A Poem: If I Should Die Today
Black Waters:
The epiphany of dark poetry, will engulf your inner morbid self and take you to depts even you cannot fathom.
If I Should Die Today
If I should die today
my life; a chain of yesterdays.
My future plucked
from the palm of my hand
abandoned; left adrift.
Scattered fragments
of my departed mind
lost molecules in a soulless abyss
an eternal darkness of nothingness.
All my wanton dreams,
obsolete; forever buried deep.
My hopes engulfed by silence
suppressed; smothered; deceased.
My deliberations
absorbed within a perennial gorge
a festering chasm of decay
if I should die today.
My very being expelled
from a living world
stripped of earthly powers.
A cadaver entombed beneath the dirt
a desolate crypt
plagued by emptiness
where I will lie;
embodied in my aphotic vault
if I should die today.
If I should die today
all contemplation lost to me
amid my rotten bones.
Impending thoughts perish
in sympathy with flesh.
All the wonder of my existence;
stolen, as my breath
an empty vessel void of life.
If I should die today
all that was mine
to behold,
thieved by the lurid demon death.
My blood dry within my veins.
My heart; red meaty flesh.
A lifeless shell robbed of soul
to dwell beneath the putrid earth.
My fetid remains,
submerged; dormant
within my crepuscular chamber.
Embraced by seclusion
consumed by imminent infinity
damned to oblivion;
deserted; alone
all that might have been;
lost and forlorn
if I should die today.
Author's note
'If I Should Die Today' expresses the shear devastation that death inevitable brings: stripping us of our flesh and our mortal capabilities; taking everything we have become and everything we hoped to be. Death as no conscience: he comes and he covets.
Death is final: there is no tomorrow; there is no second chance; all the things you want to do, your hopes and dreams; your thoughts; your expectations. They die with you. Death is the final scene in our lives. We will never be in death what we were in life.
Embrace all that you are; all that you can be; live every minute to the full and remember that tomorrow may never be today.
Failure is only failure when you don't even try. Death takes us all, make sure you have no regrets.
© 2011 Gabriel Wilson