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Thick Hair Diet - Foods That Reverse Balding

Updated on February 2, 2018

Read Labels to prevent deficiencies

Vitamin Deficiencies in certain vitamins will result in hair loss and many people who experience hair loss either believe it's genetic or have no idea the main reason for their hair loss is as simple as a vitamin deficiency. A doctor can tell you if you have a vitamin deficiency and whether it can cause hair loss or not. For this reason, it's very important to maintain a healthy diet and pay attention to the nutrition labels on foods. Keep up with how often you consume certain vitamins to prevent becoming deficient in key vitamins that can cause hair loss.

Sunflower seeds. Certain vitamins are very important for hair growth and a deficiency in certain vitamins will result in hair loss, along with many other symptoms. Sun flower seeds contain selenium and zinc, which are both very important and can cause hair loss if you are deficient in either.

Green Tea. Drink more green tea if you want to stop hair loss. A component in green tea called epigallocatechin gallate is known to help prevent hair loss.

Brown Rice. To supplement follicles and make your scalp healthier overall, consume brown rice more often.

Green peas. Beta Carotene and Vitamin C are found in green peas, which both help to make hair thicker.

Whole Grains. There are numerous benefits to eating more whole grains that include preventing hair loss. Whole grains do more to prevent hair loss than to help regrow hair, but if you are looking to regrow hair, it can't hurt to eat more whole grains.

Legumes. Legumes contain Biotin, a vitamin that is very important for hair growth and repair.

Black seed Oil. Black seed oil is known to help prevent hair loss and regrow or repair damaged and lost hair.

Pumpkin seeds. (DHT) or Dihydrotestosterone one of the main causes of hair loss and pumpkin seeds help block important processes that start from these hormones, which ultimately help regrow hair and reverse Balding. This is one of the most important foods you can eat in treating your hair loss.

Broccoli. Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Calcium are found in Broccoli, which all help you get thicker hair.

Asparagus. Not only is asparagus a natural diuretic, which helps aid your body in the detoxification process, but it's one of the best super foods you can eat for balding.

Beans. Biotin is found in beans, and beans are a great source of protein. Overall beans should be added to your diet if you want to increase hair growth.

Oysters. The mineral Zinc is very important when it comes to your hair, and having a deficiency in zinc will cause hair loss because your body needs zinc to grow hair and Oysters have a ton of it.

Eggs. Biotin and Vitamin B5 are found in eggs, which regrows hair. Having a deficiency in Biotin can cause hair loss and many people have a deficiency in this vitamin.

Salmon. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in salmon, and your body needs it to grow hair.

Greek yogurt. Another vitamin that helps with blood flow and scalp health is Vitamin B5, which is found in greek yogurt.

Spinach. VItamin A, Iron, folate, Vitamin C, beta carotene and other important vitamins are found in spinach. Spinach helps with breakage and increases blood flow to help hair growth.

Chicken. We all need protein and chicken has a ton of protein, which helps your hair grow, because without protein, your hair goes into a "resting state," which can cause hair loss.

Sweet potatoes. If your hair becomes brittle or lifeless, it will start to break and fall out, and the vitamins found in sweet potatoes will improve moisture content and prevent breakage.

Cinnamon. Blood circulation is important to carry nutrients to your hair follicles and grow hair. To increase circulation, use a little cinnamon with certain foods to enhance flavor and get a thicker head of hair.


If eating a healthy diet regularly still doesn't help regrow hair or if you haven't seen any improvement. Find out if your balding is genetic and if not, you should consult with a dermatologist or endocrinologist to find out if you have an illness like alopecia that temporarily causes hair loss.


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