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Is Writing For Recognition, Fame, Fortune and Money?

Updated on February 7, 2018

I'm about to begin... The Living a Life of Writing Process

A novice writer has a twofold fear: publishing a book and recognition of the readers. There is a large mountain that is blocking their path and seems if it dropped in front of them- writers need money to have a life of writing. Beginners seem to fear it more, but even advanced writers do so as well. I don't know if it's the recognition or the fear of fame and fortune (read people and money) or that their writing will suffer because of lack of either. The problem is not publishing a book but writing a book.

Why is this writing fear so prevailing?

There is hundreds of websites and advice columns on how to write and how to be published but not many about how to be recognized. In reality this all what any writer longs for recognition of their work. They want to be published, this is a universal yearning. The second is recognition.You know in the style of fame, fortune and knowledge of a following. But that take time.

In many instances it is easier to gain recognition than it is to be published with the advent of the Internet and pages such as hub pages, it is even easier to write about anything and everything and get one's name out.

We forget how hard it is to get our writing out in a good way to create money and work, we all want that yellow brick road to follow. Online publishing helps, but what about different streams of income? what about simply publishing to write and be recognized?

Writing and Publishing Online

There are a few things I've done to get my own work out into the online world and promote my writing business:

1) Blogging: go to any site and begin a free blog. (, it takes a few minutes of a writer's time each day but with enough time, and effort the writing community will see your work. Now you can also build your own website, but have someone else help you if needed.

2) Use of hubs, with evergreen content. Use links and other methods for making certain the search engines will find it. this is known as evergreen content and search engines-- for the most part love them. Yes over time it will make you money, if that is what you are looking for.

3) Writing each day. If a writer can't do this, they shouldn't expect much recognition. There are no summer holidays, and a couple of days won't hurt after the blogs or whatever is established, but not many days. Sorry big one year around the world cruise isn't a good thing... unless your name ends with King and your book is Carrie.

4) Planning to write short stories and novels. At some point these are a must. But begin somewhere. Articles, e-zines, online writing places such as Squidoo and hubpages. The more people "see" you the better the chances you will make money in this business.

5) Time. The recognition will come. So will fame and fortune and more writing. It simply takes time to do.

6) Know thy marketing plan. If you don't know what this is get a book, go to amazon ( or easy to find and to buy or even the local bookstore.

7) Consider all publishing options. Self-publishing, publishing with a large traditional publisher, small or mid sized publishers. All need to be considered. Not just one or two types.

These of course are not hard and fast but they do help. They have the added benefit of getting a writer writing each day. If the is a goal of writing a novel, then write each day with it. Each day. Doesn't matter if it's 500 or 1,000 words a day, write.

Then edit, the more positive recognition a writer will receive. Not all recognition is created equal this is very true with books which are self-published but not edited. If the writing community feels it is not being serviced by the writer's work, they will say so. If it is good they will also say so.

passion and more passion, that is what the writing business boils down to.
passion and more passion, that is what the writing business boils down to.
writers things... pen and paper and a computer
writers things... pen and paper and a computer
reading also helps with writing
reading also helps with writing

It isn't coming.. or too much is!

Then there is the day when every writer fears, they write and write and write, they might get a few people interested, and nothing happens. Nothing.

They publish an e-book and there are no sales to that book, and they try to publish another one that they think will help but there are still no sales, or they are slow. They think that because they have self-published that is the problem, but it simply might be too much promotion, too little promotion, or simply the book came out at the wrong time.

Nothing means that they do not hear from their literary agent, or they do not get a rejection letter or even a letter at all. The book which was supposed to be published last week isn't going to get published until next... month. They are running out of money.

This is when you have to think about networking and writing. It is important that you think of your writing as a career. You will make money only when you publish a book. Or, you post a blog post. At the same time, you do not have the money to spend. So it is tempting to have cheaper help.

This is a fear, but think this way, what sort of recognition were you looking for? Some writers make the mistake not not networking, telling people when they will do something, but not many. Family and close friends DO NOT EVER do the work for you. That is the writer's job.

Sorry but it's true they might say I'll look at it, but give no date, and chances are they won't, so network out a bit.

Then there is the dreaded too much recognition. Not something that beginners fear, but something more professional authors speak about. The ones where the recognition comes fast and often, and they can't do any work on their next work in progress.

It comes in handy to plan for this event, have a publicist at the ready they will handle this. Their job is to deal with the public, and they let the writer do their job, write.

Recognition is one thing, but it is built upon a lot of smaller things, that seem to be like housework, needed to be done each day. Face it housework isn't fun and you don't get paid much money, but it's a big thing that needs to be done.

Do the house work, the recognition will come.


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