. safiq ali patel profile image67
      safiq ali patelposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      C J do you wanna come round to mine with your baseball bat and do some fag bashing on me. I'll sit and clutch the cross and pray for gods mercy as you leather me. !! HA Ha.

  3. safiq ali patel profile image67
    safiq ali patelposted 11 years ago

    The union of two souls in ceremony in which god our father blesses a relationship that is of pure   love.

    1. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Do you mean the union of two souls (male and female)?

    2. safiq ali patel profile image67
      safiq ali patelposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      No I am not talking about male and female. I have known gay couples who are committed to one another. If the relationship is one of pure love then why shouldn't it be solemnised in church. ?

    3. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Since when does God our Father bless homosexual unions? How can they be of pure love, when they are full of sin? God is LOVE and there is no darkness found in Him, so why would He endorse such a relationship, especially after He has condemned it?

    4. safiq ali patel profile image67
      safiq ali patelposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      C J Sledghammer I'm not going to comment on your comments. I personally find your comments offensive. True love between two women or two men is never a sin. God loves all and condemns nobody. The rest  is you inability to accept gay lovers as blessed

    5. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Personally...I don't give a damn if you find my opinion offensive. My personal position on this subject is bolstered by God's Holy word, not your delicate sensitivities. As it is, I find your lack of moral character and moral judgement appauling.

    6. safiq ali patel profile image67
      safiq ali patelposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sledge hammer its not for you alone to decide. Also aren't you now verging on breaching laws and rules here. The rest of planet go over gays and gay marriage 30 years ago or more. .

  4. profile image0
    CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years ago

    Brother and sister, father and daughter, son and mother are other examples of forbidden sexual unions...regardless of how long they have been living together or how much they "love" each other. Homosexual relationships are no different. They all are forbidden by God's Holy Word, they all are discriminated against by nature, and they all are unhealthy sexual unions worthy of contempt.

    As I was telling a homosexual advocate the other day...just because you love someone doesn't mean that you ought to be having sex with them. I believe humans are meant to "love thy neighbor", but they must also use good sense and moral judgment.

    1. Uninvited Writer profile image80
      Uninvited Writerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      So, if someone told you you could love someone but not have sex you would be okay with that?

    2. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Yes...I would be fine with that. I have strong feelings for many people, and as it is I am also a very passionate man, but I don't go around dropping my pants as a result of my passion, nor do I feel that I need to express my love for people sexually

  5. profile image0
    ahorsebackposted 11 years ago

    In our state it was first called Civil Union . That wasn't enough though .  For less that two percent of the US population  we ruined the institution of marriage , for what P.C.  ?   Just one more nail in the coffin of  normalcy !

    1. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Right you are, my friend. And, kudos to you for standing up for the truth!

  6. profile image0
    Justsilvieposted 11 years ago

    When are we going to set some priorities and work on things that are of real importance like survival of humanity instead of spending energy to make life harder for a couple who have chosen to live together and would just like the same civil liberties we all take for granted.

    Definition of MARRIAGE
    a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage

    b : the mutual relation of married persons : WEDLOCK
    c : the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage

    : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities

    : an intimate or close union

    Nothing is taken from Heterosexual Marriage by allowing same sex marriage. Heterosexuals do not own the word!

    1. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Marriage was given to man and woman by God...not Webster's dictionary. You go around changing words and meanings and you end up changing the culture. You know that. Moving homosexual relationships into the norm will deliver a death blow to us all.

    2. profile image0
      Justsilvieposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Hating and judgemental thinking will kill us way before homosexuality will. If there is a God and it is against his will, I would think it was his job to pass judgement, not mine or yours.

  7. junkseller profile image76
    junksellerposted 11 years ago

    I'm not opposed to marriage between same-sex couples, but I am opposed to the name Gay Marriage. It should just be called Marriage--a commitment of love between two people.

    Those who believe their marriage is something different from the marriage of same-sex couples are the ones who should change the name (they are the ones who want something apart from others). They could call it My Marriage is Better Than Your Marriage Marriage, or Imaginary Sky-God Approved Marriage, or One Dingleling, One Woohoo Marriage.

    Treating people unequally is immoral and no justification will ever defeat that. People used the Bible to excuse the unequal treatment of women and lost. They tried to use it to excuse the unequal treatment of blacks and lost. They will lose this one as well. They are wrong and it is as simple as that.

    1. SEXYLADYDEE profile image65
      SEXYLADYDEEposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I think based on one dingleing and one woo hoo you win best answer. Sorry. I too believe than "religion" is being used to justify discrimination once again. Thank you.

    2. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Perhaps, sexyladydee, you should learn to discriminate between good and evil. As it is, you have no moral compass because you have been brainwashed into thinking ALL forms of discrimination is bad, therefore you make decisions without moral judgment.

    3. junkseller profile image76
      junksellerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Funny how the people who claim to have a superior moral compass are usually the only ones in the room who are attacking people around them.

    4. profile image0
      CJ Sledgehammerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Indeed. I did not appreciate her discriminatory and demeaning remarks about me being a "dingaling" and another dissenter as being a "whoo hoo". If she admits it or not, she practices discrimination based upon a person's sexual preferance and beliefs.

    5. junkseller profile image76
      junksellerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Who's calling who a what? I'm so confused. Dingalings and woohoos was in reference to genitalia. I'd have used proper medical terms, but oddly those seem to get flagged. I was saying you (CJ) are the only one attacking people. Just to be clear.

    6. safiq ali patel profile image67
      safiq ali patelposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Sexyladyee I pray and I believe in a loving father god. Jesus comes to many daily with open arms and says I love all and condemn no-one. That's as I understand him. Perhaps the rest god himself will explain. Thy will be done on this too Oh God...


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