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Top six easy ways to be self- motivated!Very effective tips!

Updated on June 20, 2014

“When you do what you fear most, then you can do anything.” –Stephen Richards

You want success in life more than anything else. But it is sad you find it impossible to achieve it. Why is it so?

Why are you not as successful as you want to be?

  • You have wishes, but no goals.
  • You have dreams, but do not work for its realization.
  • You fear work.
  • You fear failure.
  • You do not try enough.

Unless you work relentlessly towards your goal you will not be able to achieve success in your life.

Success will not be handed in a platter to you!

You have to sweat for your success!

You should motivate yourself to rise above the mediocre!

What is self motivation?

You should have some aim in your life so that you can work towards accomplishing it.

Why are some people very successful while most are very mediocre?

If you observe successful people you find that they are fiercely ambitious. Their intense aspiration makes them work hard towards achieving their goal. Their hard work makes them accomplish high altitude of success in life.

You might as well say that you are ambitious and determined to achieve success. But it is not enough if you have ambitions, but do not work towards it. The combination of your focused actions and pencil sharp aim should sync together to make you forge ahead towards your success.

What are the essential needs for self motivation?

  • You must have a goal
  • You must act towards achieving your goal.
  • You should try and try again.
  • You should have a plan.

1. Set your goal

The foremost thing you should do is to set yourself a goal. Then your goal should get your full concentration. You must analyze your strong and weak points. Your strong points will speed up your journey towards success, but your weak points might delay it. So you must make efforts to overcome your weak points so that your stronger characteristics come into foray.

2. Concentrate on your work

If you do not make concentrated efforts you will not be able to maintain your self-motivation. If you do not focus on your work you tend to let the essential things needed for your success to slip through your mind. Success should be woven by you with diligence! Your concentration should be on your meticulously planned actions towards achieving your goal.

3. Failure should never deter you

There are times you face failures after failures in your endeavor towards success. You should not feel discouraged as your failures are actually another chance for you to try even better. If you taste instant success you might become complacent and your efforts will turn out to be half-hearted. Half hearted efforts are not good enough for great success.

4. Plan your goal.

Write down your goal and the steps you need to take in a paper and keep it within your vision. Look at it daily and tick whatever you have done and make a mental resolution to give more energy to the unfinished task. Sometimes you feel your mind losing its fervor and energy to push forward. Do not be let down by this feeling.

5. Take a break

When you feel sapped, take a break and do things you like to do. It might be going to a movie, going for a long drive or even just relaxing. But even while relaxing the vision of your goal must always be vivid in your mind. If your thoughts are directed towards achieving your goal, you will be amazed of how your actions follow suit.

Your actions should have the stamp of honesty and trust in them. There is no easy way to success. It is always hard work and more hard work. It is not enough if you work mechanically! You should work intelligently and judiciously also! Do not rush things as haste makes you take wrong decisions and you are back to where you began initially.

6. Analyze yourself

Be ruthlessly true about yourself! Mark your strong points and make a note of your drawbacks. I am my best critic. My major fault is that I am a slow starter! I delay a lot before taking any actions, but when I do take actions I do it with enthusiasm. Now I am more forceful and assertive in my thoughts and actions.

Desire is the key to motivation, but it's determination and commitment to an unrelenting pursuit of your goal - a commitment to excellence - that will enable you to attain the success you seek.’ – Mario Andretti.

Self motivation helps you in achieving success in an authentic manner as it is the only way to win against odds. Success is not luck, but hard work! Hard work will be possible only when you are motivated. You should feed your mind with positive thoughts which in turn will make you motivated. A self motivated person always wins!

© 2011 mathira


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