What is your biggest inspiration in your life?

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  1. khmazz profile image68
    khmazzposted 11 years ago

    What is your biggest inspiration in your life?

    1. profile image55
      hamna atifposted 6 years agoin reply to this

      my biggest inspiration in life are my parents they have always supported me no matter what and guide me when i face problems

    2. faithinyou profile image32
      faithinyouposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      I get inspiration from many people or things....but mostly inspired by my kids. They never rest, so much energy, never loose hope and above all...so honest...Even I get angry on them, they still tell the truth smile

    3. The0NatureBoy profile image56
      The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      My biggest inspiration has three parts, the first was my earliest babyhood remembrance. I was left asleep in a rails up baby bed at about age 6 months then woke up making a noise for someone to get. No one came so I began crying then scream-crying but no one came. Suddenly a voice said "you might as well be content, no one is coming to get you" and obeyed it so when mother came she praised me for wakening up and no crying. If I could have spoken I would have said "you just don' know."

      Then at about age 7 I said to myself "I want to be as free as a deer". Also about that time I was wondering what was my purpose for living and had a dream of me "taking a short cut through the woods to town and as soon as I enter them snakes were covering the ground in front of me and I turned to go back but they were there also. I watched as the circle got closer to me and decided to climb a tree but they were there also. I jumped up and, like Tarzan, swung on one and released it immid air to catch another and when I let it go I was in the town in front of a church that sat there then proceeded to town to tell the people my experiences.

      The Dream began being fulfilled with my 1973 "New Conception" as the snakes I swung were Rock and Roll records on the radio and upon their completion a bodiless voiced said "go back to the church" which I did. But after my August 6, 1976 "New Birth" by leaving my job and later wife to become a nomad I fulfilled my desire to be as free as a deer (John 3:8) before returning to the town of Grambling, Louisiana in August 1984 as the "NatrureBoy" I basically am today.

      1. The0NatureBoy profile image56
        The0NatureBoyposted 5 years agoin reply to this

        https://hubpages.com/religion-philosoph … told-Trump now inspire me, Trump is almost to step down after proving the United States of America is not United, that means world peace is at hand.

    4. profile image51
      dhanu shreeposted 5 years agoin reply to this

      My biggest inspiration is myself.People these days are giving a fake promises,loves so dealing with them is little harder.so i get inspiration is myself.i love myself

    5. a3review profile image60
      a3reviewposted 4 years agoin reply to this


    6. theprimpoetry profile image59
      theprimpoetryposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      My goals. If I want to get something, I make sure to get it. It inspires me to do my best in everything

    7. Miebakagh57 profile image73
      Miebakagh57posted 4 years agoin reply to this

      It is "Life" itself.                              Life is a major inspiration.        Whthout             life, all others-faith, hope, love, peace, and name them- are non existing.                                        Life provide the seminal fluid that birth those sub-inspirational elements.

    8. etchbowline profile image60
      etchbowlineposted 4 years agoin reply to this


    9. Fancy Poet Girl profile image79
      Fancy Poet Girlposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Sarah J Maas.

    10. cnj02c profile image67
      cnj02cposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      My kids

      1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
        Miebakagh57posted 4 years agoin reply to this

        I have read all the comments one after another, and none is dumb.                                                                      Inspiration can come from a disappointment, a pain, or a storm.

    11. readycomplaint profile image59
      readycomplaintposted 4 years agoin reply to this


    12. profile image50
      markvalposted 4 years agoin reply to this


      1. profile image52
        harrythomas1001posted 3 years agoin reply to this

        Sameer Bhide's inspirational memoir from his book One Fine Day. You can get more details about his book from here https://www.sameerbhide.com/

    13. Little Miss Lyz profile image64
      Little Miss Lyzposted 11 years ago

      Love. Love for my animals, my people, and my things. I would not get up every day if I did not have love, for something, somewhere.

      1. khmazz profile image68
        khmazzposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Great answer! smile

    14. iviskei profile image68
      iviskeiposted 11 years ago

      Language. I know it sounds strange, but everything about it is inspiring to me. How it creates meaning, affects feelings, helps decisions.....language is great. ^.^

      1. khmazz profile image68
        khmazzposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I love your answer! It is so true!!

    15. Theater girl profile image67
      Theater girlposted 11 years ago

      My biggest inspiration in life are the children that I work with everyday. Some of them come to school each day with such god awful crap on their little shoulders, but they are still joyful and smiling. If they can be that way, I can find happiness in everyday as well!

      1. khmazz profile image68
        khmazzposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        That is so true, we (as adults) really could learn so much from the way children as resilient and generally happy! They are inspirational!

    16. Isaac White profile image60
      Isaac Whiteposted 11 years ago

      My biggest inspiration is the people around me. Because, it's just certain things they say or do that gives me the inspiration I need. Especially when it comes to my writing. Sometimes Even other talents that come from the people around gives me Inspiration. Thanks for asking.

      I. White

      1. khmazz profile image68
        khmazzposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        That’s a great way to interpret the saying "Write what you know" the people around you are a great known source for inspiration!

    17. Eric Weiland profile image59
      Eric Weilandposted 11 years ago

      My faith in Almighty God. With Him, all things are possible. Without Him, life is uncertain, meaningless, & ultimately hopeless. Living my life in a way that pleases God is what motivates me to do what is right, and to always give my best effort. Besides God, my family is of utmost importance to me, and being a father and a husband, I realize my importance as a provider and teacher for them.

      1. khmazz profile image68
        khmazzposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Great answer and wonderful sources of inspiration!

      2. Creative SparxX profile image60
        Creative SparxXposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I definitely have to agree with you here.  God gets me up in the morning so I can see my beautiful family and puts me to sleep at night so i have the rest required to take care of that family.  Good answer!

      3. artist101 profile image65
        artist101posted 11 years agoin reply to this

        My family, and my children also.Without God, none of those people would be possible. He places those people in our lives sometimes to challenge, and sometimes to inspire us. But isn't it really amazing how he knew which people would do that for us?

    18. Sushma Webber profile image69
      Sushma Webberposted 11 years ago

      Studying Theosophy and trying to apply it in my life is my biggest inspiration. Theo = Divine and Sophia = Wisdom. Attempting to live life from the point of view of the Divine Wisdom is inspiring. It reminds me that there is more to this existence than just little old me.

      1. khmazz profile image68
        khmazzposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        It is true that we need to realize that sometimes, that there is more out there than in just our own reality!

    19. HazelAngeli profile image62
      HazelAngeliposted 11 years ago

      The biggest inspiration in my life is every challenge that comes my way. Challenges, much more than anything else, keeps me up no matter how hard they can get sometimes. I always believe that while challenges were meant to sometimes distract us, they can also give us hope and inspire us to be better. They spice up our lives, after all.

      1. khmazz profile image68
        khmazzposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Fantastic inspiration! You're very right; our challenges do spice things up!

    20. WhiteGator profile image56
      WhiteGatorposted 7 years ago

      I don't know if you'll consider this an inspiration, obsession, or just the ramblings of an old man, but in any case, I thought I would share.
      There is an old French proverb that states "old loves never die, they just rest in a quiet corner of your mind."  I think there's a lot of people that will attest to the truth of that thought.

      When I was in my second year of graduate school at LSU, I lived with a young, pretty, little Cajun girl for seven months and she was the true love of my life.  I have been haunted by the memories of her and that relationship all of my life.  I had often thought that this obsession actually was a symptom of a mental health disease.
      But on one of my last trips to Europe, I came across a quote by a French author that offered me some solace by suggesting a definition of a true love that gave some clarity to my situation. Let me share the quote. (please excuse my  translation from the French, it may not be exact, but it is close)

      "Your first love isn’t the first person you kiss, or the first person you date, or even the first person you made love to.  Your first love is the person you will always compare all other loves to.  It is that  person that you will never truly get over even after you have convinced yourself a thousand times that you’ve moved on."
                                                                             -  Marc LaGrange

      I am 75 years old now, and over the years, I have had many relationships with some very exceptional women, (in fact, I married four of them).  Each wife has been beautiful, educated with wonderful personalities.  I think in the back of my mind though,  I was always hoping to re-create a relationship with the same intensity that I had had in Baton Rouge many years ago.  I now equate my quest to trying to unring a bell, it's unachievable. You should feel very fortunate and truly blessed if you ever had the opportunity to experience a true love, even once in your lifetime.

      I can relate to that quote because I know I have convinced myself 1000  times or more that she is gone out of my life, but as you can now see, the memories still bleed through.

    21. Jennifer Rafferty profile image60
      Jennifer Raffertyposted 6 years ago

      My parents work ethic! My father took a risk when first starting a business, failed, persevered and is now the successful owner of a construction company. He is 56 and still working six, sometimes seven days a week. My mom is a special ed teacher in early intervention. Now only working part-time on severe cases her love of the job won't allow her to retire! They never stop working, doing for others, and balancing family life. They inspire me everyday.

    22. lovetherain profile image69
      lovetherainposted 6 years ago

      The beauty of nature

    23. profile image0
      kirtidv2006posted 6 years ago

      My family. Animals. Children is shelters. I want to work hard and be able to afford to not only support my family financially but also those in need. I want to be able to have extra money at the end of the year to support several different charities.

    24. Castlepaloma profile image74
      Castlepalomaposted 6 years ago

      My first sandsculpture world championships in 1979.

      The birth of my baby girl. A gift that keeps giving.

    25. Isivwe Muobo profile image75
      Isivwe Muoboposted 5 years ago

      My biggest inspiration is the zeal to succeed. I want to so bad its all I think of.

      Which is why I try to work so hard to achieve it.

    26. Jovan Rawls profile image61
      Jovan Rawlsposted 5 years ago

      I get inspired by a handful of people & things, but my BIGGEST inspiration is GROWTH. The height of it is limitless, also Happiness & Peace becomes an on - going cycle. #Let Us All Carry On With Ease & Love#

    27. mygoblin profile image76
      mygoblinposted 5 years ago

      My 3 adorably wonderful kids. They are my purpose and inspiration.

    28. pickuplineguru profile image38
      pickuplineguruposted 5 years ago

      My biggest inspiration are my parents and my sister. That drives me to success and motivates me.

    29. KC3Lady profile image59
      KC3Ladyposted 5 years ago

      I have quite a few aspirations in life, I just have not been able to get to them for several years due to police corruption and incompetence.

    30. KC3Lady profile image59
      KC3Ladyposted 5 years ago

      My biggest inspiration though is God.

    31. profile image50
      asokaboyposted 4 years ago
      1. profile image53
        mizukishibaposted 3 years agoin reply to this

        I wanted to ask that can you write some info on hotmail account as I am in need of it to complete my assignment.

        1. Miebakagh57 profile image73
          Miebakagh57posted 3 years agoin reply to this

          It only takes a few minutes to sign up for a microsoft account.                                               The hotmail link you provide gives all the detail. So it's so easy for you to do the simple work. Thanks.

        2. profile image54
          Sarahwellposted 3 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for the info mizuki I have some more info on the following topics can you please see and tell me are they good enough?

          hotmail login
          gmail signup
          kiss cartoon

          Or does this require any changes. I'll wait for your responce.

    32. Rakesh Kushwaha profile image61
      Rakesh Kushwahaposted 4 years ago

      Inspiration is not found, it is built up over time through:

      life experiences

      watching and working with others seeing how they react, how they decide
      reading, motivational videos

      playing team sports

      continually learning

      finding better ways of doing things

    33. Isivwe Muobo profile image75
      Isivwe Muoboposted 4 years ago

      My daughter is my biggest inspiration. She inspires me to do and be the very best I can be.

    34. Theblogchick profile image47
      Theblogchickposted 4 years ago

      My biggest inspiration in life is language. I love to express myself through poetry and writing.

    35. Riffat Junaid profile image62
      Riffat Junaidposted 4 years ago

      My family is my biggest inspiration.

    36. OGUNDARE OLUSEGUN profile image80
      OGUNDARE OLUSEGUNposted 4 years ago

      Reading Bible always gives me inspiration

    37. mayur ganekar profile image61
      mayur ganekarposted 4 years ago

      My grandfather is my begest inspiration

    38. profile image58
      qrcodetiposted 4 years ago
    39. lovetherain profile image69
      lovetherainposted 4 years ago

      God"s creation.

    40. Castlepaloma profile image74
      Castlepalomaposted 4 years ago

      Three most magic moments
      1. My daughter birth
      2. Winning sandsculpture world championship
      3. One all day romantic sex.

      My Daughter is the one that keeps on giving.


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