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Do Biological Men Make Better Females Than Biological Women?

Updated on May 11, 2021
Kyler J Falk profile image

Social issues can only be remedied by a collective acceptance of those opinions we view as opposing our own.

I wonder what it is like to be born into a body you disagree with?
I wonder what it is like to be born into a body you disagree with? | Source

Sometimes when I scroll the internet, letting my mind run away with each and every curiosity, I come to regret not living by the saying, "Curiosity killed the cat."

You see, today as I sat down to take a load off by doing some casual perusing of the digital brainwashing machine, I found a vast collection of serious conversations occurring on a topic I had never even really given thought to. That topic was whether or not biological men make better women than biological women!

"Surely," I expressed to myself, "this can't be as serious of a topic as it is being presented," but the more I dug in to test the convictions of those expressing these sentiments, the more I found that this is being widely debated by a myriad of different people.

Men make better women than women do, and that is for the sole reason we live, understand, and seek to correct the plight of man; whereas modern women are seeking to place themselves atop a pedestal of self-entitlement. This pedestal is labeled, as it should be, "more than equal," and it is no wonder men are turning to other men for their support, rather than depending on moralistic interpretation of gender roles just to save face.

— Anonymous inspiration for this article

Is This Even a Real Issue?

In order to give credence to an argument that many believe is serious enough to begin political and social movements over, I dug into my own sexuality and experience and asked myself, "How does this issue affect your life?"

Not surprisingly, I immediately came to touch on my bisexuality and having dated a transgender female at one point in my life. Much like the quote previously expressed, I turned to bisexuality as a way to escape the, "anti-male," narrative being pushed at every turn in social politics these days. Militant feminism, and its many comparable peers, turned me off to traditional relationships and drove me into the arms of my own sex and gender.

In asking myself if I cared whether or not women or men made better women, I discovered that I care contextually, and that the topic was worthy of exploring in a time where many radicals are pushing for gender dysphoria to be viewed as normal and healthy.

So, is this a real issue?

Absolutely, and I'd like to explore it from a perspective as sensitive, empathetic, and impartial as I possibly can. In order to do this, I've chosen the starting point of what most males find to be attractive.

These two are an example of what one would consider a "not-passable" woman.
These two are an example of what one would consider a "not-passable" woman. | Source

The Male Preference: Passable and Not Passable

We have all heard the phrase, perhaps even used it to defend some ignorant stance we hold, "Sex sells," and the connotations of that phrase have never rung truer than in the topic of transgender issues, or gender dysphoria. This is, I believe, because when it concerns pushing transgender ideals as healthy, we aren't faced with the majority who would be considered, "not passable," but instead made to listen to a, "passable," individual that most anyone could not argue is unattractive as a female.

That is also the definition, the difference, between a passable individual and one who is not passable; a passable individual can pass themselves off as a biological female, while the not-passable one—those who make up the majority—are systematically kept from the spotlight so as not to taint the argument with subjective disgust or lack of attraction.

Like any fair and impartial marketer knows, and even further society as a whole, narratives and products tend to sell better when an attractive face and body is put front and center. Being the visual creatures we are, it is reasonable that we keep those we would deem as off-putting on the back burner. As such, realizing it if you haven't already, we can surmise what the male preference is.

The male preference for trans women would have to be those that are considered to be passable, and I would venture to say that any trans woman that is deemed passable by one man will also be deemed passable by the majority. If a woman is passable, then most of the time it is also safe to assume that the man deeming this individual as passable would also be willing to sleep with them prior to knowing they were, in fact, a biological male. This is, of course, for the sake of argument and just because someone finds a man to be passable does not, concretely, mean they would also sleep with them.

Nonetheless, when you see a man who looks like a woman and they are also attractive and passable, the type marketing companies seek out to press agendas using their sexy faces and bodies, you are going to be attracted to that person regardless of their biological disposition! Knowing this to be a fact for a majority of individuals in many contexts, I asked myself how one would even begin to test the benefits of trans women over biological women.

I see gender as sex, and sex as gender, but that is because I submit to the idea that being transgender is also gender dysphoria. Nonetheless, if I find you attractive I really could care less what your underlying biology dictates.

— Kyler J. Falk

Pros and Cons of Dating a Transgender Woman

There was a time in my life when I was given the privilege of being romantically entangled with what I would describe as a passable transgender woman, and it came with more deal-breaking cons than it did pros. I'd like to explore my personal experience out in the open, because I think it is beneficial to speak from experience rather than citing nonsense from a position of authority. So, without further ado, let's dig in.


  • Similar personalities, wants, desires, and plights led to a closer understanding of one another not experienced prior with biological females.
  • Similar interests not shared previously with biological females.
  • Conversations about most topics flowed easier.
  • Conversations felt more equal, less, "edged," as if it was okay to truly be myself.
  • It was the first time a female-identifying individual worshiped every fiber of my being, in a depth never before experienced.
  • Their femininity was unmatched despite their biological disposition.
  • For the first time in my life, I felt like the one expected to receive rather than give as it concerns interpersonal dynamics and societal expectations.


  • Consistent and drastic emotional upsets over gender perception and gendered verbiage, such as me saying, "dude," when previously requested not to.
  • Prone to drug use in order to release stress and inhibitions.
  • Impulsive sexual behavior, and thus unstable relationships.
  • Legal troubles due to, "dead-naming," or being unable to accept their birth name and thus not seeking to sign or even obtain legal documentation.
  • Insecurity, though understandable, to a drastic and fear-inducing degree.
  • Shifting between a male and female voice when upset, breaks the illusion between biology and presentation.
  • Increased aggressive behavior in all aspects of life.

Now, the relationship was short and intense, but to say I didn't enjoy it would be a lie. It was an excellent relationship and could've thrived long past its expiration date had the emotional state of the individual I was dating been more stable. Also, it would've been nice if I hadn't had to watch them killing themselves with hard drugs just so that they could feel free enough to be themselves.

Can I say, with any certainty, that a biological male made a better woman than the biological females I have been romantically entangled with?

No, because I find them both equally confusing and endearing in their own unique and shared qualities.

I can say, however, that I believe this entire issue arose from trickle-down cruelty propagated by gender politics!

Would you ever consider dating a transgender person?

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Trickle-Down Cruelty and Gender Politics

I whine and whinge about it all the time, and as such, I'm not going to be stopping any time soon. Yes, I believe the argument over men making better women arose from gender politics, which itself came from the pressing issue slowly making its way to the forefront of American perceptions. Trickle-down cruelty is that monster which is breeding these strange and resentful sentiments to begin with.

When perusing the web for something to inspire a more serious article, I often find the best inspiration in the hellfire that people call online political discussion and debate. On this topic, as I dug deeper and deeper to pull it out by its roots, I found it first arose on imageboards and forums during the rise of modern militant feminism. Seeming to be at war with themselves, these sorts of discussions are increasingly prevalent on leftist-frequented sites such as Tumblr and Reddit. Like many other militant and generally contentious topics, it is spread by inter-party disagreement.

I can never associate myself with political ideologues, because all they do is try to out-victim one another by creating problems among themselves rather than teaming up to solve society's issues.

— Kyler J. Falk

The inter-party disagreement of which I speak, the mother of this topic I've brought forth in this article, stemmed from the LGBTQ+ community arguing with itself over how to press their agenda. Their argument was that, perhaps, transgender individuals were dulling the fight for equal rights by splitting the genders in half and obscuring the plights of feminism.

In response to this novel idea, that men who militantly identify as women were somehow disparaging the feminist movement merely by existing, it became popular to argue back with men making better women than biological women themselves!

I couldn't help but laugh at some of the things I was reading, but as I kept digging I learned that this topic deserves a level of respect so far unfounded in political discourse. These people are so underrepresented, or at the very least ignored by society, that they are starting entire counter-cultures to disestablish important movements like feminism. It wouldn't surprise me, either, if this discord among the most outspoken in these communities was being manipulated solely to spread more problems in America.

In conclusion to this mess of a topic, I discovered I love women in all their forms, and couldn't exist without them both physically and emotionally!

There are always the standouts, but all women are amazing and attractive in their own way.
There are always the standouts, but all women are amazing and attractive in their own way. | Source

Women Are Women and I Love Them in All Shapes, Sizes, Colors, and Forms!

I don't care if you were born female, or were born a male and choose to identify as female; you need to know that you are beautiful, unique, and special to me. You need to own the fact that you, as a woman, are a standout from the crowd in every facet of your life and being. There is no equal to you and your unabashed femininity, and you need to let that flag fly.

When you hoist your flag of femininity, make sure you help hoist the flag of others as well. Your struggles are important, and there are those who wish to fight right beside you for the recognition and support you all deserve. Bio-male or bio-female, it really doesn't matter to those of us that empathize with your plights and wish to assist in any way we can.

Don't let petty statements like, "Men make better women," tear apart the important narrative that all women are the best women!


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