I just won a Dallas Cowboys Gift Card - Where can I sell it online?

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  1. DowntroddenInDC profile image74
    DowntroddenInDCposted 13 years ago

    I just won a Dallas Cowboys Gift Card - Where can I sell it online?

    I won a Texas Lottery second chance drawing, and have no use for anything Dallas related.

  2. LindaSmith1 profile image60
    LindaSmith1posted 13 years ago

    eBay, Craigs list, post on social networks

  3. TurtleDog profile image75
    TurtleDogposted 13 years ago

    Hi DowntroddeninDC!

    Thanks for the question.  This is something I actually have some knowlege on (probably just enough to hurt me but some knowlege none-the-less :-)

    I'm presuming this is your classic gift card for $20, $50 $100 or whatever dollars that you can take to a store or stores in exchange for Dallas Cowboy merchandise.

    Since your username suggests your are a Redskins fan (I'm an Eagles guy) I can completely understand your dilemna.

    Gift cards generally do well on Ebay.  Open an ebay account if you do not have one and attempt to auction it. Ebay now allows up to 50 (or maybe 100?) free auctions a month so it won't cost you anything but time to list. You'd only pay a PayPal and Ebay fee if it sells.

    Be sure you take a photo of the gift card but take the photo so that any on-line codes or numbers (if any) can not be clearly read (people steal on-line codes, from pictures)

    Post the gift card and be sure to note all the disclaimers, value, and every detail on the card except any codes.

    When you post the gift card, I'd suggest posting it for a significant amount of what it is actually worth. If it is a $100 gift card for Dallas merchandise at any sporting goods store, for example, post it for what you'd like to get for the card.  I'd actually try 3/4 of its value at first ($75 on a $100 card, or $15 on $20).  If that doesn't sell, you can repost it again at the same price and see what happens or lower it.

    I'm astonished at how well some gift cards sell. Some sell for like 90% of their value, some are a dud.  Some Starbucks $20 cards I've seen sell for $19 (which doesn't seem worth it to me as a buyer but for a seller who gets the card for free that's pretty good)

    I haven't sold sporting goods cards but I would think with football in midseason it would be a good time to post it.

    I hope that helps.

  4. ahansome profile image60
    ahansomeposted 13 years ago

    I would agree. If you have a Facebook account, you may want see if any of your friends want it first, but Ebay and local classified services like Craigslist (or what ever service is popular in your in YOUR region) are great for selling things locally. You can't go wrong with any of these. If you don't have an account with craigslist or a local trade agency, just do a Google search including your City and State to find them; then it's usually as easy as registering for an account by entering an email, username, and password to access it. Good luck!

  5. paul pruel profile image70
    paul pruelposted 13 years ago

    share it to all social networks you know with your plan of selling it, start twitter, facebook, stumbleupon and etc.

  6. MarloByDesign profile image75
    MarloByDesignposted 13 years ago

    I would recommend that you post it for sale on the Dallas, Texas Craigslist - those Cowboy fans are down there by the thousands.

    I think you should have good luck that way - just be careful not to send it out without getting your money first! There are lots of scammers on Craigslist.

    I hope this helps.

  7. profile image56
    OLDNAVYposted 13 years ago

    You could try using classifieds online and offline.

  8. poppi profile image60
    poppiposted 13 years ago

    See if one of your girlfriends would buy it, or put on eBay, Craig s list.

    Make em offer they can't refuse.


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