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Cataracts Are Not Just For Old People

Updated on February 18, 2015

My Lens Replacement ID Card

The Details of My ID Card

The ID card was provided to me on the day of my procedure. The card tells authorities the model, the strength, the length, the serial number, the prescription information for my lens replacement. It also lists the date of the procedure, the patient's name and the surgeon's name (both of which I have partially removed due to privacy rights of the surgeon) and the eye with the lens replacement. The card is provided to help in future eye surgeries the eye may or may not need.  On a more dark note, the card also assists in the forensic aspects of identfying an otherwise unidentifiable corpse.  The black stains have come from being in my wallet for the past 17 years.

I Was Only 25 Years Old

Although cataracts are generally associated with older people, there are a few occasions in which a younger person develops a cataract and must endure the surgery to correct the damaged eye. I was only 25 years old when I had my surgery. While cataract surgical procedures are constantly improving, my procedure involved an actual cut and stitches. The surgeon made a small incision above my iris and pulled the eye covering back to expose the lens portion of my eye. The surgeon removed the damaged lens and replaced it with an artificial one. The artificial lens snaps into place using a spring action.

The graphic of my lens replacement shows two hooks, one at the top and one at the bottom. Those hooks are compacted closely to the actual artificial lens for installation. The hooks help hold the artificial lens in place. The surgeon replaced the eye covering and installed about three to five stitches. The stitches were very irritating as they scratched the inside of my eyelid. As with all stitches, these had to be removed after a set period of time. I don't remember the exact length of time I had to endure these stitches.

Before my surgery, my eyesight in the affected eye was 20/100. I still still had to wear glasses after the surgery due to the damage to my retina. The cloudiness (not really another cataract) returned six months after the surgery, probably due to the same damage to my retina. I wear glasses now at age 43. My most recent prescription for glasses also corrects astigmatism (in both eyes). My eyesight in the affected eye is now 20/40 with glasses, which is the best it will ever be.

How Could a 25 Year Old Have a Cataract?

I'm sure some of you are asking yourselves that very question. I can't say how other young people get cataracts, but I can tell you how I got mine.

I was diagnosed with a disease called Toxoplasmosis when I was 22 years old. This disease caused a swelling of my retina which in turn caused my lens to cloud. A cataract is a clouding of the lens. I was given a prescription for an anti-inflamatory to reduce the swelling of the retina before the surgery could be performed. It took three years for the swelling to go down enough to safely operate. I still have a wrinkle in the affected retina which will never go away.

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the Toxoplasma gondii parasite which is generally found in feline feces. The transfer of this parasite to humans is usually hand to mouth. A person cleans the cat's litterbox before eating a meal without handwashing. Since I had always wash my hands after cleaning my cat's litterbox, the only other explanation is a cat I had once owned used to lick my eyes to wake me up in the mornings. This cat had damaged vocal chords and could not cry. Her only way to communicate with me was through biting or licking.

© 2010 Tammy L


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