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How Much You Love Me-Chapter Eight

Updated on June 29, 2018

The Surprise

DEMETRI was really bothered by what happened in the gallery. He did not expect Alexis to tell such a lie. But on the other hand, he could not deny that there is a hidden fear in his heart knowing that one day, Athena might remember who she is.

"No! That is impossible!”

“Demetri? Somebody is looking for you”, Ada, Demetri’s secretary said.

“I am not expecting a visitor Ada. I am not available,” said Demetri who was still very much caught in his thoughts about Athena(Sandy).

“And why is that?” Said a voice from behind.

Demertri swing his chair and face the owner of the voice. “Vassilli?What are you doing here?”

“Why the surprise Demetri? I thought you will be happy to see me. I haven't seen you since you were fifteen.” Vassilli said casually.

Demetri’s face suddenly became sour and said with a sarcastic voice “Do I have a reason to be ecstatically happy to see you my dear Uncle? As far as I know, my mother was not considered as a member of your family being a commoner, right? Now, you ask me that question? Am I worthy now to be a part of the family?”

Vassilli did not like what Demetri said but he was hiding his anger and presented a happy face. He needs to see Alexandra and only by fooling this idiot relative of him he can finished the mess that bastard Niko Buencamino has made.

“Relax Demetri, past is past. We are family after all.”

Demetri was about to reply when Sandy came in.

“Demetri, it is time for us to leave for the rehearsal.”

Vassilli was shocked to really see Alexandra alive. He could not be mistaken. It’s really her —the dark black eyes and that mole on her right cheek.

“I see you have a visitor. I am sorry, I will be in the gallery when you are ready, my dear.” Sandy gave Vassilli a shy smile and left.

Vassilli was waiting a reaction from Sandy(Athena) on seeing him. He gave a deep sigh of relief when Sandy just gave her a shy smile as if she really doesn't know him.

Demetri was now holding Sandy’s hand and introduced her to Vassilli. “May I introduce to you my wife to-be Vassilli-this is Athena, my dear this is Vassilli-a distant relative of mine in my mother’s side.”

“How do you do, Sir? It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Sandy said with a smile.

“I am really sorry Vassilli, but I am afraid we have to chat some other time… Athena and I have some errands to do since in 2 days time will be our wedding. You are free to come if you have time.” Vassilli issued the invitation as if he doesn't care whether Vassilli will come or not.

Vassilli was forced to leave and went back to his hotel. His mind was so busy figuring out a plan to kill Alexandra. Now, it was not only Alexandra is the problem… there is Yelena too, and of course… Alexis!

The wedding rehearsal was great and Sandy could not ask for more. She is sure that Demetri really love her and that she will reciprocate that love for his kindness to her and for giving her a life that is more than anybody can have. She is making a name for herself now. But why is it that she felt a kind of lacking? She felt that something is missing. And that man that she saw in the gallery and that man also in Demetri’s office—- they both looked very familiar to her. She felt that she had seen them somewhere. She could not just remember where.

On the other hand, Alexis was drinking hard. How could Alexandra ignored him? How could she not recognized him? He was not mistaken, that is really his Sandy… that Demetri is going to marry.

“I am not going to let you take her from me Demetri! There is no way I am letting you take my wife away from me now that I have found her!” With that said Alexis passed out. One of his friends brought him back to the hotel.

He woke up with a headache and was trying to remember what happened the night before and wondering how he got back to his hotel. The phone rang. “Alexis, here…what’s up Dante? Did you find anything that is so important ?”

Dante, Alexis’ confidant mumbled something that made Alexis fully awake.

“My grandmother is awake now? That’s amazing! Be sure to put guards on the door of her room. See to it that nobody knows…No one is allowed to see her not even my family member! That is my instruction! Please carry it out!”

Dante just said “Yes, Sir!” in the other line and hang up.

Yalena woke up from a long dream. She dreamed that Alexis married Alexandra her personal assistant. She was so happy that day to see her biological grandson settled down with a good lady. But suddenly, she was horrified. Alexandra was taken by force by some men that she identified to be member of her family and they killed her. Someone hit her on the head and then carried her. Yelena was at the Verandah at that time of the night… she thought it was Alexis who was with Alexandra but this man hit Sandy that knocked her off and fell on the ground. The other guy took Sandy on his shoulder and they put her at the back seat of the car… she was about to shout for help but Vassilli came and…. Then she did not remember what happened after that…

That was a very bad nightmare she thought!

Alexis was in a hurry to see his grandmother. At last he will be able to ask her what happened that night.

He has to bring Yalena to see Alexandra too and see if Sandy can recognize her.

Yalena was so happy to see Alexis. “Alexis! Just the man I want to see! Where is your lovely bride?” Yelena asked innocently.

“You don't remember what happened grandmother? Sandy went away after the wedding…she left me… and then you got sick… you went into a coma… a very long one… I thought you will never wake up… but I thank God you came back…” Alexis was crying while hugging his grandmother.

Yalena was shocked. “Wait a minute! You said I was in a coma? You might be kidding! anyway, I want to see your wife because I had a very bad dream that she was hurt by somebody and was carried away by the culprits!”

“You were not dreaming grandmother… Sandy is gone… so please can you tell me about your dream?”

Yalena paused for a moment. So everything she saw that night then was true and not just a dream. She suddenly remember Vassilli… “Where is Vassilli? That evil man!”

“Please tell me grandmother…was he the one who hit you that night?”

Yalena…”N-No…he was not the one who hit me…” But Yelena’s voice lacked conviction.

Alexis phone was ringing. “What? No! She is not with me Demetri! What do you think of me? I will hold you responsible if something happens to her this time! Remember that!”

Alexis mobilized his trusted men to help Demetri locate Athena (Sandy). Demetri was also going crazy where could Athena be. She said she is just going to buy something and would not let him come with her because it was supposed to be a surprise for him. But she did not come home and it is already almost midnight. That is why he called Alexis thinking he might have taken her due to his claim that Athena was the wife he lost three years ago.

Vassilli and his men were in the yacht and Alexandra was tied to a chair with her mouth gagged. She was still unconscious.

“Bring a pail of water! Wake her up!” Niko ordered one of the men.

The very cold water that was poured on her woke her from that very bad nightmare. Her wedding night!

She was not ready to face Alexis yet. So she wandered at the garden and was trying to get some fresh air when Alexis came to her and kissed her. She thought that will change everything. She was ready to submit to him but what happens next the man who she thought was Alexis was his cousin Niko who hit her on the head with a baseball bat that knocked her unconscious and the next thing she knew… she was in the water in the middle of nowhere… and then… Demetri… kind and sweet Demetri…

“Are you still enjoying yourself in your dream—- Miss Athena … or how shall I call you…?” Vassilli said mockingly.

Alexandra could not believe in her eyes that the man she considered to be a good friend, the man who once said he love her…No! wait ! Vassilli never said he love her… she understood now that Vassilli just wanted to annoy Alexis… “Oh Alexis! Oh my Dear God, please don't let him be harmed by these villains.” Sandy prayed silently.

“What took that bastard so long to appear here Vassilli? My patience is running out!”

“Just wait Niko… he will come! He will surely come for his beloved bride…” Vassilli said with a sarcastic laugh.

“Please don't hurt Demetri! He has nothing to do with me!” Sandy said bravely.

“I am not talking about Demetri, you dummy! I am talking about Alexis Andreas! Oh never mind! You don't even remember a thing how could you remember Alexis!” Vassilli said with a hint of insult in his tone.

“I never expected you to be an evil person Vassilli!” Sandy could not hold her temper anymore.

Vassilli was shocked.

“You remember me?”

“Surprised? Your men pretty made sure that I should remember by hitting me in my head again. That was not so wise to do…”

“Maybe not… but this time… I will make sure that you will forget everything forever and for good!” Niko said maliciously and slapped Alexandra on the face so hard that her lips bled.

Vassilli was on the phone and was aiming his phone to Alexandra. He was talking to Alexis and was showing Alexandra on the video.

Alexis felt he is going to die at that moment seeing Sandy unconscious and terribly hurt. One of his men has already located the yacht that Vassilli and his men were in. Demetri was also notified and he has the police with him.


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