Spirit Free
A green forest envelops me, dark, moist, intense. The acrid odor of moss assaults my nostrils and penetrates deep within the brain. Slowly I breathe this heavy air, while the trees speak to me in chorus with the voice of the wind. In my breast grows a primordial, strong, disruptive force that presses strongly to go out. Then I let it free itself, in a scream that like a howl reverberates in the air, immediately absorbed by the darkness of the forest. An energy quivers throughout my body, exhilarating, animalistic. I launch my whole being in a liberating race. I run at breakneck speed among the trees, in the total abandonment of rationality, following only the pure bestial instinct. Lashed by the branches, with the heart pumping madly and the fire in the lungs, in this crazy race I feel free, in body and soul, powerful, unstoppable. The exaltation is released in a new howl that pierces the roof of leaves and branches and goes straight to the sky.
© 2019 Cornelius Nolitta