Be an Encourager
Be an encourager
"When they were discouraged, I smiled at them. My look of approval was precious to them." - Job 29:24
Worry weighs a person down whereas encouraging words will cheer others up. Living in this broken world disappointments and discouragements greatly havoc our future and even derail our ability to succeed. One may look down us as if we are useless and nothing to give. Discriminating, crab mentality and being envious don't give us any good. It only leads us to destruction. If we have the attitude of encouraging one another, don't you think our world will become a better place to live? I believe it is. Paul even instructs the people of Thessalonica, "And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all." (1 Thessalonians 5:14) We ought to encourage one another so we can build each other up. We can only be a good encourager if we care and love that person. If we encourage with bad intention and use the person for our gain God will surely take away or even remove the blessing that He has intended to give to us. So whenever you encourage someone, be reminded that you don't do it for people rather you do it for God to show that you love God. Always remember God don't look for external capabilities; He is looking to your heart. "As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man" (Proverbs 27:19) When you encourage someone you give them hope, you boost their self-esteem, you give them faith to trust the Lord who specializes in doing miracles, or even grow deeper on their relationship to God. You are not just an encourager but also a blessing to someone else's life. Henry Ford once said that the ability to encourage others is one of life's biggest assets. Under any circumstances God did not put us where we are now for nothing. Because God wants us to be an encourager to encourage others to draw him/her closer to God because only Him have the power to turn unpleasant things into extraordinarily beautiful.
As you go with your life, may you encourage someone wether it's a smile or even a positive response; you will never know what a great impact you have had bring in their lives.
Shalom(peace)! Soli Deo Gloria(Glory to God alone)! God bless us all! ;)
© 2017 Genevieve Cagata