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Tearing Down The Wall Of Denial

Updated on August 12, 2013

Tear down That Wall of Denial

Many alcoholics never have heard of the word of denial, and if they did they just didn't care. I never knew that word denial, although I was told I was in denial many times, but I just didn't pay no mind to it.

Denial is the absence of acceptance. Alcoholics such as myself, never want to admit that there may be a huge problem when it comes to being addicted to alcohol. They think what they are doing is fine and that they are not hurting anyone. That's what I thought and over time I found out I was silently killing my own family by my addiction to alcohol.

The best thing we could do is to get out of denial and face the truth that we have a addiction to alcohol and do something about it. Tearing down the wall of denial is the first and most important step in starting to live a clean and sober life.

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Families fight, they argue, they say things they may regret later and unfortunately they may have verbal abuse and in many cases physical harm to a family member, friend and in many cases a complete stranger.

Alcohol can be somewhat an enjoyable drink when we use it wisely, but for the alcoholic we don't know when to stop and in that case when we hit that stage of that almighty buzz or drunken state of mind and we tend to do things that are just not us when we are sober.

We may think we are not doing anything wrong and for that matter not drinking too much. Has anyone ever said to you, "haven't you had enough"?

This seems to be the popular words coming from those that are clean and sober and just don't drink to get drunk. The answer usually is, "No, I haven't even started and No I am not drunk, I am just fine so leave me alone."

The famous words coming out of the alcoholic that just can't seem to see what is going on in their lives and don't want to admit the problem is their over doing their alcohol intake and not standing up to their demons.

What Does It Take to Get out of Denial ?

Here is what it took for me to get out of the denial I lived in for so long and for many years. I never thought I had a problem with drinking alcohol. Everyday and every time I got that feeling of being drunk and silly and just having a grand old time I never thought a thing about it. i was living in denial and was totally blinded by my addiction to alcohol.

I was just having a ball and parting away with my drunken friends, hitting the bars and drinking at home every night seemed like the cool thing to do.

As time went by and now being married these good old fun times started to effect my home life in a way that i could see the disgust on my children and wife's faces each time I cracked open that can of beer.

Deep down in me I knew I was getting deeper and deeper in trouble with my family and sooner or later something was going to blow, but even thinking that, it was still not enough for me to stop drinking alcohol.

I saw what was happening slowly but surely, but I was just buying my time and drinking as much as I could without causing any trouble. As I said before, sooner or later the crap will hit the fan and that is exactly what happened and believe me it was the best thing that could ever had happened to me and here is why:

If it wasn't for my wife and children I don't know where I would be as of today. Sometimes people that abuse alcohol and depend on it everyday of their life need to get a wake up call and that call was made to me back in 2009.

Basically, it was a few very simple BUT Powerful Words that were spoken. "IT'S EITHER US OR THE BOOZE, YOU MAKE THE CHOICE".

Well those most powerful words made me begin to think and look at what I was doing by putting alcohol in front of everything in my life including the most important, my wife and children. Those words were enough for me to start to want help and want sobriety in my life and finally finding my way out of denial and breaking that wall down. There is nothing and I mean nothing better than a wonderful, loving and caring family, and for me or any alcoholic to ruin it over alcohol is simply a foolish and a horrible thing, especially when this addiction can be avoided just by getting out of denial and changing your life around for the better.

Face up to your demons. Admit there is indeed an alcohol problem in your life and you need to do something fast in order to regain your life back and all those involved in your life.

Love life and love yourself enough to give your life a second chance at getting sober and staying sober.

Stay focused, stay positive, believe in yourself and surrender, because without surrendering and getting out of your denial you will in fact lose against your demons and they will in time kill you and everything associated with you, sad to say, but very true.

© 2011 Mark Bruno


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