Lose Weight The Smart Way
Is Your Mirror Reflecting A Budha Lookalike?
Weight Loss
Losing weight begins when there is a commitment to do so. Weight loss is often associated with a New Year's Resolution. However, the decision to lose unwanted pounds can start at any time of the year.
Motivations for losing weight may be inspired by:
- Overall self improvement
- Desire to wear certain fashions
- Attract or please a mate
- Improve health conditions
- Mental and physical fitness
- Preparing for a special event or a vacation
Record Weight Loss Success
6 Reasons for Weight Loss Failure
- Wanting to lose weight in a hurry. It is unrealistic to lose excessive weight overnight. It may have taken years to build up excessive weight and time will be needed to remove the pounds.
- Wrong type of diet. Many people try different diets without success. Make weight loss an educational adventure. Research different foods and their nutrients. Why are other cultures producing slim people? What are slim people doing to maintain their desired weight and fitness? Think of an eating life style for lifetime results rather than a diet with short term results.
- Wrong type of exercise program. Research exercising programs. Do something you love to do and are willing to do it often. There are a variety of formal exercising activities, sports, walking; any type of program which has the body physically active.
- Withdrawing favorite foods. This will cause deprivation and result in magnified cravings and impulsive eating. Enjoy a small portion or limit as a treat once a week.
- Be active in understanding nutrition and read food labels. Become familiar with why certain foods should not be eaten. Examples: avoid high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated fats, unnecessary sugar additives, diet type sugars, preservatives and additives.
- Not committed to losing weight loss.
It takes 21 days to change a habit but it will take 60 to 90 days before weight loss results are visible. Make a commitment, make a reasonable plan to lose weight, have a flexible goal, and do not break your commitment.
Twenty-one days may be unnerving and 60 to 90 days may seem like forever. However, as you continue enjoying wearing smaller clothing sizes, correcting medical problems, and watching the needle on the scale indicate weight loss you will be inspired to continue.
Healthy Hamburger Meal
A Workable Weight Loss Program
Plan your program and work your plan. Allow flexibility. Vanity weight loss can be accomplished in a short period of time; weeks or a month.
A large amount of weight such as 25 pounds or more will take months. A healthy weight loss is about 2 pounds a week. In a month this would be 8 pounds and at the end of a year a weight loss of 96 pounds. However, there will be some variables or a plateau where 2 pounds a week is not happening. Patience!!
There will be special events whereby the diet will be sabotaged. The important thing is to return to your plan and continue your program.
Vegetables, Fruits, and Nuts
Weight Loss Questionnaire
- How much weight is to be removed?
- How much time is being allowed?
- Is there a deadline date?
- What foods will be permitted?
- What foods will be eliminated?
- How will foods be prepared or cooked?
- Is there a need for medical or nutritionist’s assistance?
- Non-food rewards program
Dietetic Healthy Foods
Healthy Wholesome Foods
Your food plan for success should consist of what is nutritionally correct for you. What foods do you need to eat to fuel your body?
Nature provides many foods which people can eat. You need to discover which foods are the best for your body type and stay away from foods which are not in your best interests.
You are what you eat is very true. A steady diet of fried foods prepared in saturated fats, excess use of dairy products, excess intake of desserts and candies, and excess use of convenience foods will contribute to weight gain with or without activity.
Food preparation is equally important. There are hundreds of sources for preparing healthy food; books, magazines, and the Internet.
Make eating wholesome healthy foods an adventure. These foods are delicious.
Maintain Healthy Digestive System
Exercise To Become Slimmer
Select an exercise program which is enjoyable. Walking is an excellent overall exercise and is very affordable. Or perhaps you would enjoy being a member of a gym, playing in your favorite sport, or taking dance classes.
It also pays to have a plan of action and small goals which are rewarding.
Rewards for your accomplishments should not be food related. Losing 10 pounds may mean rewarding your accomplishment with a DVD. Losing 20 pounds earns a reward of a bracelet or other adornment. Losing 25 pounds may include a visit to a beauty spa or a new set of clothing.
Exercising is a two-fold process:
- Burn calories eliminating the buildup of excess fat
- Tone and tighten skin and muscles
When people lose a great deal of weight too fast the skin will hang in folds. The fast loss has outpaced the exercise. To avoid loose folds of skin it is important to lose weight slowly in order that the exercising process tightens the skin and tones muscle matter.
Supportive Footwear
Increase Metabolism Rate or Burn Fat
The term metabolism is commonly referred to the breakdown of food and its transformation into energy.
It is not uncommon to hear people say that they have trouble losing weight because of a slow metabolic rate.
These are some tips on how to increase your metabolism rate:
- Eat breakfast. Not only are you breaking a fasting period from your last meal but this is the time to fuel your energy motor by eating a high protein meal. Avoid sugars at this meal.
- Snack between meals. Have a citrus fruit, an apple, or raw vegetables. These natural snacks will satisfy any hungry pangs, but more importantly they will increase your metabolism rate.
- Move your body. People say they do not have enough time. Change your habits to include exercise. Walk rather than ride, take the stairway rather than the elevator, use manual tools rather than electric tools, take a bike ride instead of driving a car.
- Maintain caloric intake 1200 calories per day for women and 1800 calories per day for men. Eating fewer calories will not produce the energy level for losing weight. The BMR or basal metabolic rate needs energy for normal body processes.
- Avoid artificial sugars, high fructose corn syrup, saturated and hydrogenated fats.
- Maintain a healthy intestinal gut. A healthy digestive tract is a healthy mechanism for losing weight and gaining energy.
How To Read A Nutrition Label
Healthy Food Sources
- Fresh fruits and vegetables
- Lean meats, fish, and poultry
- Nuts, seeds, and legumes
- Low-fat or non-dairy products
- Whole grains
These foods are rich in potassium, magnesium, calcium, and fiber as well as many of the vitamins, minerals, and micro-nutrients which are needed by the body.
3 Nutritional Tips:
- Read labels on prepared foods and avoid hydrogenated fats, high fructose corn syrup, high salt, high sugar, all artificial sugars, and basically if you do not know the ingredient or cannot pronounce the word, then do not eat it.
- Prepare meals to eliminate wrong food choices, allergens, high salt seasonings, saturated fats, additives and preservatives.
- Meet with your physician and a professional nutritionist if there are health conditions which need special considerations.