Beer Benefits - Why drinking beer can be good for your health
There's very few times in which you hear that something you like can actually have some sort of health benefit. I would love to hear that Oreos or Hot Cheetos are somehow beneficial to my health, but I guess more research has to be done on that area. For now, let me deliver some good news to your expectant heart: beer can actually be good for you. "What?!", you say. Yes, you read it right, and to prove it, let me list some beer benefits that will probably convince you to have a cold one...just don't overdo it.
In fact, the only way you can get the full benefits of beer is if you consume it moderately.
This means 1 or 2 drinks per day. No more...
Okay, now to the good stuff.
Beer benefit #1: Antioxidant effects
I'm sure you've heard everywhere about the numerous benefits of antioxidants. Go to a health
food store and you will see that everything has antioxidants. And you know what? Antioxidants are really good for you. They help eliminate the extra free radicals that are roaming around
in your body. These free radicals dudes can be bad if there are too many of them. They go around oxidizing your cells and wrecking all kinds of havoc in your DNA which can lead to premature aging and even cancer.
Antioxidants are the superheroes to your Gotham body. The good news is that beer has plenty antioxidants. It is especially rich in polyphenols, which are a type of plant antioxidant.
Did you know?
Beer has more than 2000 components, vitamins, minerals and phenolic compounds and antiplatelets. All these properties help you have better cardiovascular health, stronger immune system and overall great health, when consumed moderately.
Beer Benefit #2: Heart Health
Here's something to think about:
Moderate alcohol drinkers have 60% less chances of having a heart attack compared to heavy or non-drinkers.
However, not all alcoholic beverages have the same cardiovascular benefits. Several studies
have shown that fermented alcoholic beverages, such as beer, wine and cider, provide more heart benefits.
Beer also contains antiplatelets, which stop blood cells from sticking together and forming blood clots. Blood clots can eventually travel to your lungs and cause Pulmonary Embolism, or to your heart and give you a nasty heart attack.
Good Cholesterol
Lupulus is what gives beer its distinctive bitter taste as well as its debilitating aroma. Not only
is lupulus a treat for your taste buds, but it can also help you reduce your LDL (bad
cholesterol) and increase your HDL (good cholesterol).
Note: Lupulus is more effective against cholesterol if beer is non-alcoholic and consumed
in moderate amounts.
Scared of a beer belly?
So I guess they call it a beer belly because beer is to blame, right? Wrong! Beer bellies don't come from drinking beer. Beer bellies happen due to aging, lack of exercise, use of tobacco, or stress.
Beer Benefit #3: Strengthens Immune Response
Beer increases your leukocyte and T-lymphocyte levels, and that's a really good thing. Why?
Leukocytes and T-lymphocytes are white blood cells that fight foreign substances and disease,
helping you stay healthy and respond appropriately when your body is attacked by any nasty virus or bacteria.
Beer Benefit #4: Women stuff and Menopause
Moderate consumption of beer has also been linked to delay of menopause, which means more years without hot flashes or vaginal dryness.
Studies have found that women who consume beer (or fermented alcohol) in moderate quantities have higher estrogen blood levels than those who don't. Why? Beer has phytoestrogens, which are chemical compunds found in legumes that mimic estrogen effects. These phytoestrogens can delay menopause for up to 2 years.
Note: Keep in mind that some cancers, such as breast cancer, are hormone sensitive. A woman's risk for breast cancer is associated with her lifetime exposure to estrogen.
Beer Benefit #5: Fiber
Did you know beer has fiber? It sure beats having to eat dry, tasteless, wheat bread, amiright?
Beer has soluble fiber, and soluble fiber is good for:
- Constipation
- Preventing colon cancer
- Preventing diverticulosis
- Decreasing cholesterol
Bad news: You cannot possibly meet all your fiber needs just by drinking beer, so I guess I still have to eat my dry, tasteless, wheat bread.
Just because beer can provide some awesome benefits, doesn't mean that you now have carte blanche to drink as much as you desire. Some of these benefits come by drinking non-alcoholic beer. For example, lactating mothers can increase their lactation by drinking NON-ALCOHOLIC beer. The fiber benefits can also be derived by drinking non-alcoholic. So there, don't go get drunk.
Keep exploring and Happy Living!