Outdoor Furniture - How To Make - Quick - Easy - And Cheap - New Covers
My Easy And Cheap To Make New Sun Lounger Covers
How To Give New Life To Sun Bleached Outdoor Furniture Cushions On A Budget
Living in Spain and renting out my villa to tourists means I have to keep everything looking as fresh and new as possible.
Many years ago I bought a set of sun loungers and comfortable cushions to go with them. All stood the test of time very well except the cushion covers which very quickly became sun bleached , stained with sun tan lotion and generally very tatty looking, not at all what paying guests wish to lie on, or me either come to think of it.
I found it impossible to buy ready made new slip on covers and couldn´t afford to replace the cushions every single year so I bought some cheap and pretty fabric from the local market and made my own slip on covers.
All was well and good until I needed to replace them again this year only to find my usual fabric vendor wasn´t there.
Wondering around the market looking to see if there was anyone else selling fabric I passed a stall selling ridiculously cheap towels, bath towels for only 2€ each and I had a light bulb moment when I realised that 2 bath towels sewn together would make perfect sun lounger covers .
Not only do my new covers look great and add a pop of colour around the pool, they were quick and easy to make, will last at least a couple of years, and are easy to wash and slip on to the old cushions making them look like new, and saving me a huge amount of money to boot.
You don´t need to be an expert seamstress either in order to make some new covers for your own poolside and garden furniture.
My Old Sun Lounger Cushions Before I Made The New Slip On Covers
How To Make Your New Covers Out Of 2 Bath Towels
With the wrong side of the fabric facing me I simply sewed a seam to join the 2 bath towels together width ways.
Then lay the 2 joined towels on top of my sun lounger cushions, wrong side facing me, and turned over the ends to make two pockets which I then sewed into place, and these pockets are what keeps the covers in place and makes them so easy when you need to take them off for washing.
And that´s it, what could be more simple and effective.
Underside Of The New Covers
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As well as writing gardening and money saving hints and tips, I also write on the spirit world and supernatural phenomena. Travel guides and my own happy holiday memories. Life and in particular wildlife in Spain. Recipes. Product reviews. Health and well being problems and cures. Recipes.The odd poem or two and anything else that grabs my attention at the time. All can be found here on Hubpages.com and you may be pleasantly surprised to read some of my other work.