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How May Words Paint a Picture (my inspirational poetry)

Updated on December 30, 2015
May words be greater than word equal to ten thousand...
May words be greater than word equal to ten thousand...
Beautiful colors of a wild bird...emerald greens and browns...
Beautiful colors of a wild bird...emerald greens and browns...
creatures of colors, divine...
creatures of colors, divine...
The wild in a grandest array.
The wild in a grandest array.
In pictures are enjoyable to envision,
In pictures are enjoyable to envision,
their vivid images on display...
their vivid images on display...
Flowers of vibrant hues...
Flowers of vibrant hues...
Beautiful birds of a most radiant plumage...
Beautiful birds of a most radiant plumage...

Is true...a picture may paint a thousand words...and is a beautiful rendition,

A reflective aberration of sorts...scripted letters, to define, as an application.

Golden hues, sunlight's finest spectrum, at ovation to day's end,

At the dawn of a new day...a prelude to grandeur, an epiphany to transcend.

Blues of the brightest days, lavenders, skylights, broad canopy,

Painted on a canvas of sparkling white, a brush stroke of such breathtaking quality.

Billowing clouds of white and grey, shapes of fantasy, to dance in entertaining array,

Above green clad sentinels...trees arranged in rows, as brown squirrels run and play.

Oceans of dark blues and brighter greens, paler surf, spread across tranquil scenes,

Purple mountains... pictures of a towering strength, form the backdrops, roll at length.

Silver moon...beaming... bright orb of the evening..casts ringlets upon water's edge,

Fireflies...blinking on and off... their golden refrains..shining each pledge.

The rosy dawning...the sun's own beloved, is mirrored...birthing a new day, its beginning,

Brighter the artist's rainbow of glistening delights...placed upon the scene, its imprinting.

Colored plumage of wild birds, to wing in sparkling regal, in their garnished attire,

Gorgeous marvels of grand of the fields...dressed and to dance, as all admire.

Ten thousand pictures, spelled in one radiant word, written...scripted upon a paper, so plain,

Never could represent, nor epitomize, the singular magnitude...its essence, to reign.

The work of greatest artists, the finest symphonies of all time, never to equal, or so defines,

That forged upon the paper, in books, its descriptive qualities, products of the gifted minds.

Every color, and in every hue, succinctly presented, in fantastic and most excellent lines.

Its radiance, a marvelous testimonial and its conformation.. as every discerning eye, so finds.

So, yes...a word may outshine many times itself...that of a picture's colors, its graphic lines,

A defining of the utmost kind, singularly stated...guided by mere print upon the page, it so binds.

all rights reserved and under copyright 2015

A single word... equal to ten thousand pictures... might say...yet, for those who suffer...CURE, the word of the day.
A single word... equal to ten thousand pictures... might say...yet, for those who suffer...CURE, the word of the day.

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