What are the TEN main things that AREN'T VALUED in American society and culture?

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  1. gmwilliams profile image85
    gmwilliamsposted 8 years ago

    What are the TEN main things that AREN'T VALUED in American society and culture?


  2. dashingscorpio profile image78
    dashingscorpioposted 8 years ago

    1. Religion
    2. Virginity
    3. Monogamy in relationships including marriage
    4. Knowing one's neighbors
    5. Real friends as oppose to Facebook friends and Twitter followers
    6. Respecting senior citizens
    7. Privacy
    (Lovers & the government want access to one's cyber activity.)
    8. Face to face interaction (Lots of people prefer social media)
    9. Using phones to call people. (Lots of people prefer to text)
    10. Career experience. It's a negative for (job hunters) over age 45.

  3. Diane Van Hook profile image74
    Diane Van Hookposted 8 years ago

    I agree with dashingscorpio for the most part, but would like to springboard off the answers given and explain the paradoxes that exist in the answers. The comments area was too small for what I wanted to say, so I'm doing so here.
    1. Religion
    - It is valued, but for a majority of people it is necessary for one to follow "the right one" in regards to religion. For too many, that means being Christian, even being broken down further among the traditions to argue between them. Your religion is your identifying mark of your character, to be judged by stereotypes imposed by the dominant group without input from the affected groups and no chance for rebuttal.
    2. Virginity
    - It is, until you reach a certain point in a relationship, unless you have found someone that fetishizes it. The perceived purity is fine on the surface, except that it becomes being misread as being a prude. Virgins are a badge of honor for those that change the status, turning them into a commodity, instead of valuing the state itself or attempting to understand circumstances if the virgin state lasts past a certain age.
    3. Monogamy in relationships including marriage
    - Valued insofar as staying in line with specific religious morality and mores. Those that practice monogamy do so by mutual agreement, and if that changes, it should be upfront, to either dissolve the relationship, or mutually dissolve the monogamous agreement.
    4. Knowing one's neighbors
    - Dichotomy of interaction and building community, and the distrust of those around us and paranoia of envy.
    5. Real friends as oppose to Facebook friends and Twitter followers
    - Proximity plays a factor, and in person friendships are maintained up close and over distance and Facebook does help with maintaining both.
    6. Respecting senior citizens
    - Again, on the surface in Western society, valued and at the same time disregarded and discarded.
    7. Privacy (Lovers & the government want access to one's cyber activity.)
    - Valued, but also turned into a commodity in order to assure safety/ trust. Privacy is wanted, and needed, but at the same time the perception of privacy is being eaten away.
    8. Face to face interaction (Lots of people prefer social media)
    - Again, proximity is a given for interaction, and relationships can be maintained by media.
    9. Using phones to call people. (Lots of people prefer to text)
    - Cost
    10. Career experience. It's a negative for (job hunters) over age 45.
    - Experience wanted, but youth required.

  4. erinshelby profile image71
    erinshelbyposted 8 years ago

    DashingScorpio gave a very thoughtful answer. What is valued is determined in part by who you associate with - what is valued in one smaller culture in America may be condemned by another - but I think in general, American popular culture values youth over age and values displaying sexuality in full view rather than maintaining any mystery. Modesty in dress and restraint in physical relationships are (unfortunately) viewed as backwards values.


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