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The Wonder Herb Aloe Vera and the Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

Updated on January 10, 2012

I came across Aloe vera when I began checking the ingredient list of my beauty and skin care products. That was how I got introduced to this wonderful herb and decided to learn more about it. Aloe vera is basically a tropical plant, which has been used for beauty and medicinal help since ages. I was really amazed to see that herbalists all around the world recommend Aloe Vera for its anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fever, pain-killing and internal purification properties. It is known to heal stomach and intestinal ailments, kidney infections and other problems like dysentery.

Aloe Vera juice works amazingly in cleansing of arteries. It is an excellent anti-oxidant and slows down the process of aging to a great level. Full of amino acids, enzymes, chlorophyll, vitamins, essential oils and minerals – this definitely is some derived version of the legendary “Sanjeevani booti”.

What astounded me most was the fact that it helps in dilating the capillaries and enhancing normal cell growth, thereby being an excellent ingredient for treatment of diseases like cancer and arteriosclerosis.

Now, coming to the benefits of aloe vera juice, I’ve known a lot of people who take Aloe-Vera juice or gel on a regular basis to treat inflammatory bowel problems, arthritis, to treat Crohn’s disease, or just to tone their bodies. Aloe Vera is supposed to an excellent booster to enhance your stamina and energy levels on both physical and mental levels.

The health benefits provided by drinking aloe vera juice are really profound and absolutely safe as it naturally consists of a variety of nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other trace elements. Let us look into some areas where Aloe Vera juice can help you a lot:

Improves digestion:

Drinking aloe vera juice naturally enables the body to cleanse the digestive system. It enhances the bowels to move properly and facilitates with the elimination if a person is constipated. If you are suffering from diarrhea , it helps in slowing it down.

Enhances energy levels:

Apart from our regular personal and professional stress issues, our diet also has many ingredients that contribute to the general fatigue and exhaustion. Drinking just half a glass of lemon juice in warm water or aloe vera juice can help a lot in eradicating stress to a great extent. Lowering of stress levels regulates the hormones and hormonal secretions, thereby activating their functioning to an enhanced level. Regular intake of aloe vera juice can definitely help a lot in increasing the energy levels as well as in maintaining a healthy body weight.

Strengthens immunity:

Drinking aloe vera juice daily or even a massage on your body parts using aloe vera gel, can help a lot in improving the immune system of the body. If you have a bruise or area to be healed, rubbing aloe vera gel can enhance the healing manifolds. A daily dose of concentrated aloe vera juice (as per directed by the packaging) can help a lot in getting over the chronic immune problems like fibromyalgia or polysaccharides. Aloe Vera juice works a great deal in stimulating the macrophages - the white blood cells that fight viruses.


Aloe vera juice is a great natural way to detoxify yourself. With the stressful lives we live, the pollution that surrounds us and the junk foods we eat, it is really needed to cleanse our systems at regular intervals. Drinking aloe vera juice offers an amazingly rich cocktail of vitamins, minerals and amino acids to make your body cleansed of the toxins, stresses and strains every day.

Reduces inflammation:

Aloe Vera reduces inflammation and speeds up the healing process. The aloe vera gel also has antibacterial properties. Aloe vera juice can be extremely helpful for treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. It enhances joint flexibility and facilitates in the regeneration of body cells. It helps in strengthening of the joint muscles, which thereby helps reducing the pain and inflammation on the weak or aged joints.

It is usually recommended to drink a quarter to half a cup of aloe vera juice, twice everyday. Aloe Vera Juice and Aloe vera gel are completely different things, so ensure you don’t mix up the dosages of the two. Aloe vera gel is more concentrated than the juice and hence needs to be taken in proper measures only. In case you find “aloes” or “aloe latex”, try to avoid them as they usually have strong purgative effects and can be too harsh to your intestinal tract, thereby resulting in cramping or diarrhea.

Also, aloe vera juice should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation period.

Apart from above benefits, being a Beauty Blogger, I’d definitely like to emphasize the advantages that Aloe Vera holds for the skin. It is an excellent healer and coolant to treat any skin problem – be it cuts, rashes, bruises, irritation from acne or sunburns. So, include this wonder herb in your daily regime, and you’d notice the difference for sure.

Some amazing aloe vera products available online


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