Growing Beautiful Flowering Plants
Two beautiful roses appeared photos
Spring is Trying to Come...and These Lovely Azaleas are Heralding that Event
One of my passions is flowering plants. I love puttering around in the soil and seeing the beautiful blossoms unfold after weeks or months.
Right here on HubPages I have at my fingertips so many articles about growing flowering plants.(There are of course many others just about everything you want to know about gardening.) It is so easy for me to find a new plant to select for my yard. It is also easy for me to discover what I might need to do to grow healthier plants, to care for them properly, or other questions I might have.
In this article, some of them have been shared with you.
Hibiscus...lovely every time they bloom
Beautiful Intoxicating and Toxic
Purple cone flower
The purple cone flower has always been a flower I have wanted to grow. After reading this article, by The Dirt Farmer, these will be a project in my garden next spring. You can read all about how to grow your own at:
The Dirt Farmer
The Dirt Farmer has many articles about growing plants that I have enjoyed reading. I am always looking for new ideas for plants to buy but truthfully look for ones that I am sure I can manage.
His articles are filled with many you will find interesting to read about and grow.
5 Toxic Plants that are also Beautiful
Rebeccamealey has written and included photographs of a 'perfect perennial, the day lily' to use her words. The photographs alone will make you glad you read this article.
Rebeccamealey was one of the first to welcome me to HubPages. She would visit and comment on my articles as I began my journey here . Thank you, Rebeccamealey for stopping by.
This article that sgbrown wrote about growing iris will provide you with information you will want to know to grow this always exotic looking flower (to me it is). The history that is included makes it that much more interesting to read.
Growing plants can be daunting for some but sgbrown has a way of taking the fear out of growing things.You will not be disappointed when you read her articles.
Still More....
This article that Barbara Kay wrote will give you some background knowledge about orchids in case you are considering growing them.
Barbara Kay
Barbara Kay has written about growing and caring for orchids in a way that makes it sound like something I can tackle. They are so lovely but I have always been uncertain that I would be able to grow them well.
After reading this article, I will consider trying this new adventure. Thank you, Barbara Kay, for sharing what you know with us about these gorgeous plants.
Ten purple flowers to plant
Roskia's article gives you enough information about each plant so you can decide if it is one you want to add to the beauty of your yard.
Rosika's article on the purple flowers to plant in your yard is one you will not want to miss.
The variety of shades of purple will make you want to include these lovelies in your flower beds. Thank you, Rosika, for sharing these with us.
These are just a few of a vast array of articles about flowering plants available here on HubPages. There are so many more that you will want to read as well.
I have written about flowering plants as well. If you go to my profile page, you will be able to click on them ther
© 2012 Patricia Scott