Chronicles of an Autistic Child
Hello, my name is Ricky, and this is my story. It started on a cold December morning in 2006 at a little after nine in the morning. This is the day that I was born by cesarean section, and I weighed over eight pounds and was twenty inches long. Everything started out so normal.
I was my mommies first little boy and her second child. However, what my mom didn’t know is that through the coming years I would be throwing a lot of curb balls at her. You see I was not a typical child from the very beginning, but no one could have predicted just how different things were going to be with me.
I was never a crier as a baby. I loved just laying in my crib and listening to my favorite movie, “Cars” with Lightning McQueen. I was an easy-going baby for the first few years. Though I did not develop the normal skills right off my mom was not yet worried. I mean every child grows differently right?
I was not walking or talking, but I was rolling around a lot and bumping into things. I didn’t really like being held so I spent a lot of time playing on a
blanket on the floor when I wasn’t in my crib. I enjoyed just being mostly on my own.
My first few months as a baby were the easiest for my mom because I was easier to please than I am now. In the beginning, my mom did not know that there was something different about me. She didn’t know that in a few years she would have her whole world flipped upside down, because of me. No one really knew then just how different I am.
But the journey was just beginning for my family. It really was just beginning for me too. My case, however, is different from others that my mom has studied or even read about or seen. I am an autistic child, but I am not your typical autistic child. Through these chronicles, I will explain just how different I really am and share my experiences.
Then my parents and sisters will share their thoughts and beliefs as well, so as to provide the view from more than just my own side. I hope that by sharing this it will help others to understand what children like me go through on a day to day basis. Also, I hope it will help others to understand that this is not easy and for some may not get any easier, while for others it may.
To get the complete book please check out the link for Chronicles of an Autistic Child
- Chronicles of an Autistic Child eBook: Vic Watts: Kindle Store Chronicles of an Autistic Child eBook: Vic Watts: Kindle Store
© 2019 Vic Watts