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God and Mother Nature (one and the same?). Why the GLBT community must deal with social injustices.

Updated on April 4, 2015

What Agenda?

Preamble to my article below.

God created all there is - and God don't make no junk! (bad grammar intentional)
So, who is really responsible for inequality, injustice, intolerance and hatred? "God's" church? I think not.

Note: This is in response to the comments i received in regards to this article. They are shown in their entirety below.

Apparently I will need to start adding a preamble to my hubs in order to put them in proper perspective so one can easily differentiate between the wording (content) and the meaning (intent) of the message.

It appears that it is difficult to use conceptual truths to point out the irrational beliefs people have about what they have read, learned and ultimately believe to be fact, and whether or not that belief is based on logic, reality or myth.

In this hub my intent is to put in some semblance of order and to show how irrational, current ideas are, on such matters as the fallacy that there is actually a "homosexual agenda" in this country, and obviously on a global scale.

This "agenda" is continuously being judged by people in the news (political, religious, personal ideas, the law, blogs, the news pundits- , etc..etc..) There is no end to the opinionists on this subject and all these people have NO concept of why this is simply a "natural phenomenon".

This intent of this hub was, or is, hopefully going to show why i call this a "natural phenomenon".

1. God created all that is.

2. Mother Nature is God's plan to create life in the physical world. (you do know that there was never a real person called: mother nature?)

3. The fact that there is interaction between all things and adjustments must occasionally be made to keep that symbiotic relationship, harmony, and balance to insure continuation of the "Cosmic Plan", cannot be irrationally discarded.

The nonsensical beliefs that some how God/Mother Nature has made an error that man must correct is simply madness (sheer arrogance and total ignorance) in itself.

4. Homosexuality is indeed part of that plan for the survival of the human species. It is a simple genetic adjustment to prevent the dire consequences of over population.

Like it or not. This is all part of that Cosmic Plan for survival.

No amount of rhetoric, spewing hatred, making laws, or babbling of religious idiocy, will ever change this monumental fact.

by: d.william 11/19/10

This is the original Hub article --

Can we separate God and Mother Nature?? Absolutely and unequivocally not.

Everything in the universe co-exists in symbiotic fashion. Is this not scientific fact?

Everything on this planet evolved to co-exist in symbiotic fashion. Is this not scientific fact?

All life on this planet evolved to co-exist in symbiotic fashion. Is this not scientific fact?

When one species of plant or animal (including human) proliferates out of control there are consequences that are devastating to all other species. Is this not scientific fact?

When mankind interferes with nature, a species can become extinct. Is this not scientific fact?

Now, lets place these "physical truths", as stated above, in context with the metaphysical.

Metaphysical by definition: The principles of, or relating to, the transcendent (being beyond the limits of all possible experience and knowledge) or to a reality beyond what is perceptible to the senses: ie - supernatural, or highly abstract, or abstruse [difficult to understand].

Examples: We cannot see air, gravity, magnetic forces or electricity, but we know they exist.

Over the centuries man has attempted to interpret the intentions of the Creator by using the extremely limited intellectual capacity of the human brain. - and there in lies the problem.

Humanity has embraced the concept of a supernatural "Creator" and feebly attempts to assume that there are 'limitations' of this 'creator's capabilities to foresee problems without contingencies for the correction of those problems.

Thereby implying diminished intelligence of the Creator and attempting to 'compensate' for the Creator's short comings. What arrogance!

This dishonorable and unfettered arrogance of man will be our ultimate undoing.

Apparently those humans who believe they can surpass the creator's plans are placing themselves on an equal plane with the Creator. This mentality is equivalent to a gnat attempting to control the universe; or a flea trying to impregnate an elephant.

Humanity has embraced, as truth, fairy tale ideas that have absolutely no basis in fact.

And yet man attempts to circumvent what is obviously the only viable solution for population control other than mass exterminations, genocide and wars. It is very difficult for me to ever believe that a creator would factor these controls into any equation.

This is not even close to being logical or rational. - this is human solution, definitely not divine intervention.

Nature, as we have seen many times in the past, takes care of itself and needs no interference by man, who would do so only for personal gain - wealth or power.

Now, lets put these revelations in perspective with the fairy tales that people have embraced as "proof" of god's existence:

  • Jesus walked on water.
  • Moses parted the seas.
  • Noah built an ark and collected two of every species on this planet,
  • The world was destroyed by a great flood (at the time of Noah, the only known (perceived) concepts of the earth were that it was flat, so what they considered the world was only the immediate area that they lived in.
  • God wrote on stone tablets, the 10 commandments,
  • etc, etc, etc.....

But God apparently cannot, or does not, possess the same capabilities as human kind, to alter growth and development of humanity by manipulation of genetic changes to stop massive, out of control, destructive population growth? Where is the logic in this madness?

I tell you what - I would sooner believe that the "homosexual agenda" is God's plan to keep nature in balance, than believe as religions teach, that this population explosion is better controlled by man's laws, murder, wars and other mayhem; than sanctioned control by an all powerful and benevolent creator with a 'contingency plan' of his own after all.

I put little, if any, confidence in the arrogance and ignorance of mankind. Or the vastly questionable intelligence of the religious factor, who taught such inane things as the world was flat, the sun and stars revolved around the earth, and killed or jailed anyone who spoke otherwise.. Or created their own Holy scriptures out of bits and pieces of writings of their choosing, and then had the audacity to proclaim it as 'Holy", and declared it a sin for any one to dare to question those laws.

It is totally outrageous that people still believe its veracity at a verbatim level.

And neither should you.

Don't you think that mankind has already done enough damage to nature and contributed more than enough toward the destruction of the natural order of things?

It seems it is O.K. for mankind to genetically alter our food supply for profit, but not O.K. for mother nature to genetically alter mankind for survival.

Aaaah the arrogance (and ignorance) of man!!

by: d.william 11/16/10

If THIS is what is representing us in our Government. We are truly doomed.

There is hope after all.

You cannot watch this video and not see the stupidity of humanity

© 2010 d.william


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