Educating Him for Another Time
A man has two
Sons, who are twins
Those sons he has
Brought up alone for
His wife had died
When the children were
In their unit years
And he for his
Love for his wife
Vowed not to marry
Another woman. He kept
To his words of not remarrying
Faced the task of
Bringing up his sons.
He gave them the
Best that he could afford
Sacrificing things to bring
Them up. They have
Grown up and could
Do some things for themselves
Their father was sent
On official duty to
A another town. He
Left for the place
While leaving the place
He called home to
Tell them that he
Would not be passing
The night there, having
Finished the assignment, he
Cannot stay a day
Longer without being with them
The children were glad
That their father will
Soon be home with
Them. One of the Twins Second,
Called his First that
They should prepare something
For their father so
That when he arrives, he
Would have something to
Eat, the other replied
Him that, his father
Would have eaten where he was
For the consortium he
Was working with has
Made adequate provisions for
Members of staff who
Went and represent them
At that special that
Meeting, thus the First
Son would not move
From where he was
While the Second son
Says, he does not
Need to be lectured
About the company their
Father works with, what
He asks of him
Is that they would
Go and prepare something
For him to eat
When he returns. Assuming
What you said is right
What of if our
Father does not take
The last meal there
For the desire and
Joy of meeting with
Them? Apart from that,
Don’t you know that
He loves homemade foods than eating outside?
The First Twins would
Not bulge, you can
Do whatsoever you please
He replied his brother
As the brother went
To kitchen to start
Preparing their father’s best
Meal for he is sure
His father would be
Hungry by the time
He steps his feet
Into the house.
He will soon finish
With the food he
Was preparing and was
Waiting with their father’s arrival.
As stated his father
Arrived late in the
Night, for there are
Unforeseen developments on the road
Which makes a journey
Of 2 hours to almost
Be a journey of a whole
Day. He entered famished.
The children had been
Agitating before their father’s
Arrival for they know
He ought to have arrived earlier
His cellular line was
Not connecting when they
Called his line. They were
Disturbed during the time of waiting
They were however elated
To see him around.
He entered the house
In company of one
Of his associates in
The office who have
Gone to the meeting
Together. His own house
Is a bit farther
Than his’, and since
The journey has been
Disturbed by the unforeseen
Development on the road
He was persuaded by
His partner to sleep
In his house because
The road to his house
At that hour of the
Day could be dangerous
Lately, news has been
Awash with what terrorists
And other cattle herdsmen
Were doing on that
Road, kidnapping, killing and maiming
Yet with the government
Of the land looking
The other way because
Those people are his kinsmen
When the law enforcement
Agencies apprehended any of
Them, within 12 hours
They would have been released
What they would be
Told by those law
Enforcement agencies is that
“They received order from above
To immediately release those
People in their custody
Having known this, he
Advised his friend to sleep over
At his place while
They would call his
Family members to tell
Them that he is with him
When they called his
Family members to tell
Them that he has
Put up at his friend’s place
His family told him
That they have been
Worried that where would
He put up at?
For they also do
Not wish him to
Progress in the journey
To their place again
At that hour of
The day, considering what
The herdsmen and terrorists
Have turned the road to lately.
They hope to see
Him the following day
For it is better
That way they replied him.
Through this they settled
The issue of his
Family, whose minds would
Have been agitated were he to continue
With the trip. When
They got inside the
House of his friend
The Twins welcome them warmly
Their father asked if
They had prepared anything
For him because he
And his friends are famished
For the journey, which
They never thought would
Take that long. The
Twins who makes no provision
Told his father that
He thought he would
Come home with something
For them and had discouraged his brother
From preparing anything for
Him. The man agreed
That assuming he arrived
Early, that may not be needful
But what of when
They didn’t see him
Home at the expected time
Should they not have made some provisions?
The First Twins replied
That he never thought
It that way, his
Mind was he would
Have more than enough
And would come home
With enough for them
To even share with
As for the unforeseen
Development on the road
He thought he would
Have taken out of those things
He was coming home
With, and wouldn’t be
Famished according to his
Claim, he responded
His father was disappointed
In him for saying
What he said, and while
Looking bad, the Second Twins
Walked to him to
Him to tell him
That he has prepared
For him his best meal
Like he has known
He makes provision for
More than two people
Because he wants to eat with him
Having been a while
That he has left them
He desires to sit
At table to eat with him than anything he replied.
His father was happy
To ear this and was
Not speaking well to
The First Twins for
What he has done,
For all along he
Had thought he was
Wiser than his Second
But unknown to him
That he was not.
As he continued to
Speak unto him
His friend replied him,
It is good thing
That they are not
Thinking the same way
What we need to
Consider about this is
That, you must talk
To the First Twins
In case of other times
And of course for
When he would have
Family of his own
That no matter what
When someone is coming
From a trip, the
Ideal thing that should be done
By the person at
Home is to get
Meals ready for the
Person, whether the person would take it.
He has not known
Until now that such
Is not good, and
We need to let him know
That such is not
Good so that he
Would adjust himself
And brace up for future.