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100 Names for Dungeons and Dragons Characters

Updated on April 14, 2019
Viola Horne profile image

Viola is a game-lover and improv actress who admires the versatility of the English language.

Your character's name can help guide you in its destiny.
Your character's name can help guide you in its destiny.

Male Dwarf

Adaomros Axeager

Belamros Armantor

Adoben Battleheart

Beladak Dagarken

Crueak Diamondeath

Elgretem Glorymoon

Kevkas Ogrescrush

Normoran Runehouse

Pelgrith Gardstar

Female Dwarf

Alicaryn Dancedwarf

Brynianna Dweebledawn

Carmorel Loreminster

Loucietta Cakemaker

Quiaga Mineshadow

Ravastina Rainwalther

Ollatra Swordstine

Victasandi Waddelmouse

Older dwarfs can be quarrelsome and grumpy.
Older dwarfs can be quarrelsome and grumpy.

Male Elf

Arroven Leaplander

Bowleyan Kinglord

Eodour Reignregal

Grageory Bearcharger

Ianhand Greensleeves

Leokulk Houndstauch

Searo Misslematch

Tavlan Windforger

Welkin Zelltorch

Female Elf

Antoinia Seapetal

Catara Abolswift

Daransa Dragonsoul

Fahatra Harplender

Krisselowen Magicblood

Nadaira Quicksinger

Pryetta Soundinghorn

Storelkyn Favermake

Whisper Treesword

Gnomes and dwarfs are similar in size but very different in personality.
Gnomes and dwarfs are similar in size but very different in personality.

Male Gnome

Beryltoot Figglebonger

Donnertate Itspertattle

Herriman Hatshopper

Merriweather Tiddle

Perricone Midgetmeister

Stuvart Tintikker

Tinkervort Littlebit

Whippletot Hootwanger

Mortimeyer Pudmuddle

Female Gnome

Alicinda Acorneedle

Edweena Peach

Falina Bittle

Griselda Dinkysmidge

Lorticia Nudgemuddle

Meolodia Spoonwarble

Tishtilde Squatbottom

Yaxynn Turtletaub

Male Half-Elf

Beodolf Keljjammke

Dextellion Wellbender

Kendarth Walkdiver

Montower Fernfield

Robin Waterfire

Samsmart Daskje

Tomerel Swiftmanner

Willsforce Dometamer

Female half-elves exude beauty and poise but can have a dark side.
Female half-elves exude beauty and poise but can have a dark side.

Female Half-Elf

Catlinna Skolman

Dinorra Fiskfender

Lineik Appelgaard

Melhelga Dansk

Portina Aangarstarsk

Unnetova Sisselfrit

Vertanya Lutenson

Zaldavva Thidrekssen

Male Half-Orc

Brendel Hellsender

Elendithas Smort

Gargalator Swampmittel

Hagstorr Horg

Ogspit Mudgorth

Quidgel Fangpain

Pauldorn Rapeswitch

Vecscorn Darkbarrel

Female Half-Orc

Agnetha Boarsviper

Beatolice Malscream

Berthilda Cruvill

Harpella Omenhorn

Maumope Stainscar

Pangina Goar

Terrarexa Hangchor

Wisteria Gutscuttle

Male Halfling

Cruheart Minfall

Dendever Hovelvine

Eoian Sandtracker

Helmaard Hexholder

Jackbull Mollde

Murdeen Pefflebloer

Osgaard Revelander

Teobold Tuskbane

Halflings can embody both positive and negative traits.
Halflings can embody both positive and negative traits.

Female Halfling

Ainalyssa Fekloose

Cyntaria Dirth

Eloyaida Murkdane

Glissella Cellscortch

Mawbrynn Fangraddle

Naoimia Cuffcoil

Portensia Baconblood

Raaven Underkjj


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