How To Stop Pain
Pain All Over
Billions of people all over the global are in pain. For some of them it is short lived, while others find themselves with chronic pain that can last a lifetime. Yet there are millions of people around the world, who are not bothered by pain at all. Most of them are in remote parts of the world, but even here in the states there are studies that can't seem to understand how some people just don't feel pain.
With the harsh side effects and addiction rates of pain medications, any chance to remedy pain in natural ways can extend your life and well being. That's worth explore at least, isn't it?
Stop Thinking About It - Seriously
I know that's probably the silliest thing you think a person can say. "Just stop thinking about the pain." But really, it's the best thing you can do and the first place you must start if you want to rid yourself of pain.
I learned this technique while getting a full sleeve arm tattoo, and found it tremendously useful while in the early days of my extended labor with my second son, as well as for the recovery after the c-section. During the tattooing, the artist used various needles that ranged from the tiniest pin-pricks to the largest ones that usually had 5 needles on one tip. From my collar bone to my knuckles he worked. Every week I went and saw him, and he would drag the needle across my skin for at least 2 hours, often more. When I was in labor with my second son, it became apparent that he wasn't going to come out any time soon, and his huge body was completely crushing my rib cage and abusing my sciatic nerve. The doctors wondered if I as on something because the contractions were so big on the monitor, but barely seemed to bother. 5 weeks later and 6 hours after my c-section, I was up and walking around my room, and early the next morning I walked myself down a quarter mile from my room to the entrance of the ward and outside to have a smoke, horrible I know, but every doctor and nurse there was amazed to see me do it. I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't have any pain medication, I did accept a percocet, but that seemed impossible to the medical "professionals" there who urged me to take a shot of morphine and two more percocets.
To tell you the truth, none of these things have been all that bad. I thought they would be before they happened, but I was determined to control my pain. I knew it could be done, and I set out to do it, starting with the tattooing.
I would prepare myself before going to get more work done. I'd spend some quiet time by myself before leaving, grab a book to take with me, play some happy music in the car on the way, and stop at a convenience store to get some junk food and a few different drinks. When the tattooing began, I would first relax myself. Closing my eyes and focusing on the tattooing as much as possible. The needle dragging across my skin, the burning sensation that seemed to spread all over. After just 5 minutes of that, my mind would begin to wander, and I would let it. That could go on for quiet a while, and several times I feel asleep while my artist was working, which always made him laugh because he'd never seen anyone do that.
Once I felt completely relaxed, I'd enjoy my snacks and beverages, read my book or play one handed games on my cell phone. By then, the pain really wasn't anything to worry about. Sure it was still there, but it was not agonizing. It didn't burn anymore and the sensation was less then you would get from having a cat scratch.
I would do the same when I was in labor for so long. It was harder then, to not think about the pain, but again, by focusing on it and then letting go, I was able to not worry about it enough until it virtually wasn't there.
The c-section was definitely the hardest challenge so far. It made all other pains I'd previously experienced, pale in comparison. At first it felt like it would be murder to move or breath when the surgery drugs wore off, but I made myself wait as long as possible before taking the percocet. Once it kicked in, I could still feel the pain, but it helped me to let go of my mental focus on it, and from there I was able to go long periods without anything for the pain, and the longer I went, the less I needed anything for it. Walk, which seemed like it would be a tremendous task, was actually easier then I thought it would be, and after doing it twice down that long hall, it felt like I had simply taken a bad fall. The more I walked, the less pain I felt in general, which put me in a great mood because I knew I would get out of that cramped hospital room with my son all that sooner.
So why am I telling you all this? It's certainly not to boast. It's simply the best way that I can think of to help you achieve the same thing - control over pain. We feel pain because when something damages our tissues, they signal nerves to go the spine, then to the brain. Once it reaches the brain, it doesn't just go "ouch", it sends it to our memory centers where we decide if it really hurts or not, and how much it hurts. Without even realizing, your brain goes through files of physical memories about pain, then it goes into the emotional mind and compares it to past pains that you've experienced. By reading my story and realizing that a simple city girl in your average western society can control such tremendous amounts of pain, your brain will now store this in the "pain files" and analyze it anytime you go through pain again. It will cause your brain and mind to question whether or not you are really at the mercy of pain, or if the pain is actually at the mercy of you.
Now, the most important part before we go any further, is to understand how I managed to stop thinking about the pain. It's a simple method, and you can use it anytime you need:
First, focus on the pain. Feel it as intensely as you can. Take it in and examine it. Where does it hurt? How does it hurt? How much does it hurt? Does it remind you of anything? Think about the pain until your mind gets bored and starts to wonder.
Second, support you're wondering mind as much as you can. Don't force yourself to stop thinking about the pain, as that will just keep your focus on it. If you start thinking about the pain again, just do so until you think of something else. Every time your mind wonders, go as far as you can. daydream, think about your day, tomorrow, yesterday, ten years from now. Think about your partner, your kids, your job, your dog, whatever.
Third, relax yourself while your mind wanders. Slow your breathing and imagine that you're in the most relaxing recliner, and your more comfortable then ever.
Fourth, create an endorphin or serotonin rush. You will already have endorphins flowing through you from the pain, but by creating more you are taking advantage of your bodies own natural painkiller. After all "endorphin" means "endogenous morphine". Serotonin is a specific neurotransmitter that creates "happy" feelings mentally and physically in the body. It's also a chemical commonly found in tryptophan (which is why you feel so good when your stuff after thanksgiving). I created my rush by eating junk food, which is sugar and comfort food for me (a bad vice), which creates those feel good chemicals you want. Then I read one of my favorite books or play a fun game, which keeps the feel good going. You may have different comfort foods or happy hobbies, so use what feels right.
In summary;
1. HyperFocus on the pain
2. Let your mind wander naturally
3. Relax
4. Create a feel good vibes that trigger endorphins and serotonin
Focus On Your Pain Centers
"The skin is connected to the - nerves... The nerves are connected to the - peripherals.... The peripherals are connected to the - spinal cord... The spinal cord is connected to the - brain." Okay, okay. Enough with the weird anatomy songs. Basically, your nervous system is responsible for your sensations of pain. Your nervous system and lymphatic system connect to tell you when something is wrong, and it's an ancient system developed by evolution to tell us it's time to fix something. Though in our over-dramatic world of luxury and pharma, that system has learned to over-react. This happens especially if you are tired, stressed out or emotional. Pain will always bother you more in these times, and because of that, your nervous system logs the emotional response in with the pain sensation. This creates a heightened sense of pain for you every time you get hurt or are in pain.
One way to rid yourself of this problem is through focusing on your pain centers through meditation. It is your Root Chakra (fear) and Sacral Chakra (lymphatic/nervous system) that control your pain, as well as the Heart Chakra (emotions/memories). Your chakras are electromagnetic masses directly connected to your nervous system and they act as energetic organs that need just as much attention as the rest of your body. When they are balanced, so is your reaction to pain, as well as the sensations.
You can balance your Root, Sacral and Heart Chakras through a simple meditation, that only requires you to focus on them. The root chakra is in your pelvis and should be ruby red. The sacral is just below your belly button and should be melon orange, and the heart chakra is in the upper quadrant of your chest and should be emerald green. Focus on them when you are in pain, picture them pull in balanced energy and letting go of unbalanced energy. Do this while focusing on your breathing, and you will notice the pain begin to subside.
The more you do it, the less you feel the pain until it's hardly there anymore.
Further your knowledgebase
Although I came across many of these methods by accident more than anything else, through my own trial and error, it didn't take me long to realize that people have been doing the vary same things for thousands of years.
It would do you good as well, to further seek out information on natural pain control. It will help you realize that pain is almost completely in the mind, and it can be controlled when you understand this. By retraining your pain, you could find yourself with a new lease on life, able to handle just about anything that comes your way.
Re-associate Your Association With Pain
Another way that you can control your pain and banish it from your body is by re-associating your association with pain. Most people cringe at the thought of anything even slightly painful. It's a natural reaction, and our bodies way of protecting us from purposely doing something painful. Though it isn't always necessary to fear pain or be effected by it so much, especially if you've found yourself in a situation with constant pain.
The trick to re-association, is to train your mind to think of positive things instead of negative experiences when you feel pain. It's not as hard as you might think. It could be as simple as thinking about ice cream or your favorite dessert whenever you feel pain. Eventually your body will begin to understand that pain is not all that bad, and that it's actually a good thing. I mean hey, if you can feel some pain, you know your still alive and your body is working correctly, right?
I did this often while getting my tattoos, especially on tender places like my knuckles, funny bone and shoulder. When it hurt the worst, I would praise myself for taking it so well, and remind myself how great my arm would look with it's finished art work.
The point is, that what you need to do is change your perspective on pain. You don't necessarily have to think that pain is good, but pain is not horrible either. This is part of the same method that fire walkers, sword swallowers and extreme piercers use. IT WORKS.