Have you ever seriously considered writing an autobiography?

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  1. CWanamaker profile image95
    CWanamakerposted 11 years ago

    Have you ever seriously considered writing an autobiography?

    Why or Why not?

  2. BSloan profile image68
    BSloanposted 11 years ago

    I would love to write an autobiography just to be able to leave something for my children to have of me in the future.

  3. peeples profile image94
    peeplesposted 11 years ago

    Yes. I have been debating it for over 8 years now. I think the issues I have over come in my life could be helpful for teens who went through similar issues.

  4. CriticalMessage profile image67
    CriticalMessageposted 11 years ago

    Considered it so much that I started it almost 1 year ago... So much editing... grrrr....

  5. profile image0
    KDuBarry03posted 11 years ago

    I really don't know any one that hasn't considered writing an autobiography! I have been planning to write one; however, I do have college I still need to finish. Afterwards, more than likely, I will be writing one. Who doesn't want to share their experiences with the world? To me, writing an autobiography shows that you fully accept w2hat has happened int he past and are comfortable enough to share those experiences with the world.

  6. nochance profile image87
    nochanceposted 11 years ago

    I’m doing the research for it every day. I keep track of major life events, I date everything I write for future reference. But at 22, I don’t think I’ve accomplished enough to actually start writing it. I’ve still got several books to write, not to mention the making of a movie or two. Marriage and kids, buying a house.

    When I’m famous, then I’ll write it. Till then, I’ll just keep doing research.

    1. CWanamaker profile image95
      CWanamakerposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      I like your approach!

  7. profile image0
    Old Empresarioposted 11 years ago

    I prefer the memoir to the autobiography. The difference is that the memoir focuses on only one apsect of your life: your family, your career, your childhood, your life in relation to your culture, etc. Autobiographies cover everything about your life from beginning to end. They are longer. Memoirs are generally more interesting than autobiographies.

  8. ananceleste profile image61
    anancelesteposted 11 years ago

    A couple of people have encouraged me to do so. Actually, I was approached once by someone that wanted to help me do it. I was not ready. Maybe, I am waiting for something good to happen, in order to end it in a happy note.

  9. Maddambutterfly profile image74
    Maddambutterflyposted 11 years ago

    My grandmother made me promise her to write mine. When she passed away two years ago I started writing it. I am editing it at the moment and hope to self publish in the next two months. I have lead a very exciting life full of twists and turns so we will see how it goes smile

  10. SidKemp profile image85
    SidKempposted 11 years ago

    Yes, and I know what I would do. But it's a big job, and a lot of other writing has higher priority for now. Maybe after I'm famous, and people wonder how I did it . . .

  11. Jenna Kunc profile image60
    Jenna Kuncposted 11 years ago

    Maybe when I'm older and have more life behind me I'll consider it. As of now, not much has happened to me!

  12. ThompsonPen profile image65
    ThompsonPenposted 11 years ago

    I have tried and failed several times. At the end of the day, my life bores me to write about. But it works out, since the fact that I find my life boring inspires me to make it not boring, in hopes that one day I might be able to write about it. Thus I go to festivals, I've moved to foreign countries and back, and I try to take opportunities of funness as they come.


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