What is your Christmas like in your family?

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  1. fratjoe18 profile image59
    fratjoe18posted 15 years ago

    My family is all reunited, and we all gather around, and sing by the piano, and we all talk about Christmas memories, then we have delicious hot chocolate, and we are blessed with a table feast. Christmas nights are the most memorable, then in the mourning, we all wake up, and head downstairs to be greeted by beautiful presents underneath the tree. Everyone hands each other their gifts, and we opened them all together. It's a wonderful time for family, and giving back to those who are less fortunate.

    1. kverdasmith profile image61
      kverdasmithposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      It is amazing to me that the tradition still lives.

  2. habee profile image92
    habeeposted 15 years ago

    All the kids and grandkids come over to our house Christmas Eve. We have heavy hors d'oeuvres, sweets, boiled shrimp, and such. Then someone reads the Christmas story from Luke. Then the gift orgy ensues! All the grands are in their matching Christmas jammies.

    The next morning, hubby and I make the rounds to all the houses to see what Santa brought the kids and to take pics.

  3. Chloe Comfort profile image60
    Chloe Comfortposted 15 years ago

    Our big night is Christmas Eve. All the kids and grandchildren gather at Mom/Grandma's house. All seafood for dinner (Italian tradition), afterwards coffee and dessert, then we play a game or two in front of the fireplace and finally everyone opens their gifts and then head home (thank goodness we all live close to each other).

    Christmas day we make the rounds to see the rest of the family (cousins, aunts, uncles) and then it's off for a very large Chinese dinner at our favorite place.

    1. alexandriaruthk profile image61
      alexandriaruthkposted 15 years agoin reply to this

      oh Chinese dinner, yes that would be awesome,

      I usually invite  family to come and we share what I cooked, then we sing together, play around and catch up with each otehr like get together, I love that

  4. mistywild profile image60
    mistywildposted 15 years ago

    dysfunctional big_smile

  5. bojanglesk8 profile image61
    bojanglesk8posted 15 years ago

    Shitty. No presents, no trees, nothing.

  6. mistywild profile image60
    mistywildposted 15 years ago

    dysfunctional big_smile

  7. Mekenzie profile image76
    Mekenzieposted 15 years ago

    All the family comes to Nana and Papa's house in the morning.  The men of the family cook the Christmas Breakfast.  They cook bacon and sausage, pancakes or waffles and hashbrowns.  Nana makes a special Christmas Coffee Cake and we have plenty of Egg Nog and Sparkling Juice.  After eating we gather in the living room where Nana tells the Christmas Story using the Big Nativity Set that is usually on top the piano during the Christmas season.  As she talks about Mary and Joseph, she moves the ceramic people and makes them come to life.  The children all sit around her captivated and enjoying the charecters and the Christmas story.  After storytime, the kids start first - from youngest to oldest in opening their gifts.  Then the adults - once again, from youngest to oldest.  There is lots of fun and frivolity amongst the siblings as they have grown and learned to love each other more each year..  I am Blessed ...

  8. smallvillewanabe profile image61
    smallvillewanabeposted 15 years ago

    I have 5 christmas gatherings with my family every year. Thats a lot of christmas and by the last one I just want it to be over with. I have one with my mom, one with her side of the family, one with my dad, one with his side of the family, and one with my step mom's side of the family. That is a lot of christmas.

    I would not have my christmas any other way though. Having this many means I get to see every part of my family and to me that is better than getting a thousand gifts. Christmas to me means famliy getting together and just spending time together and having fun. Yes, the gifts are great but that is just one part. I am talking about the little moments that just make yoiur heart warm and swell up with the love you feel for your family.

    The other day my dad, my sister and my step mom were watching Lifetime Christams movies all day together. Nothing fancy or anything, just the three of us watching movies. That is going to be one of my favorite memories this year. We were together with no fighting, no bad tempers just enjoying each others company and it did not cost a thing. That right there is what christmas is all about for me. The little moments that are like that are the ones I will treasure most and for my whole life.

  9. Princessa profile image74
    Princessaposted 15 years ago

    We are all over the world.  Usually I spend Christmas only with my husband and two children.  For us Christmas involves a lot of phone calls (Europe, North and South America) and internet live greetings.  Usually we open the presents on the 24th at midnight, my parents share this moment with us online -the wonders of a webcam!!!

  10. thirdmillenium profile image59
    thirdmilleniumposted 15 years ago

    The whole family of bros and siss numbering 8 and all the children, numbering 14 were in one of sis's house. Oh, what a time we had!


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