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Updated on December 14, 2012

By: Wayne Brown

Sadly, the 2012 election process is over and Barack Obama remains in office yet another four years assuming the traditional American process of selecting a president is in vogue by the end of this next term. Obama’s battle cry for the campaign was “forward!” although he never stated to “where”. Those who embraced that slogan made their own assumptions as to what it meant which is clearly the tactic Obama has employed from his first day on the political scene. Now, he will employ it once again in a fashion which any Americans with values and principles for our history should abhor.

The media is focusing on the upcoming financial standoff with the debt ceiling and sequestration as being the big challenge facing Obama and America in the coming months. The media, for the most part, is still ignoring the Libyan situation as if it never existed. Obviously, that is exactly what they want the American public to embrace and believe….it never happened! On that basis, and since Obama has been re-elected, we simply need to move on to more pressing matters like fixing the economy and curing the job situation which has been allowed to languish in the first four years for Obama. He was much too interested in getting the disastrous ObamaCare shoved down the throats of the American people.

Once again, Obama will use his campaign cry of “forward” to attempt to fend off the Benghazi situation claiming that while he is saddened by the chain of events, America cannot afford to await action on the economy and jobs. He has far more important work to do than to answer for such things as Fast ‘N Furious and the murder of four Americans in Benghazi. This will be his ploy and he will use it in every manner which he can to bring pressure on those members of Congress willing to prosecute either event. Sadly, those who gather around his feet and clamor over his empty rhetoric will be out there shouting for the same relief. “Let the Savior go so that he may do his work….it is he who must be free to exercise his judgment and save America.” Most of the lame stream liberal media will join in the cry hoping that Senators and Congressional Representatives will run for political cover and just forget the whole thing.

Americans should be appalled and outraged that this man has held on to his high office. He has taken a difficult economic situation and developed it into a full fledge disaster, raised unemployment levels to heights not seen since the Great Depression, stifled private sector growth and investment, squandered borrowed money, double-down on the deficit, expanded government by almost 20% in three years, increased federal spending by a factor of 140% since 2008, peppered the government with admitted socialist and communist in high positions of responsibility, and rubbed salt in the wounds of racial divide and class warfare throughout his entire first term. Anyone studying American politics and presidential elections would quickly conclude that such a man has not earned re-election….not if the best interest of America is concerned…which it obviously is not.

Four Americans died in Benghazi, Libya thinking until their very last breathe that America was coming to their aid. They believed in America and they dedicated their lives to serving her. When their lives were on the line, where was America? America was jetting off to a Hollywood party in Las Vegas with strict instructions already in place that nothing was to be done. The four Americans including our Ambassador to Libya, his diplomatic representative, and two former Navy Seals were slaughtered as they attempted to protect the bastions of American ground in that foreign nation while being attacked by terrorist zealots bent on showing America that the anniversary of 9-11 could be celebrated once again in American blood successfully. They were right.

Now Obama wants a pass based on his “savior” status and the “important work” which he is yet to do. There is no time for the nonsense of hearings and determination of responsibility. That energy must be employed elsewhere on things which he has only made worse in the past four years. He says the buck stops with him but that statement carries no substance in that his use of it is all he intends to offer in regard to any responsibility for the Benghazi debacle. To hold him accountable would be to disappoint the American people who are yet awaiting the miracles which he offers as we move “forward” to places unknown.

America, on the basis of principle and values, should want answers….details, facts, and supporting documents. Those four dead Americans deserved, in return for their lives, to have the truth exposed to the American people and to have those who were remiss in doing all that could have been done held accountable in every way. To see Barack Obama state that the buck stops with him and then have his Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, and the Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, stand before the American media and say that it was all a function of a protested reaction to a video. Further to that, Obama repeated that rhetoric multiple times in his recent speech to the UN….a claim, which by that time, was nothing more than utter fantasy. If we, as a people, do not have the courage to demand and get a full and detailed explanation, which surely exists, to this terrorist rampage, then it does not say much for us as a people going forward.

Benghazi is not just a coincidence of some group of protestors responding to an insulting video…a video which had barely been seen before the incident of 9-11-2012. Benghazi is not just a botched diplomatic situation in which poor security measures were taken and a price was paid. Benghazi is far more and potentially has some of the same implications of Fast ‘N Furious as it ties the supply of U.S. weapons to terrorists directly to the U.S. Embassy in Libya, to the U.S. State Department, and to the Office of the President. Benghazi is a place where the evidence of a game gone terribly wrong came to bear, a game of weapons supplied to the wrong side of the equation, weapons tied back to the U.S. Government and the President of the United States. Benghazi is not just a series of coincidences gone wrong in a poor security environment…that perspective would be acceptable to the administration. Benghazi is far more and the more that it is looked into, the more apparent that it will be that this President was playing his chips on the wrong side of the table. This cover-up runs very deep and involves Libya, Turkey, and Syria in the process. It is passed time for the American public to know those details.

If we allow ourselves to be victims of deceit, we close our minds to any objective thinking in terms of our future welfare and the moral makeup of the nation. We give those who are in power even greater powers over us and the ability to continue lying about other events which will surely come with time. Benghazi is a more than adequate example of a failed leadership of this nation. It is representative of a man more than willing to trade four lives for his political security in an upcoming election. It speaks volumes about a man who has gone about telling Americans that terrorists are on the run and in a state of diminished presence in the world all hinged on a singular instance of the killing of Osama Bin Laden. It speaks of a man willing to offer you and your children a false sense of security when you go to bed at night as he works steadily to reduce our weapons arsenal, dismantle our military, and take guns out of our hands. This is not a leader and it is certainly not a man who has America’s best interest in mind.

What is done is done…the election is over and we are left with a rather desperate situation to say the least….a situation which America had the opportunity to rectify or so we believe. There are those who celebrate that outcome because they actually buy into the rhetoric which this President tosses about. This is America, and for this moment in time, they are still free to make that choice. The day may well come when that is not the case. Regardless, the four Americans who died waiting for America to come get them deserve a proper justice and the government which exists to serve the people of this nation will be remiss if that justice is not prosecuted effectively, efficiently, fairly, and with full focus and accountability on those who dropped the ball in the loss of these four brave souls.

© Copyright WBrown2012. All Rights Reserved.

8 November 2012


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