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Coronavirus, A Test to Humanity

Updated on April 15, 2020

I like adding life to lifeless lives that is why I cannot do without creative writing, because it is a way of touching some hopeless lives


During the ancient days

Shortly after humans fall

In the beautiful garden

Christened Eden by Elohim

And their excommunication from

The place of bliss

Heaven on earth, where

Elohim sets aside as

His recreation center where

He often resorts to

To interact with men,

His images having tete-a-tete with ‘em

Pointing out their lapses

Correcting them in love

Decorating their lives with

His manifold good things

Adding to their beauties

Servicing their bodies and

Making them new again

Such that their bodies

Comes out like that

Of neonates that were

Delivered few seconds back

Becoming reinvigorated and fit for their works

Outside this garden whence

They found themselves they

Discovered a phylum which

They don’t know where to class them.

While humans continue to

Explore nature they got

More insight into this

Phylum that it is transitional in nature

Men would then put

It in a special

Class with others exhibiting

The same characteristics

More insight into this

Make men christen them

As viruses for they

Behave as living and non-living things

While outside living tissues

They become dormant and

Non-living; but when in

Living tissues, they come alive

Further exploration reveals that

They are not same

For their genetic material

Sells them out

It is found out

That they are either

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) or Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)

In their genomic materials

Having laid a strong

Foundation for this, following

Several postulations and theorems

Further advancements were made

With each group critically

Delved into. One group

Of those researchers cast

Their nets into the deep of RNA

Their findings about 8,000

Years before Christ revealed

The positive sense single

Stranded type as different from others

In between 6,000 and

1,000 years before Christ

They could group them

Into Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta types

The emergence and effect

Of one of them

Causing common cold on

Humans show that more in the offing

Though the type causing

The common cold was

And is still non-lethal

Among them all. But


The subsequent ones have

Been found not to

Be human friendly any

Time and anywhere globally

Among the unfriendly ones

Are Severe Acute Respiratory

Syndrome (SARS) which killed

And still killing many

Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

Has also been found

To unleash havoc on

Human tissues that activates it

Ebola virus that belong

To this is nay

Waving its hands neither

Patting humans at their backs

Then arrived SARS-Cov-2

Also known as Covid-19

Though its strains were

At first isolated in 1960s

By this time it

Was limited to animals

Alone but as commonly stated

That the most constant thing

In life is change

Those strains found in

Animals over the time

“Metamorphosed” into different strains

The progression of the

Metamorphosis called mutation resulted

In more virulent strain

Which can be transferred

To humans hosts. As

Humans are insatiable our

Crave for more enjoyment

Pushed us to contract this

From the reservoir and

We start incubating it

This asymptomatic phase of

Incubation would last for 14 days

Sadly, during this period

Humans could lovingly, sincerely

But ignorantly sell the

Product to another person

Through sneezing, Palms through

Handshaking, embracing, Kissing, closeness

Among others. During this

Period the carrier would not know

That the mutations of

The strains are progressing

In his body at

Alarming rate because

No symptoms have emerged

The carrier would still

Consider everything normal in

His systems. But by the time

Those symptoms start manifesting

Much harm would have

Been done to the

Immune systems of the host

When this eventually broke

Out in 2019 December

At Wuhan, China the

Nefarious deed has been done

For many a one

Have interacted with the

Novel person or persons who

At first are called carriers

Innocently and in the

Sincerity of their hearts

Had they sold it

To people from different

Races, tribes, color all

Over the globe. And

As technology has made

The world a “global village”

With people’s movements unrestricted

People through airs, seas

Lands started taking the

Sickly messages around and spreading them

Through their bodies as

They move here and

There. And within days,

It has gotten to the

Medical Statistician her office in Nigeria
Medical Statistician her office in Nigeria | Source

Uttermost parts of the

World causing holocaust

Among man for everything

Was negatively affected

Before World Health Bodies

Arose, symptoms have started

Manifesting on people’s lives

In East, West, South and North poles of the world

And we see primary

Health care centers, private

Clinics and hospitals being

Jam-packed with patients of different ages and sex

Having the same complaints

Of dry cough, sneezing,

High fever, difficulty breathing

Loss of senses of taste and smell

As the medical statistics

Increases all over the

Globe, red alert button

Was pressed by world health bodies

Though they have been

All around us before

This alert could be

Sent, what immediately came

To the world health

Monitoring team’s minds is

Means of limiting the

Spread of the deadly virus.

Thus, they roll-out some

Measures to other continental

Health governing bodies from

Where it gets across to countries

From countries to regions

And or states and to

Rural environments that the

Followings should be complied with

Tissue and “bin” it

Or use your elbow

To cover your sneeze

Social distancing minimum of one meter

Personal hygiene, wash hands

With sanitizer or for

Rural dwellers with soap

And water for about 20 seconds

Use of nose masks

To prevent droplet spread

Cultural ideologies like compulsory

Handshake should be set aside

Isolation and quarantining those

Whose tests have shown

That they are positive

To the novel virus

It’s said that high

Temperature destroys it, counsels

To drink hot tea, water

And eat hot foods have been emphasized

Airconditioning in hot temperate

Regions should be put off

While in cold regions

They should turn their heaters on

Other symptoms should be

Treated accordingly by the

Medical personnel because there

Is yet to be a treatment for it

Those who discovered relative

Symptoms to those cited

Above should call it

In to their health providers in their country

Those who have visited

The countries with high

Statistical cases should be

In quarantine for 14 days

People in the developing

Countries are equally enjoined

To call it in when

They know people who have just returned from overseas trips

Several cities have been

Locked down, researchers locally

And internationally are on

Their toes to find

Lasting solution to that

Which has held tight on

To the jugular of

The systems of the nations of the world

We all have a

Part to play in

Putting an end to

What is testing humanity’s intelligence and unity.



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