Why the torture of a mentally disabled white boy by black youths is largely igno

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  1. wba108@yahoo.com profile image76
    wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years ago

    Why the torture of a mentally disabled white boy by black youths is largely ignored by the media?

    last week four young blacks kidnapped and tortured a mentally handicapped white boy. They made him drink from a toilet and kiss the floor while making him say he loves black people.  During the beatings they yelled out "F--- white people, boy" and "F--- Donald Trump."

    The reason this is known is because it was broadcast on Facebook live. The mainstream media barely covered it, at first ignoring and then downplaying the racial element of it. Could you imagine if the rolls were reversed and four white youths had kidnapped and tortured a mentally handicapped black boy, while cursing Obama! 


  2. Dean Traylor profile image94
    Dean Traylorposted 7 years ago

    Ignored? It's all over the media! Heck, CNN had panels discussing it. And, by the way, there was a similar incident in which the "roles were reversed" that got some reportage...Didn't you hear of the white high school football players that sodomized a disabled black student with a coat-hanger (not to mention that the attacker got out of it with no jail tine)? In either case, the incidents were deplorable, and the perpetrators in both cases deserve serious jail time.

    No wonder why there's a problem with media these days: the audience is not really paying attention to it.

    1. wba108@yahoo.com profile image76
      wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years agoin reply to this

      When the AP first broke the story, they never mentioned the racist outbursts, the race of the perpetrators or the race of the victim. When the New York Times finally covered the story on January 6th , there was no mention of racism.

    2. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      They did. And they're most likEly will be charged for hate crimes too.

    3. wba108@yahoo.com profile image76
      wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Here's the link to original  report which the AP contributed to: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/loca … story.html

    4. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Do you understand that AP is a news wire service? In many cases they may despence a news story from one of many papers they are contracted with. Once in a while, they will have reporters for breaking news story. I believe chicago tribune broke it.

    5. wba108@yahoo.com profile image76
      wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It appears the original story was reported about the same way across the media, here's another link by ABC news: http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/chic … g-44562129

    6. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Crash course in police beat writing:you avoid writing things directly...for legal reasons. You get around it by indirectly stating some clues. Also, in ongoing investigations, the police will control information. AP will cover police briefing only.

    7. wba108@yahoo.com profile image76
      wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years agoin reply to this

      look at the media reporting of the Trayvon Martin shooting.The press released a picture of him at 12 years old, MSNBC doctored the audio to make Zimmerman look bad and Obama got involved. All this was done during ongoing investigations.

    8. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      This is not about Trayvon. Btw, Zimmerman hasn't been a model citizen. So I wouldn't use that example.

    9. wba108@yahoo.com profile image76
      wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years agoin reply to this

      No, but it is about the press interfering with an active investigation

    10. bradmasterOCcal profile image50
      bradmasterOCcalposted 7 years agoin reply to this


      Anal or oral intercourse between human beings, or any sexual relations between a human being and an animal, the act of which may be punishable as a criminal offense. "coat hanger" not a human

    11. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Brad, are we having a meltdown?

    12. bradmasterOCcal profile image50
      bradmasterOCcalposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Not we, maybe you are thinking that a coathanger is human, and fits into the definition of sodomy.

    13. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You mean you're going to make that an issue?  Is this a Freudian slip?

    14. Ivan Tod profile image61
      Ivan Todposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Lowlife scum is lowlife scum regardless of their race or color. And only lowlife scum would do such a thing. I say beat 'em to death, grind 'em up and make fertilizer out of 'em as people who'd do such a thing are worthless for anything else.

  3. tamarawilhite profile image87
    tamarawilhiteposted 7 years ago

    Because it is contrary to their official view that blacks are always victims, whites are always guilty racists.

    1. wba108@yahoo.com profile image76
      wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Blacks may be victim's but by enlarge not of white racists or  thugs. I don't see how they've got a leg to stand on, the statistics all point to a different story than the one they're telling.


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