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Halitosis Cures

Updated on August 25, 2009

Halitosis Cures

If you’ve never taken the time to investigate the different halitosis cures that are available, it’s probably because you’ve never had to deal first-hand with a person who has breath that’s bad enough to stop an elephant stampede. What’s even worse is if you have struggled with bad breath yourself; it can be a very embarrassing thing, and can definitely cause uneasiness in social situations, or any type of close interaction with others. It’s not always easy to pinpoint the causes of halitosis, but this hub will hopefully enlighten you to some of the conditions that can set the stage for halitosis to “rear its ugly head”, so to speak. One of the myths that need to be broken is that halitosis only affects some people. Truth be told, none of us walk around with breath that’s pleasant to the nose, unless you’ve been gobbling on hundreds of mints for hours on end. At one time or another, all of us have had to deal with some degree of halitosis. Of course, consuming certain foods (think onions) or drinking certain drinks (think coffee) can greatly exacerbate halitosis, but even if you haven’t had anything to eat, the natural accumulation of bacteria in the mouth can cause bad breath. The particular type of bacteria that are the main agents of halitosis are called anaerobic bacteria—evidently they hate exercise (okay, I admit it—VERY lame joke). These anaerobic bacteria fester and accumulate in mouths that are deprived of hydration and have leftover particles of food from previous meals. These conditions can significantly increase the likelihood of you setting an environment for halitosis to enter. The deprivation of oxygen to the mouth via regular hydration (especially from water) is one of the primary conditions that give strength to anaerobic bacteria. It’s amazing how much drinking water regularly can make a very significant impact on the proliferation of anaerobic bacteria. So if there’s any lesson to be learned in the first half of this hub, it is simply that regular consumption of water can greatly benefit someone who is searching for a cure for halitosis.

Halitosis: Causes and Cures

Also important to mention when dealing with halitosis cures is the importance of just plain old regular dental hygiene. A large amount of halitosis cases can be traced back to gum disease or tooth decay. In order to avoid deterioration of the gum structure and teeth, it is vital that you practice the basic routine activities that produce good dental hygiene (i.e., brushing and flossing regularly). It’s easy to do the usual “needful things” such as brushing your teeth after meals as well as flossing after meals, but ironically, it turns out that sometimes when things are easy to do, they’re also easy not to do. Consequently, we don’t take them seriously enough, so they come back to bite us later. One of the most overlooked areas of dental hygiene is keeping your tongue clean. This has to be one of the main culprits of halitosis, is a tongue that’s coated with anaerobic bacteria. To remedy this, it is vital to actually brush your tongue when you brush your teeth. Another way to keep the tongue clean is to take a spoon and “scrape” the side or edge of the spoon gently across the tongue, from back to front. Be careful that you don’t gag yourself during this process, and it is not advisable that you try this right after a meal. Wait at least an hour before doing the “spoon treatment”, otherwise you may possibly see that meal all over again. Also, I would be remiss not to mention the importance of proper diet when it comes to suppressing halitosis. One of the things that many of us fail to realize is that whatever is in your stomach can have a serious effect on your breath. If you have a diet that is heavy in meats but low in fruits and grains and other fibrous foods, you will more than likely have intestinal putrefaction, which in layman’s terms means rotten feces (i.e., doo-doo) or other decomposed foods in your stomach. If your colon is not being cleansed through regular hydration via drinking lots of water and eating fibrous foods, that meat that you’ve eaten just sits in your colon, stuck to your intestinal walls, since there’s no fiber present to “scrub” it off the walls. This can cause foul odors to arise from your stomach and come out as halitosis. This is why such conditions as chronic constipation can cause halitosis, because basically your “plumbing is clogged”. This is a major issue, and this is the reason why foods such as avocado are on the list of potential halitosis cures, since they are such potent purging agents within the colon. Hopefully, this hub gave you more insight into the issue of halitosis, symptoms, and some possible culprits. I’m kinda tired of writing now, so I hope this has helped in some kind of way.


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