Is a breech labour or a posterior labour more painful?

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  1. WryLilt profile image86
    WryLiltposted 12 years ago

    Is a breech labour or a posterior labour more painful?

    I have experienced a posterior (back) labour without drugs. Just wondering how it compares to the pain of a breech labour/birth.

  2. breastpumpreviews profile image82
    breastpumpreviewsposted 12 years ago

    With Breech babies, most doctors would perform a c-section.  My son decided to turn breech at 39 weeks.  Some drs will try to turn the baby and then induce you.  However, in my case, my placenta was anterior and I would have had a high risk of having placental abruption or bleeding.  So I had a c-section.  It was more painful than my previous two births, but it wasn't horrible. 

    The worst part of the c-section was the spinal medication, when it wears off it causes you to shake uncontrollably.  It took a few hours for it to wear off.  They had me up and moving fairly quickly.  And once I came home, I was up and moving around. 

    I was one of those crazy people, I went to Target a few days after I was home because I wanted out of the house.  While I didn't walk around the store, I did use one of those battery operated carts. 

    Around the 10 day mark, when the internal stitches start to dissolve, you have to be careful and not do too much even  though you are feeling better overall. 

    I was thankful that I have older kids to help me and my husband out with household chores and what not.  I was able to rest and heal.  So if you have someone who can help you for those first few days, it would be beneficial. 

    I had back labor for the most part with my older son, I had him naturally with only a dose of IV meds.  I was about to get an epidural when he decided that he was ready to come right then and there.  His birth was the easiest.

    My oldest daughter, my water broke with her.  Her birth was pretty painful as well.  Contractions hurt worse when your water breaks, of course, being 19 at the time, I was fighting them instead of breathing with the contractions.  I did have an episiotomy with her.  And that took forever to heal, I want to say about 6 months.

  3. KT Banks profile image59
    KT Banksposted 12 years ago

    My first baby was a natural birth, I was 21 and it wasn't nearly as bad as a lot of people had warned me it would be. No complications. The baby weighed 7 lbs, 11 oz

    My second baby was also natural, but at 30, it was a great deal more painful. He weighed 8 lbs 10 oz.

    My third baby was breech, and at 10 lbs, 3 oz, the most difficult. I was 35 yrs old. It was an emergency C-section. They didn't realize he was breech or 10 pounds until the last minute. I gained the least amount of weight with him. I kept telling the doctor that he was very heavy, and she said, "Oh, all new mothers think that."

    I also think it takes longer to recover from a c-section the older you are. They only kept us in the hospital for 24 hours. Then they told me not to lift anything over 10 pounds for 10 days. THE BABY WAS OVER 10 POUNDS! (and no, I didn't/don't have diabetes) A lot of time if you have big babies, they think it is a sign of gestational diabetes. That was 17 years ago this week. He is now 6'3" and skinny. : )

  4. WryLilt profile image86
    WryLiltposted 12 years ago

    I live in Australia, and as long as you have an experienced doctor or midwife, there is no reason to have a c/section for a breech baby. If the baby is frank or complete breech (basically bum first with legs crossed or uncrossed), the birthing process is the same since the baby's bum pushes on and dilates the cervix. Only footlong or stargazer breech would likely result in a c/section.

    An anterior placenta is no reason for a c/section here either, unless the placenta is lying close to the cervix.

    Am really wondering how they compare in a natural birth situation, pain and time wise.

  5. profile image55
    the peace keeperposted 12 years ago

    Breech because after all that time that you are in labor your body get tired and you get worn out and then to top it all off you usually end up getting a cesarian section.  So now you have even longer recovery time and more long term effects like future c-sections.

  6. drpinkrose profile image56
    drpinkroseposted 11 years ago

    In case of breech labour the delivery is usually by c section so the pain is mostly due to the complications of anaesthesia or if there is keloid formation or infection of the scar. Posterior labour pain is very severe as the cervix feels like its dilated so you havethis strong desire to push, waters may not be broken, baby has to turn by 180 degrees when it reaches the bottom. Well done anyway and hope you enjoy motherhood.


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